trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Sure a kid who has happy parents who have no need for money can work three jobs and have 10 years of college loans to pay off.

Can you tell us again why Trump will never be President


“You work three jobs? Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that."

To a divorced mother of three, Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 4, 2005

George W. Bush
Looked around a couple of days ago, but neither prickly pears nor wild blackberries were ripe yet. So, today I bought a bunch of peaches for my next batch of wine. Cutting the fruit up is boring and kind of a pain, but that part is done now. It was a friend in college who made peach wine that got me back to this hobby. My process is a more refined, but I did like his peach wine.

Speaking of cutting up and pitting four or five pounds of fruit being a pain in the ass, I'm really not looking forward to doing prickly pear. Made some prickly pear jam, when I was a kid. I was unaware the fruit is coated with microscopic thorns you can't see as well as the ones you can. Inside of my hands itched for a week. Now, I know to burn them off over the stove, but then I gotta peel 'em and kinda core 'em to get the seeds. Doing that for five pounds - I'm guessing close to 20 prickly pears - won't be any fun. Having a gallon of prickly pear wine will be neat, though.
Sounds yummy
Okay, you can keep that angry and repulsive notion of female genitalia repressed deep down, but I don't think it's healthy.

I think "hubristic" was you getting pretentious and trying to use words bigger than yourself but yes, I do have a history of being arrogant and mean with the proudly ignorant and the cowardly bigoted. Some have criticized me, perhaps fairly, for kicking mental cripples, but it seems to me you people invite abuse.
Yes that what cunts do, so I was on the ball there. For your information, I have only ever called one woman a cunt on here and never in real life. The cunt in question aka Darla, despite being an avowed gender feminist, chose to call my wife a suckee fuckee. Hence invoking the holy Trinity of -isms namely racism, sexism and bullshitism.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
Its in the constitution and it works.....

In bush, the electoral college gave us the worst president since Harding, at least. Now, trump threatens to shatter that standard of boobery and incompetence. So much for "it works."

In spite of what the system has recently wrought, I still support the continuation of the electoral college. It is the foundation of our political process. True, state legislatures are cheaper and easier for corporations and the wealthy to buy and own, and it has perpetuated the continuing squalor in the South, aka America's Third World. And, this has led to sleazy gerrymandering that has allowed the Regressives to exploit minority rule, and ...

... you know what? Let me get back to you on this.
Yes that what cunts do, so I was on the ball there.

Have you checked to see if your closet door is locked? Doesn't look to me like it's even fully closed, Queenie.

For your information, I have only ever called one woman a cunt on here and never in real life.

Yes, you did not strike me as being particularly courageous. Thank gawd for cyber-space anonymity, eh?

The cunt in question aka Darla, despite being an avowed gender feminist, chose to call my wife a suckee fuckee. Hence invoking the holy Trinity of -isms namely racism, sexism and bullshitism.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo

No, I get it. You're a conservative, so it is somebody else's fault you are what you are. trump recognized how your "elk" (there's a cute story behind that word choice. I'll tell you someday) needs somebody to blame for your inadequacies. That's why he promised your herd a scapegoat in every pot.
Trump actually ran the most brilliant political campaign of recent memory last 2016. People will be studying it in the future.

He hijacked a party and every institutional advantage was against him. A hostile press, outspent 2:1, and a spoiler candidate in mcmullin whose only purpose is to draw votes away from trump. Not to mention figures in his own party openly siding with the opposition.

trump is the man the GOP hated even after the election. They only like riding his coat tails to other positions in govt.
So, was everybody as surprised as I was that trump's "tapes" bluff turned out to be just another gust of trump flatulence? Must have taken me five or ten seconds to get over the shock. Still, is there anything more presidential than a flabby brat with a justifiably fragile ego playing cutesy games?
So, was everybody as surprised as I was that trump's "tapes" bluff turned out to be just another gust of trump flatulence? Must have taken me five or ten seconds to get over the shock. Still, is there anything more presidential than a flabby brat with a justifiably fragile ego playing cutesy games?
Another of his childish outbursts promising to testify, wonder when he'll fess up about that one?
D'Backs finished a series in Denver today, taking two out of three. I'm in a good mood. I have a show on DVR to watch, but nothing else really to do tonight, so I might be spending some time here this evening. Gotta fix some supper soon, but other than that ...
So, was everybody as surprised as I was that trump's "tapes" bluff turned out to be just another gust of trump flatulence? Must have taken me five or ten seconds to get over the shock. Still, is there anything more presidential than a flabby brat with a justifiably fragile ego playing cutesy games?
Declaring war on a noun?

Oh, right, you were being rhetorical.
You could use a food mill with several inserts with differently sized holes, though I don't know if they'd be fine enough. You could make jelly which goes into a cloth bag which you crush, probably while wearing heavy rubber gloves.
So, was everybody as surprised as I was that trump's "tapes" bluff turned out to be just another gust of trump flatulence? Must have taken me five or ten seconds to get over the shock. Still, is there anything more presidential than a flabby brat with a justifiably fragile ego playing cutesy games?

not at all.....we took "you're going to be so disappointed" at face value.....