trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

today the majority of kids are being raised by the government in a single parent household and indoctrinated to expect a cradle to the grave livelihood from their neighbors

Don't suppose you have a link to go with the rant? I get the impression you may have been home schooled, where the importance of citations was not emphasised.

The results of the 2010 United States Census showed that 27% of children live with one parent, consistent with the emerging trend noted in 2000.

I didn't mean it in a "gender identity" kinda way, but as a racist white man posing as a Black woman.

He's not fooling anyone, but those on the right. I was told by one of the mods on DCJ that he's a fraud.
Have some regard for her feelings. Imagine being told one is not womynly enough.
Absolutely. But you shouldn't worry, your posts utterly reek of oestrogen. Nor is shaving your back anything to be ashamed of.

No worries. It's not like I represent elderly militant black American internet whores. She's got that covered.

It's gonna cost you. :)
Indeed its called parental oversight at home. I was not raised by the "village"...but the education that counts comes from the example established by righteous parenting...something that has not existed since the the majority of kids are being raised by the government in a single parent household and indoctrinated to expect a cradle to the grave livelihood from their neighbors....while graduating 50th in the world rankings in QUALITY EDUCATION in spite of the fact that the US outspends everyone else in the world on a supposed quality education....per capita not to mention the fact that US leads the world in prison population raised during the same time period.

As I said....a product of a dumbdowned democrat system....calibrated to raise ignorant poor folk...not smart enough to realize they are being played and owned by the very system they vote to maintain every election cycle. Hell....when asked where chocolate milk comes from...7% of the population said with all sincerity, "From Brown colored cows".....that's near 17 million democrat voters that are dumber than dirt half way through College.

The piece for the NPR (democrat funded social infomercial) stated that 7% of adult Americans are disconnected from their FOOD. Really? They are not disconnected from anything except a quality education.

which you right wing idiots refuse to fund properly
its a discussion site

we discuss the days events and its implications

the right lies about what happened

and then us on the left prove your lying

its a public service
Yes! Can you believe that?

See for yourself. When a thread is stated you can ban certain people from posting in it.

The right loves it.

Its like the gets to spew shit without being challenged.

Just like Fox News, right after Jon Stewart retired from The Daily Show.
Oh my mistake

I did ban one person once

when they FIRST implemented the ban ability I made a thread and then banned myself from it as a joke