trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

What it was was a failed attempt to remind the Nazi Punk that he isn't anonymous (through his own stupid pompous hands by posting his publicly available "newsletter") and maybe, just maybe, tone down the Nazi side of his Punk ass. There was no peddling, anywhere at anytime. On the internet with a digital record or in private, one on one with no witnesses, never. And there never will be. And yes, you're disgusting.

Maybe it's just me but I don't hold that genocidal Nazi Punk calling for the extermination of my "gene pool" in high regard. Obviously, you think that's just fine. I was curious, BV stonewalled me. You'd make a good monitor at USMB, you should apply for the job.
I fixed the spelling of publicly. That is all.

"Autant que je t'aime, Manni, ne jamais inviter cette con à nouveau."

"As much as I love you, Manni, never invite this cunt again."

The point being that this forum is instantly or near instantly searchable on Google, I discovered. I had French in elementary school, Spanish in HS and Spanish and Latin in college so I need a little help.
Seriously do you think that I care about anything you say? As I've already said, and anybody here more than five minutes knows, I am a great fan of Santana and use the names of his albums. I had been using Milagro for over a year and it was time for a change.

I will not be entering into further discourse with you on this or any other subject as you are a blubbering vagina[emoji767]

[emoji767] Grind Enterprises

carlos would hate you

"And he has acted indignant, and angered , along with his Sancho Panza Wobbles, accusing me of al manner of improprieties ,*over the crass insinuation on my part, that he took his daughter to pole dancing classes as a high school extra curricular activity.*

Sheesh. What a sick fuck he is."

Say your bye byes.....

And think of what you are going to say to the mods at the old place after I deliver the evidence of your mendacity.....

Cause you and the necrotic pieces of shit to whom you cling may find yourself homeless.

Hope so, that guy stinks worse than month old spilled milk in a hot car.

Why are you here making Aubrey Beardsley look butch?



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"As much as I love you, Manni, never invite this cunt again."

The point being that this forum is instantly or near instantly searchable on Google, I discovered. I had French in elementary school, Spanish in HS and Spanish and Latin in college so I need a little help.

As much as I'm ashamed and hate to admit it, I have been involved in the improvement of G***le Tr***l**e and it obviously has worked in the French phrase that I quoted. In fact, I couldn't translate it better myself.

Now that we're onto language, test your skills with some Weegie and assorted other permutations of my mother tongue in hilarious but alarmingly true observations

It's the last in series, alas, but the good news is that he has donated that cut pile carpeting on his face to a charitable cause.
Last edited:

That's not quite representative....I appropriated that 26 years, I haven't forgotten it...

"In 1910, when Stephen Tennant was 4 years old, he ran through the gardens of his family's Wiltshire estate, Wilsford Manor, and was literally stopped in his tracks when he came face to face with the beauty of the "blossom of a pansy." Thirty years later, so precious and high-strung that he sometimes took to his bed for months at a time, he was coaxed outside by a friend for a ride in the car on the condition that his eyes be bandaged, since passing scenery might make him too "giddy." Aubrey Beardsley, Ronald Firbank, Denton Welch -- believe me, Stephen Tennant made them all seem butch."
What it was was a failed attempt to remind the Nazi Punk that he isn't anonymous (through his own stupid pompous hands by posting his publicly available "newsletter") and maybe, just maybe, tone down the Nazi side of his Punk ass. There was no peddling, anywhere at anytime. On the internet with a digital record or in private, one on one with no witnesses, never. And there never will be. And yes, you're disgusting.

Maybe it's just me but I don't hold that genocidal Nazi Punk calling for the extermination of my "gene pool" in high regard. Obviously, you think that's just fine. I was curious, BV stonewalled me. You'd make a good monitor at USMB, you should apply for the job.

This post is absolutely true.
Thanks, Moonie.
As much as I'm ashamed and hate to admit it, I have been involved in the improvement of G***le Tr***l**e and it obviously has worked in the French phrase that I quoted. In fact, I couldn't translate it better myself.

Now that we're onto language, test your skills with some Weegie and assorted other permutations of my mother tongue in hilarious but alarmingly true observations

It's the last in series, alas, but the good news is that he has donated that cut pile carpeting on his face to a charitable cause.

Thought the theme might have been the Ventures, Shazam says it's the original Marketts.

A "devastated" bride-to-be has cancelled her wedding, but instead of throwing away all the food, she has kept the bookings for the reception and invited homeless families to attend.

Sarah Cummings, 25, of Indiana had been planning her "dream" $30,000 wedding for nearly two years, saving and working overtime to make it a reality.

Though Ms Cummings preferred not to say why she called off the nuptials, she told the Indianapolis Star newspaper, "it was really devastating to me. I called everyone, cancelled, apologised, cried, called vendors, cried some more, and then I started feeling really sick about just throwing away all the food I ordered for the reception."

She was left with a non-refundable booking at the Ritz Charles hotel in Carmel, Indiana as well as a plated dinner for 170 guests.

Working with the hotel's event planner, Ms Cummings is rearranging the tables at the reception so there is no head table for the couple or gift and cake tables. But, she wanted to serve the wedding cake to guests.

According to the Indianapolis Star bourbon-glazed meatballs, goat cheese and roasted garlic bruschetta, chicken breast with artichokes and Chardonnay cream sauce are also on the menu.

Ms Cummings rang up the local homeless shelters in Indianapolis and Noblesville to invite residents to the party.

Cheryl Herzog of the Dayspring Center shelter said she "was so touched that Sarah had taken a painful experience and turned it into a joyful one for families in need".

Ms Cummings also took the care to arrange transportation for her reception guests and, if she's feeling up to it, will stay through the dinner after she, her mother, and a few bridesmaids arrange her handmade centrepieces on each of the tables.

Despite the generous gesture, Ms Cummings she did not feel that she was being particularly altruistic but was glad to have "some kind of happy memory to pull from" after working weekends and overtime to pay for it. Her ex-fiance reportedly agreed it was the right thing to do.

In fact, planning the reception has been a good distraction from Ms Cummings' pain at the end of her relationship.

She will soon be heading on her honeymoon to the Dominican Republic for a solo adventure before returning to her graduate studies in pharmacy at Purdue University.

As much as I'm ashamed and hate to admit it, I have been involved in the improvement of G***le Tr***l**e and it obviously has worked in the French phrase that I quoted. In fact, I couldn't translate it better myself.

Not quite sure, but...

"Tant que je t'aime, Manni, n'invite plus jamais ce con."
Sgian plugged his tout sheet into search and landed at Nazi Punk's openly accessible "newsletter". The obnoxious jerk hired someone to password protect his page after that.

I can't possibly express my (prospective) relief once I've heard the last word about any of that. Every second, or so I feel, wasted on any of these vulgar goofs and their antics is one I never get back, wasted on matters so worthless, so inconsequential, so utterly trite and dreary as to be best forgotten.
I can't possibly express my (prospective) relief once I've heard the last word about any of that. Every second, or so I feel, wasted on any of these vulgar goofs and their antics is one I never get back, wasted on matters so worthless, so inconsequential, so utterly trite and dreary as to be best forgotten.

I largely agree, but "inconsequential" is relative.

"As long as I love you, Manni, never invite this cunt again."

I definitely like

"As much as I love you, Manni, never invite this cunt again."

Yet Mangy Mongoose vehemently objects to any reference to female genitalia, as indeed does Blubbering Vagina[emoji767]

[emoji767] Grind Enterprises