trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Millie senses correctly that ChlamydiaBear also finds female genitalia repulsive. He hopes that with a little attention he might get ChlamydiaBear to join his MeanGirl clique, where he begs others to join him in his hide-from bunker and help him fling limp-wristed shots at people he is claiming he is ignoring. Won't work, though. ChlamydiaBear will do anything for any attention from anyone.

I. ‘Doomsday’

Peering beyond scientific reticence.

II. Heat Death

The bahraining of New York.

III. The End of Food

Praying for cornfields in the tundra.

Umm. This is one article on climate change that even some prominent climate scientists are calling alarmist. I hope to get around to reading it myself later today.

However, for nearly all readers, the first line will be correct: it's worse than you think it is.
Umm. This is one article on climate change that even some prominent climate scientists are calling alarmist. I hope to get around to reading it myself later today.

However, for nearly all readers, the first line will be correct: it's worse than you think it is.

It's called going broke. A rather old concept that states that unless one makes a profit then one will eventually go out of business. Unless one has access to whopping great Government Grants that one can milk. And "society" cannot be sustained beyond its means for eventually becomes problematic if at "unsustainable" levels.

Just another "sound good" bit of twattery.

It's called going broke. A rather old concept that states that unless one makes a profit then one will eventually go out of business. Unless one has access to whopping great Government Grants that one can milk. And "society" cannot be sustained beyond its means for eventually becomes problematic if at "unsustainable" levels.

Just another "sound good" bit of twattery.



Another bit of non-sequitur gibberish illustrating why ChlamydiaBear focuses mostly on sucking up and squeaking impotent "groan"s from the shadows.
In other news involving trouble with trump spawn, Ivanka is making a mockery of trump's "buy America" jingoism. Virtually everything her company exploiting daddy's name makes is made in other countries. Not content with low Chinese labor costs, Ivanka's shoes are made in Ethiopia.

Again, I am flabbergasted by how much abuse trump fluffers are willing to take from their feckless leader. He has nothing but contempt for his groupies. Except for making bigotry great again, glorifying ignorance, and continuing, for some weird reason, to bash Hillary; trump has backtracked or outright broken every promise he has made to the rubes. While it is true that bigotry, ignorance, and Clinton bashing are the three pillars of Deplorable TBaggerism, you'd thing the suckers would expect something more.

Having righted the fuliginous, divisive infestation, and prevented the bleeding-from-wherever infestation, even bringing a sploiled brat's spoiled brats to power is a low price to pay for that kind of relief. There's nothing but glory in paying that price just to see those self-made (wo)men MAGA, restoring the U.S. of A. to her former dignity. Deplorable enough you can't see it, as lost cases like you will never open their eyes to these terrific prospects. That's what separates the real salt of the earth from silly eggheads and other such sorry pissants.
Having righted the fuliginous, divisive infestation, and prevented the bleeding-from-wherever infestation, even bringing a sploiled brat's spoiled brats to power is a low price to pay for that kind of relief. There's nothing but glory in paying that price just to see those self-made (wo)men MAGA, restoring the U.S. of A. to her former dignity. Deplorable enough you can't see it, as lost cases like you will never open their eyes to these terrific prospects. That's what separates the real salt of the earth from silly eggheads and other such sorry pissants.

You are on quite a poetic roll lately, almost pornographic (in a good way) with your hammer-fisted appeal to political sensuality. Keep it up.
You are on quite a poetic roll lately, almost pornographic (in a good way) with your hammer-fisted appeal to political sensuality. Keep it up.

My god, Chickenshit. That's sinking pretty low in life when you've reduced yourself to sucking the diseased dick of a Nazi twat like OldeSuckAss.
[h=1]The federal government is now booking rooms at Trump hotels[/h][FONT=&quot]Whatever troubles Trump has been having in the White House, the flow of government money straight into the coffers of his family’s private holdings is not one of them.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The Washington Post reported Wednesday that the State Department spent over $15,000 booking rooms for Trump’s family in February at the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Vancouver. Members of the Trump family, including Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, were attending the opening of the hotel.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]This was the first evidence of the State Department spending money on Trump hotels, with other cases involving the Secret Service. Last February, Eric Trump racked up a bill of $97,830 in hotel rooms in Uruguay.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The findings were revealed in a Freedom of Information Request that was redacted in some parts, according to the Post.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The chief of the Office of Government Ethics in the White House — who quit last week — recently commented that there was “an appearance that the businesses are profiting from his occupying the presidency.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]This isn’t the first, or even tenth, time that President Trump’s hotel chain has benefitted from its namesake’s White House status. Last month, spending documents disclosed that Trump’s D.C. hotel received about $270,000 from Saudi Arabia, which purchased rooms, food, and parking as part of a lobbying effort against a bill that would make the country financially liable for 9/11.[/FONT]
Umm. This is one article on climate change that even some prominent climate scientists are calling alarmist. I hope to get around to reading it myself later today.

However, for nearly all readers, the first line will be correct: it's worse than you think it is.

And some people call the Republicans "conservative" when they're actually reactionary.

Another bit of non-sequitur gibberish illustrating why ChlamydiaBear focuses mostly on sucking up and squeaking impotent "groan"s from the shadows.

But Nazi Punk has the secret formula for turning not getting paid into a profit. I'm responding one step back to Gurgle Gerg's post. He only appears on my screen when you feed him.
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My god, Chickenshit. That's sinking pretty low in life when you've reduced yourself to sucking the diseased dick of a Nazi twat like OldeSuckAss.

I would also like to apologize for allowing CosmosTheDeviantTwitch to infect this site. It appears dicky waving at the safe place no longer offers the same thrills. People there mostly yawn now when the sick fuck opens his raincoat, so the Twitch is hoping that displaying his fecal freakery and other fetishes here will provide the disgust he needs to get off.
The federal government is now booking rooms at Trump hotels

Whatever troubles Trump has been having in the White House, the flow of government money straight into the coffers of his family’s private holdings is not one of them.
The Washington Post reported Wednesday that the State Department spent over $15,000 booking rooms for Trump’s family in February at the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Vancouver. Members of the Trump family, including Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, were attending the opening of the hotel.
This was the first evidence of the State Department spending money on Trump hotels, with other cases involving the Secret Service. Last February, Eric Trump racked up a bill of $97,830 in hotel rooms in Uruguay.
The findings were revealed in a Freedom of Information Request that was redacted in some parts, according to the Post.
The chief of the Office of Government Ethics in the White House — who quit last week — recently commented that there was “an appearance that the businesses are profiting from his occupying the presidency.”
This isn’t the first, or even tenth, time that President Trump’s hotel chain has benefitted from its namesake’s White House status. Last month, spending documents disclosed that Trump’s D.C. hotel received about $270,000 from Saudi Arabia, which purchased rooms, food, and parking as part of a lobbying effort against a bill that would make the country financially liable for 9/11.

Swamp the Drain!
Okay, I'll be back about sundown in Az. I would like to remind my fellow immigrants to make use of the "new posts" icon at the upper left here. Whole new menagerie here vs. doing your 10,000th post pointing out what a liar Bertha is, how Old Lady Flush is a disgusting bigot, or viewing Twitchy dicky waving or crying babies from SPRAYIT. Bouncing around new posts provides much more action, some of it even having quality substance, than does the Regressive safe place.