trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I'll take that nickel before you reach for that cigarette..

lol.....that is your "reasoned argument" why the EC is a barbaric relic?.....demonstrably that is wrong, because twice in the last twenty years there has been a conflict between the popular vote and the electoral vote.......competing interests.........why barbaric?......because you don't like the result? owe me a nickel......(by the way, if you think you can buy a cigarette for a nickel its obviously been a long time since you smoked).......
Sounds like you're a fan of the Winnie Mandela school of debating.


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Really not following this thread at all but saw this. Called necklacing. They take a tire, put it around someones neck, fill it as much as they can with gasoline and light it. Usually the persons hands are bound. Fucked up thing to see happen.
lol.....that is your "reasoned argument" why the EC is a barbaric relic?.....demonstrably that is wrong, because twice in the last twenty years there has been a conflict between the popular vote and the electoral vote.......competing interests.........why barbaric?......because you don't like the result? owe me a nickel......(by the way, if you think you can buy a cigarette for a nickel its obviously been a long time since you smoked).......
That is correct....allow me to demonstrate how unimpeachable the assertion is....

Give me a good reason to perpetuate it.

demonstrably that is wrong, because twice in the last twenty years there has been a conflict between the popular vote and the electoral vote.......competing interests.

You're an imbecile......that is not "competing interest"....that is a divergence between the popular and electoral is a CONSEQUENCE.

and I wasn't looking for the nickel to buy a cigarette.....I was looking for you to pay up, before you lit up....
“I am very supportive of the Senate #HealthcareBill. Look forward to making it really special! Remember, ObamaCare is dead,” he wrote on Twitter.

The draft bill includes sharp cuts to Medicaid for the poor and disabled, more modest trims to other Obamacare subsidies and tax cuts for the wealthy that were included in a version passed by the House.

Labeled a "discussion draft," the plan would provide an additional $50 billion over four years to stabilize insurance exchanges, relying on a mechanism Republicans have criticized in the past as a way to keep insurers in the marketplace.

Take these idiots out and garotte every one of them.....
Really not following this thread at all but saw this. Called necklacing. They take a tire, put it around someones neck, fill it as much as they can with gasoline and light it. Usually the persons hands are bound. Fucked up thing to see happen.

Yes, Winnie Mandela called out on many occasions for her followers to go out and necklace as many as possible. To his credit, Nelson Mandela was disgusted by her and divorced her as soon as he got out of prison. Yet here we have one of the newbies suggesting that somebody self immolates, these are some sick mothers!!

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More than 600 employees at a Carrier plant in Indianapolis are bracing for layoffs beginning next month, despite being told by President Trump that nearly all the jobs at the plant had been saved. The deal, announced with great fanfare before Trump took office, was billed not only as a heroic move to keep jobs from going to Mexico but also as a seismic shift in the economic development landscape.

Nearly seven months later the deal has not worked out quite as originally advertised, and the landscape has barely budged.
"The jobs are still leaving," said Robert James, president of United Steelworkers Local 1999. "Nothing has stopped."

trump fluffers reply with, "Please, sir, may I have another?"
Yes, Winnie Mandela called out on many occasions for her followers to go out and necklace as many as possible. To his credit, Nelson Mandela was disgusted by her and divorced her as soon as he got out of prison. Yet here we have one of the newbies suggesting that somebody self immolates, these are some sick mothers!!

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Do you guys each have your own portable cross of victim-wannabe martyrdom, or do you just share the same one?
Are you a cunt seven days of the week or just on the odd days?

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Would you like to share what happened in your life to cause you to equate female genitalia with anger and repulsiveness? You might feel better, if you do.
Would you like to share what happened in your life to cause you to equate female genitalia with anger and repulsiveness? You might feel better, if you do.
Would you like to tell us all why you came on here being hectoring, hubristic and high-handed? Do you have a 'history' of such behavior?

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Looked around a couple of days ago, but neither prickly pears nor wild blackberries were ripe yet. So, today I bought a bunch of peaches for my next batch of wine. Cutting the fruit up is boring and kind of a pain, but that part is done now. It was a friend in college who made peach wine that got me back to this hobby. My process is a more refined, but I did like his peach wine.

Speaking of cutting up and pitting four or five pounds of fruit being a pain in the ass, I'm really not looking forward to doing prickly pear. Made some prickly pear jam, when I was a kid. I was unaware the fruit is coated with microscopic thorns you can't see as well as the ones you can. Inside of my hands itched for a week. Now, I know to burn them off over the stove, but then I gotta peel 'em and kinda core 'em to get the seeds. Doing that for five pounds - I'm guessing close to 20 prickly pears - won't be any fun. Having a gallon of prickly pear wine will be neat, though.
Would you like to tell us all why you came on here being hectoring, hubristic and high-handed? Do you have a 'history' of such behavior?

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Okay, you can keep that angry and repulsive notion of female genitalia repressed deep down, but I don't think it's healthy.

I think "hubristic" was you getting pretentious and trying to use words bigger than yourself but yes, I do have a history of being arrogant and mean with the proudly ignorant and the cowardly bigoted. Some have criticized me, perhaps fairly, for kicking mental cripples, but it seems to me you people invite abuse.
Give me a good reason to perpetuate it.

Its in the constitution and it works.....the interests of 3 million people in two counties of southern California conflicted with the interests of those voters who acted in accordance with the laws of the United States of America.......those laws protected the voters in all fifty states from the will of 3 million people in two counties in southern California........isn't the constitution awesome?, about that "barbaric relic" argument......