trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Speaking of the nuances of the French language, Stephen Colbert reports that trump was very disappointed to find out that "Oui, oui" didn't mean what he thought it did.
Colbert also reported on trump efforts to attack the CBO in anticipation of his "health care" bill getting a bad score. trumpies put up an ad that asserted the CBO has a history of "iNNaccurately" scoring bills. Colbert remarked that spelling was ironic "with a capital Y."

The ad was pulled.
Speaking of the nuances of the French language, Stephen Colbert reports that trump was very disappointed to find out that "Oui, oui" didn't mean what he thought it did.

Yeah, I saw that. And THAT is probably why the NATION finds itself in this SHITSTORM.

When Zsa Zsa sees the tape, his little dick is HISTORY.

And I can't remember who to give credit to, but after putting up a pic of Kellyanne Yappaway, commented "SATAN'S TROPHY WIFE"
I was in the Victoria and Albert Museum recently and they have an extensive collection of Beardley's drawings. How can a former Englishman not have heard of him?

Maybe I was born before Beardsley, or I could never afford to visit art galleries.
Your choice, Scarlet.
Checked out Kaibab Lake near Williams, Az. Never been there before. Reports said it had a nice variety of fish, which I found appealing. OTOH, it was very close to town, so I worried it would be heavily fished. And, as I said it is a bad time of year. Fishing sucked. Pretty place, though.

As usual, I adhered to my minimalist camping philosophy, bringing only my tent, an air mattress, a quilt, a sleeping bag, four pillows, and my kindle for shelter against the elements.
trump hired a new lawyer to deal with his "nothing burger." Feller's name is Ty Cobb. Let's see who can come up with the best punchline. Actual facts like this guy being part of a firm appealing trump's Muslim travel ban don't count.
I guess I should have pulled my punches early, instead of scaring off all the local Deplorables. Gotten to where I have to hunt 'em down on other threads.
Checked out Kaibab Lake near Williams, Az. Never been there before. Reports said it had a nice variety of fish, which I found appealing. OTOH, it was very close to town, so I worried it would be heavily fished. And, as I said it is a bad time of year. Fishing sucked. Pretty place, though.


Wifey and I enjoyed the ride from Vegas down to where you live when we visited a few years ago. Sorta like a MOONSCAPE between Hoover Dam area South for about 50 miles, then it turns tame. Arizona is definitely DIVERSE in its terrain and BEAUTY. I got sick of sand when we drove from Sedona to San Diego, especially through the YUMA area, but did appreciate them cactus you only see in the movies.

My eldest lad is currently on a paid apprenticeship with the National Park Service at Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah, and LOVING IT. We were there...

It's a special place on earth.
Wifey and I enjoyed the ride from Vegas down to where you live when we visited a few years ago. Sorta like a MOONSCAPE between Hoover Dam area South for about 50 miles, then it turns tame. Arizona is definitely DIVERSE in its terrain and BEAUTY. I got sick of sand when we drove from Sedona to San Diego, especially through the YUMA area, but did appreciate them cactus you only see in the movies.

My eldest lad is currently on a paid apprenticeship with the National Park Service at Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah, and LOVING IT. We were there...

It's a special place on earth.

You might suggest the writer Edward Abbey to your eldest, if hasn't found him already.
Something not adequately reported regarding Junior and his meeting and the excuse it was only lobbying about the Magnitsky Act. The Act put sanctions on Russians in Putin's inner circle who were responsible for the death of a lawyer who was investigation the corruption of Putin and his oligarchs. It only hurts Putin and his cronies. Anybody fighting against this act is, de facto, representing the Russian government. Again, the only people it affects are Putin and his cronies.
Umm. This is one article on climate change that even some prominent climate scientists are calling alarmist. I hope to get around to reading it myself later today.

However, for nearly all readers, the first line will be correct: it's worse than you think it is.

I did get around to reading this article today ( It is easy to see why it caused a stir.

Still, the guy states at the beginning that these are worst-case scenarios, the kind of environmental apocalypse that would only be likely if we kept repeating our mistake and electing Trump-like psychopaths election after election, pretty much allowing the Kochs and their ilk (...I can use that word, now, right?) to take charge of our environment policy. Oh, and Europe, China, Japan, etc make similar blunders. ...okay, paraphrasing there, but. We would have to pretty much ignore climate change and party like it's 1954 right up until the floods and droughts and storms and etc keep us from extracting any more FFs.

...trying to scare people into action is generally not smart. I suspect this might have been the real reason for the negative reactions of some scientists, as recounted here, for example: