trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?


JUL 14 2017, 7:09 AM ET

Former Soviet Counter Intelligence Officer at Meeting With Donald Trump Jr. and Russian Lawyer


WASHINGTON — The Russian lawyer who met with the Trump team after a promise of compromising material on Hillary Clinton was accompanied by a Russian-American lobbyist — a former Soviet counter intelligence officer who is suspected by some U.S. officials of having ongoing ties to Russian intelligence, NBC News has learned.


A former Soviet counter-intelligence officer, now working as a Russian-American lobbyist, was also in the room last June during a controversial meeting between Donald Trump, Jr. and a Russian lawyer that was purportedly aimed at getting dirt on the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, NBC News reported Friday.

The lobbyist served in the Soviet military and emigrated to the U.S., where he holds dual citizenship, according to NBC News.

A sixth person attended as well. Perhaps an interpreter. I wonder if that was one the one with the recorder.
CNN is talking about how the French are Saudi-ing trump - flattering him and giving him lots of pomp and ceremony and photo-ops and no boring worky stuff. Seems to be working, as trump hinted of rethinking his climate isolationism. trump has spent more time in the last 24 hours holding hands with Macron than he has spent holding Melanomia's hand in the last year.

I. ‘Doomsday’

Peering beyond scientific reticence.

II. Heat Death

The bahraining of New York.

III. The End of Food

Praying for cornfields in the tundra.

IV. Climate Plagues

What happens when the bubonic ice melts?

V. Unbreathable Air

A rolling death smog that suffocates millions.

VI. Perpetual War

The violence baked into heat.

VII. Permanent Economic Collapse

Dismal capitalism in a half-poorer world.

VIII. Poisoned Oceans

Sulfide burps off the skeleton coast.

IX. The Great Filter

Our present eeriness cannot last.

Nearly 50 flights out of Phoenix, Ariz. were cancelled Tuesday thanks to scorching temperatures across the southwestern United States. American Airlines said that the aircraft used by its regional American Eagle brand have a maximum operating temperature of 118 degrees, the Arizona Republic reports. Phoenix's forecast for Tuesday included a high of 120 degrees.

"brrrrrrrrr" sez Perfesser Crazy Beer Drunk
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CNN is talking about how the French are Saudi-ing trump - flattering him and giving him lots of pomp and ceremony and photo-ops and no boring worky stuff. Seems to be working, as trump hinted of rethinking his climate isolationism. trump has spent more time in the last 24 hours holding hands with Macron than he has spent holding Melanomia's hand in the last year.
I tell you, this great deal maker is being out smarted on every playing field, wining, dining, taking him to places that interest him, like a hotel. He wants so desperately to be liked, and for people to think he is smart. I wonder how often Fred called him an idiot?
I tell you, this great deal maker is being out smarted on every playing field, wining, dining, taking him to places that interest him, like a hotel. He wants so desperately to be liked, and for people to think he is smart. I wonder how often Fred called him an idiot?

Makes for some variety in the mommy issues we usually see with Deplorables.
In other news involving trouble with trump spawn, Ivanka is making a mockery of trump's "buy America" jingoism. Virtually everything her company exploiting daddy's name makes is made in other countries. Not content with low Chinese labor costs, Ivanka's shoes are made in Ethiopia.
Again, I am flabbergasted by how much abuse trump fluffers are willing to take from their feckless leader. He has nothing but contempt for his groupies. Except for making bigotry great again, glorifying ignorance, and continuing, for some weird reason, to bash Hillary; trump has backtracked or outright broken every promise he has made to the rubes. While it is true that bigotry, ignorance, and Clinton bashing are the three pillars of Deplorable TBaggerism, you'd thing the suckers would expect something more.
I hereby confer VICTIMHOOD on the Good Shit BV and all who sail in her!! May their Prehensile Buttcheeks keep them all warm showered together!! lmao.

Get over it, weinersuckingwannabes!!

I hereby confer VICTIMHOOD on the Good Shit BV and all who sail in her!! May their Prehensile Buttcheeks keep them all warm showered together!! lmao.

Get over it, weinersuckingwannabes!!


Well, ChlamydiaBear, that non-sequitur, feeble attempt at wit does at least explain why you prefer the secret impotence of leading this site in impotent "groan"s from the shadows.

PS: thanks for letting me know how much my observations on your "prehensile" lips wounded your tiny, unoriginal mind.
Sorry, Just Plain Politics. ChlamydiaBear is having a hard time finding anybody who will give him any attention at his safe place. He used to lust after a gossipy old woman there, the site's attention whore, but even she dumped him after awhile as useless and embarrassing. We should have taken more care in checking for parasites before coming here.