trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

The Guardian has no credibility when it comes to climate matters, none whatsoever. This is especially true of that appalling shyster Dana Nuttertelli.

It would seem then they're in good company along with NOAA and NASA. Of course if one really wants credibility one goes to the cherry pick masters at wattsupwiththat.
It would seem then they're in good company along with NOAA and NASA. Of course if one really wants credibility one goes to the cherry pick masters at wattsupwiththat.

ThE NOAA ERSSTv4 1998-2014 trend is about twice as large as the trend for HADSST3 and OISSTv2.

So, why are these three , all primarily based on ocean buoys during this period, so radically different?
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How did Ricky get a teaching credential without a high school diploma? Do you know? Hint, he has a Bachelors and you're a fucking moron.
Cwackers has degrees coming out of his ears sunshine and is well on his way to becoming a millionaire. Manky Mongoose, by contrast, is an retired arrogant twat with a history degree and nary a pot to piss in.
Cwackers has degrees coming out of his ears sunshine and is well on his way to becoming a millionaire. Manky Mongoose, by contrast, is an retired arrogant twat with a history degree and nary a pot to piss in.

Ok, your turn, how did Ricky get a history degree without a high school diploma? Man o man, are you people fucked up.
ThE NOAA ERSSTv4 1998-2014 trend is about twice as large as the trend for HADSST3 and OISSTv2.

So, why are these three , all primarily based on ocean buoys during this period, so radically different?

How much is a picked bag of cherries worth?
On the subject of OJ he is blind to truth, but he was/is his hero. However overall he is one smart cookie.

"Blind to truth", thank you. First post I read from that internet near millionaire multiple imaginary degree troll said that Tavi doesn't have a high school diploma. Are any of you moronic wing nuts connected to the real world in any sense whatsoever?
"Blind to truth", thank you. First post I read from that internet near millionaire multiple imaginary degree troll said that Tavi doesn't have a high school diploma. Are any of you moronic wing nuts connected to the real world in any sense whatsoever?
He was yanking your chain, but like a good Septic you ended up in the tank up to your neck in ordure.
Wacko was just yanking your chain consider yourself flushed!

I just got out of bed, that stupid asshole had no idea who's chain he was yanking. Here, I found you two fools....
He was yanking your chain, but like a good Septic you ended up in the tank up to your neck in ordure.

I know you are but what am I? I guess that's the best you morons can do. I'm so sorry.

Just so you know, a coupon for a free Big Mac and enough change for a small Coke isn't actually being a "near millionaire".