trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

You might consider, ChlamydiaBear, how this thread is likely to end soon, and I will have to start another. Consider, you sick fuck, what you will do if you continue to be such a no-pride, "groan"ing, deviant bitch, and I decide to ban you from that thread. You really willing to hope Isatroll the Attention Whore will take you back? Behave yourself, Twitch, or else
Felon Merle sings of 'Merican values, before realizing the cowardly bigotry in those who attacked an Obama who presided with a class seldom seen anymore.
I did get around to reading this article today ( It is easy to see why it caused a stir.

Still, the guy states at the beginning that these are worst-case scenarios, the kind of environmental apocalypse that would only be likely if we kept repeating our mistake and electing Trump-like psychopaths election after election, pretty much allowing the Kochs and their ilk (...I can use that word, now, right?) to take charge of our environment policy. Oh, and Europe, China, Japan, etc make similar blunders. ...okay, paraphrasing there, but. We would have to pretty much ignore climate change and party like it's 1954 right up until the floods and droughts and storms and etc keep us from extracting any more FFs.

...trying to scare people into action is generally not smart. I suspect this might have been the real reason for the negative reactions of some scientists, as recounted here, for example:


What, really, is the damage of an article (or a thousand articles) explaining, "See, this is what is going to happen, at least a plausible scenario, in case we keep doing what we're doing?" I liked the article, even though it could have been better and clearer at times. I liked it particularly because it serves to destroy the myth that those living somewhere in northern Norway or Canada need not worry about climate change, and somehow fertile lands lost to scorching heat in the (Sub-) Tropics will be replaced by a then-arable Siberia. That's not gonna happen.

I understand why serious climate scientists, being routinely scolded for "alarmism", would want to put some distance between themselves and the author. I'd bet some of them, at least, would give a finger for the freedom to rattle the cages all around the way this journalist did. Moreover, Ken, as we both know, no way, no how, science these days can predict with any certainty what feedback loops we're going to trigger, and what kind of warming we'll get with the next 100ppm of carbon-equivalent we blow into the air. There is no way to predict political reactions to climate change (and subsequent societal change) and their climate impact all around the world anyway. So, why not have at least one journalist, or a few, reach and describe the outer and upper limits of plausible scenarios regardless of interested circles screeching from their padded porches? I'd rather bet that the current crop of climate scientists will be in for severe criticisms down the road for letting themselves be cowed into settling for the lower bounds of climate change effects - in order to avoid the "alarmist" label.
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What, really, is the damage of an article (or a thousand articles) explaining, "See, this is what is going to happen, at least a plausible scenario, in case we keep doing what we're doing?" I liked the article, even though it could have been better and clearer at times. I liked it particularly because it serves to destroy the myth that those living somewhere in northern Norway or Canada need not worry about climate change, and somehow fertile lands lost to scorching heat in the (Sub-) Tropics will be replaced by a then-arable Siberia. That's not gonna happen.

I understand why serious climate scientists, being routinely scolded for "alarmism", would want to put some distance between themselves and the author. I'd bet some of them, at least, would give a finger for the freedom to rattle the cages all around the way this journalist did. Moreover, Ken, as we both know, no way, no how, science these days can predict with any certainty what feedback loops we're going to trigger, and what kind of warming we'll get with the next 100pm of carbon-equivalent we blow into the air. There is no way to predict political reactions to climate change (and subsequent societal change) and their climate impact all around the world anyway. So, why not have at least one journalist, or a few, reaching the outer and upper limits of plausible scenarios? I'd rather bet that the current crop of climate scientists will be in for severe criticisms down the road for letting themselves be cowed into settling for the lower bounds of climate change effects - in order to avoid the "alarmist" label.

Now, maybe you see why this self-righteous asshole is the only one in cyber-space who scares me some.
You forgot your squeaking about how you don't follow me about hoping your next wimpy shot will redeem all the previous humiliations, gnat. Good news is desperate Millie thought your skirts were full enough to hide behind.

You follow USF around to more threads just tonight than I have ever responded to any of your posts in different threads. Also you lying troll, you keep responding to my posts, and talking about me when responding to other's posts, but yeah, I'm following you.

What a sad little person you to so badly need attention and how insecure you are with your constant proclamations of kicking people's ass.
You follow USF around to more threads just tonight than I have ever responded to any of your posts in different threads. Also you lying troll, you keep responding to my posts, and talking about me when responding to other's posts, but yeah, I'm following you.

What a sad little person you to so badly need attention and how insecure you are with your constant proclamations of kicking people's ass.

I'd respond to this sad contradiction of how I ignore you and pay too much attention to you as an explanation of why most of your posts are dedicated to gumming my ankles, but even drunk I do not speak sniveling gibberish.

Oh, observing that I swat your gnat-ass with regularity is hardly the same as asserting I boast of "kicking people's ass." I do not pretend that humiliating you is much of an accomplishment.
In case you missed it, Deplorable going by Freedumb (sp?) sniveled that I dared not post on one of his threads. After I did, he banned me from posting on his next thread.

In case you were wondering why a significant minority of Americans could vote for a pampered brat who routinely rapes them.
This post and numerous other of your [RickyTavy] posts proves the point this thread is meaningless and is pretty much your own warzone lounge thread.

Poor tacky.
Don't believe I've seen anything substantive from you.
Probably because you only post in this troll thread? Hell, just today I talked about trumps tweets.... But nice of you to try and come to tackys rescue, he really needs the help.

You post here too, but only whinge.
You post here too, but only whinge.

Easy enough to understand, isn't it? There's a village consisting of some five dozen regulars experiencing an invasion by n00bs, and those of the bunch most disposed towards xenophobia lament most stridently. It shouldn't be much of a surprise.

Easy enough to understand, isn't it? There's a village consisting of some five dozen regulars experiencing an invasion by n00bs, and those of the bunch most disposed towards xenophobia lament most stridently. It shouldn't be much of a surprise.


Invaded by a bunch of nasty cunts more like, are you all retired teachers?
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Easy enough to understand, isn't it? There's a village consisting of some five dozen regulars experiencing an invasion by n00bs, and those of the bunch most disposed towards xenophobia lament most stridently. It shouldn't be much of a surprise.


There is no such word as "towards." Nyaa nyaa, na nyaa nyaa. I ain't scared of the world's most dangerous and seductive political pornographer.

Okay, maybe a little.
Invaded by a bunch of nasty cunts more like.

As opposed to being afraid of yet another simple-minded rightard with mommy issues. Seems to me it would only be polite for one of you Deplorables to validate Millie's cowardice somehow, instead of leaving the sissy to hang on the petard of his own pussy-ness.
So you chocolate kettles found a new site, while managing to import Greg/Bertha/Sophie?

Damn; that's competence writ large.

Or did you need these idiots as piñatas for vicarious entertainment?
I had the pleasure of being invited to the esteemed Kaykan and his lovely wife's humble abode North of Toronto a few weeks ago.

Needless to say, it was a wonderful experience. Our wives hit it off like they knew each other since childhood, and Kaykan and I basically affirmed that we are the SAME MEN that we portray here on these message boards. He had some very good LOCAL Canadian beer to offer too.

It was a fine afternoon, and wifey is getting used to me introducing her to "family" that she never knew existed.

We have met Ricky Tavy as well while traveling through Arizona, a fine man and wonderful experience as well, among others from the forums I (we) have camped in over the past umteenth years.

BV...I will be up in your area in late September. I will send a PM.

I look forward to it....This is the year for such Summits....

We'll go for Oxtail or Ethiopian.