trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

If you were comparing the various Cuckoos to Australian snakes and spiders, in terms of aggressiveness​ and venom potency, what would be your list?
I consider this mob of leftards to be the epitome of impotent fapi-jerk sistas. No "potency" at all.

Quote Originally Posted by Corazón View Post
MIT Researchers Slam Global Warming Data In New Report: In No Way A “Valid Representation of Reality"

Many people have suspected that the surface temperature data has been tampered with, here is proof.​

It isn't "proof". It's one study that was just published. There is always extensive peer review that may or may not validate this particular study.

Now MIT is not a reliable source to some. WTF!

This is not an MIT study. I know it's shocking, but "thegatewaypundit" was lying to you. Rather, it's a propaganda piece by political hacks who found some economists or (mostly) retired profs who would "validate" their "research". Then they sold that crap to you as "peer reviewed".

When did you on the right all decide no longer to be ashamed for your useful idiocy?
This is not an MIT study. I know it's shocking, but "thegatewaypundit" was lying to you. Rather, it's a propaganda piece by political hacks who found some economists or (mostly) retired profs who would "validate" their "research". Then they sold that crap to you as "peer reviewed".

When did you on the right all decide no longer to be ashamed for your useful idiocy?

If you read the study you'd know that they never claimed that it was an official MIT publication or that it has been published in a scientific journal.
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Escalatorboy is a herd follower. He thinks slagging off females with dick come-ons is libtard gold.


Ouch...That HURT, Gerg, you little TUTU wearing meanie. How will I ever make it through the week? Did SHYT help you out coming up with that really CUTTING slur? It sounds like something the most BORING, REPETITIVE, FEEBLE FUCK on the internet would come up with.

And to think, Gerg, you were once the most BORING, REPETITIVE, FEEBLE FUCK on the internet...Then along came SHYT.

Ouch...That HURT, Gerg, you little TUTU wearing meanie. How will I ever make it through the week? Did SHYT help you out coming up with that really CUTTING slur? It sounds like something the most BORING, REPETITIVE, FEEBLE FUCK on the internet would come up with.

And to think, Gerg, you were once the most BORING, REPETITIVE, FEEBLE FUCK on the internet...Then along came SHYT.

Did I trigger you in your safe space? lmao.

If you read the study you'd know that they never claimed that it was an official MIT publication or that it has been published in a scientific journal.

The so-called "study" never claimed that. You did...

Now MIT is not a reliable source to some. WTF!
The Following User Says Thank You to Sailor For This Post:

Corazón (Yesterday)​

... just to demonstrate what an eminently useful idiot you are.

Ouch...That HURT, Gerg, you little TUTU wearing meanie. How will I ever make it through the week? Did SHYT help you out coming up with that really CUTTING slur? It sounds like something the most BORING, REPETITIVE, FEEBLE FUCK on the internet would come up with.

And to think, Gerg, you were once the most BORING, REPETITIVE, FEEBLE FUCK on the internet...Then along came SHYT.

Did you get third use of the pretty quilt cover?

If you read the study you'd know that they never claimed that it was an official MIT publication or that it has been published in a scientific journal.

Now that's truly funny, almost as funny as the deniers' tactic of piling bullshit faster than it can be shovelled away. Kudos.

Greg is overwhelming the thread, a cursory scan of the last several days shows he's making half the posts. I'd suggest that Tavi launches another thread and ban the fucking blob.

Storyline[/h]A mysterious creature from another planet, resembling a giant blob of jelly, lands on earth. The people of a nearby small town refuse to listen to some teenagers who have witnessed the blob's destructive power. In the meantime, the blob just keeps on getting bigger.

[h=2]User Reviews[/h]

A true classic.27 March 2000 | by lartronic (Akron, Ohio) – See all my reviews
This movie is wonderful. What separates it from other 50's sci-fi is the fact that the alien has no features, no face, eyes, anything, yet it can't be killed. I especially like the idea that this film doesn't take place over a few days, it takes place in one night, lasting supposedly past midnight.It's also scary that once the blob gets on you, you can't get it off. you're stuck in it, as it dissolves your flesh and slowly devours your body. My all time favorite 50's sci-fi film, and what is sometimes considered the quintessential one. I can see why this rocketed Steve McQueen to stardom. All this and a catchy theme song! How can you go wrong?


Greg is overwhelming the thread, a cursory scan of the last several days shows he's making half the posts. I'd suggest that Tavi launches another thread and ban the fucking blob.

Storyline[/h]A mysterious creature from another planet, resembling a giant blob of jelly, lands on earth. The people of a nearby small town refuse to listen to some teenagers who have witnessed the blob's destructive power. In the meantime, the blob just keeps on getting bigger.

[h=2]User Reviews[/h]

A true classic.27 March 2000 | by lartronic (Akron, Ohio) – See all my reviews
This movie is wonderful. What separates it from other 50's sci-fi is the fact that the alien has no features, no face, eyes, anything, yet it can't be killed. I especially like the idea that this film doesn't take place over a few days, it takes place in one night, lasting supposedly past midnight.It's also scary that once the blob gets on you, you can't get it off. you're stuck in it, as it dissolves your flesh and slowly devours your body. My all time favorite 50's sci-fi film, and what is sometimes considered the quintessential one. I can see why this rocketed Steve McQueen to stardom. All this and a catchy theme song! How can you go wrong?

Even better, find another forum!!