trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I did get around to reading this article today ( It is easy to see why it caused a stir.

Still, the guy states at the beginning that these are worst-case scenarios, the kind of environmental apocalypse that would only be likely if we kept repeating our mistake and electing Trump-like psychopaths election after election, pretty much allowing the Kochs and their ilk (...I can use that word, now, right?) to take charge of our environment policy. Oh, and Europe, China, Japan, etc make similar blunders. ...okay, paraphrasing there, but. We would have to pretty much ignore climate change and party like it's 1954 right up until the floods and droughts and storms and etc keep us from extracting any more FFs.

...trying to scare people into action is generally not smart. I suspect this might have been the real reason for the negative reactions of some scientists, as recounted here, for example:

You act as if poorly educated Deplorables will parrot what the sites where they graze will tell them to squawk in terms of how climate concerns are "alarmist" hysteria, citing scientists they would otherwise ridicule in the process.
Particularly relevant for somebody rangering in that area.

Yeah. That story he tells about trying to climb down a cliff wall, getting stuck midway, unable to move up or down, and concluding he was bound to die there, for example.

Anyways, Abbey was one enviro that you wound never call a wimpy tree-hugger. And not just 'cuz there aren't much in the way of trees in the regions he was writing about.

Begala: We should be debating whether to bomb Russia
Washington Free Beacon 10,063 views

Insane guy wants to bomb Russia over Crooked Hillary losing. Quite intent about it too. Brought to you by CNN fake news.

Begala: We should be debating whether to bomb Russia
Washington Free Beacon 10,063 views

Insane guy wants to bomb Russia over Crooked Hillary losing. Quite intent about it too. Brought to you by CNN fake news.

One of the things I like about Yowsa is that while most Deplorables have learned to provide sane links their loony sites they won't mention give them for cover, yowsa lets you know the source of craziness.
One of the things I like about Yowsa is that while most Deplorables have learned to provide sane links their loony sites they won't mention give them for cover, yowsa lets you know the source of craziness.

wobs, the ultimate source​ for that info is CNN fake news. Amazing to listen to Begala say what he says.
Yeah. That story he tells about trying to climb down a cliff wall, getting stuck midway, unable to move up or down, and concluding he was bound to die there, for example.

Anyways, Abbey was one enviro that you wound never call a wimpy tree-hugger. And not just 'cuz there aren't much in the way of trees in the regions he was writing about.
And I learned something tonight...I had NO IDEA who Edward Abbey was, but it fits right in to what my kid is doing now. Didn't get a response yet.
wobs, the ultimate source​ for that info is CNN fake news. Amazing to listen to Begala say what he says.

As always, the most fascinating part of investigating rightard media's latest case of the hyperventilating vapors is how much cyber-space is dominated by websites that manage to make money spoon feeding prejudices back to their Deplorable herd. You don't see liberals needing this kind of validation. You do see page after page of rightard propaganda sites posting a 30-second snippet to support misleading headlines, confident their kamikaze katapulters will persevere through previous humiliations to dive bomb reality yet again.

Fact is, in a bit of hyperbole, Begala did one clause about "blowing up" Russian intelligence agencies as part of being astounded at how trump fluffers, nutjobs who spent their whole lives believing Russia is the Great Satan, desperately defending their feckless leader being Putin's bitch.
And I learned something tonight...I had NO IDEA who Edward Abbey was, but it fits right in to what my kid is doing now. Didn't get a response yet.

You'd like his environmental essays. He argued in favor of tossing beer cans out the window when you drove along highways, so urban tourists wouldn't get the false impression they were looking at nature.
I think I've read everything Abbey wrote ... probably not. He is most famous for a fun novel, ​The Monkey Wrench Gang. I remain most struck by a discussion he had with his daughter regarding the building of a paved highway into one of those Utah parks/monuments. Playing devil's advocate, he asked his daughter who was against the road, "What about the old people who could not walk into these places? What about the physically handicapped? Do you think you're better than them?"

She thought for a moment and replied, "Yeah, a little bit."
As I am a "progressive" father, and this is what you SHOULD BE in this day and age...TRUST ME...It works.

I asked my eldest who is on a PAID INTERNSHIP out at Bryce Canyon National Park if he was GAY.

His response...VERBATIM...

Nah, I bet you'd prefer that from a utilitarn perspeective, but unfortuntulately you still gotta worry about me knocking up some chick on a whim.
As I am a "progressive" father, and this is what you SHOULD BE in this day and age...TRUST ME...It works.

I asked my eldest who is on a PAID INTERNSHIP out at Bryce Canyon National Park if he was GAY.

His response...VERBATIM...

Nah, I bet you'd prefer that from a utilitarn perspeective, but unfortuntulately you still gotta worry about me knocking up some chick on a whim.

I bet he spelled "utilitarian" correctly.
My first post on this thread:

Howdy. I'm new here. There is a possibility I am the vanguard of a liberal invasion. I am scouting for neo-paleo-conservative prey. Possible also that lonely and abused Deplorables will follow, later.

I don't think trump is a very good president.

... It's almost like I am some kind of PostModernProphet or something.
Seriously, friends, what the hell are you doing hanging at a site that has nothing but contempt for you, so you can re-repeat that Bertha is a "mendacious bitch"? You gonna miss SPRAYIT's latest cliché? Crawly's newest snottiness? BreakingWind gonna convince you that there is substance behind his self-fellatio? Need the handicap of competing against a feeble ChlamydiaBear? Gotta have some Isatroll lifting her skirts over her head and wiggling her wrinkled ass to protest people are staring at her? Deplorables here can copy and paste rightard opinions at least as well as the Jezooit-educated Otedium? Can't get through the day without some Mucky deviancy? Rhiney finds doing his montages here difficult? Might miss Tyrone copying and pasting cartoons?
