trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

You could use a food mill with several inserts with differently sized holes, though I don't know if they'd be fine enough. You could make jelly which goes into a cloth bag which you crush, probably while wearing heavy rubber gloves.

Yeah, I have a bag for pulp, but you have to remove some parts of the fruit and cut it up before you mash it up. For example, pits and seeds cause a bitter taste.

I suppose I should look into some kind of food mill, if I'm going to keep doing this.
did you think your own post elevated the discussion?......nobody gives a fuck about your opinions......give us some genuine reasoning......

I pointed to several specifics, citing Harding and America's Third World among others. You squeaked another of the empty hiss-and-spits that have come to define you.

As for nobody gives a fuck about my opinions, I suppose one could argue that your impotent squealings make you a nobody and your incessant ankle gumming shows you give a fuck, so technically what you said is correct.

Congratulations on the accomplishment. You must be so proud.
ACA providers are fleeing the states, leaving tens of millions of children without health care.

Thanks, Obama.

"President Donald Trump's budget plans to cut the Children's Health Insurance Program by at least 20% over the next two fiscal years and slash Medicaid, which covers millions more children."

Thanks, trumpovchka.

"President Donald Trump's budget plans to cut the Children's Health Insurance Program by at least 20% over the next two fiscal years and slash Medicaid, which covers millions more children."

Thanks, trumpovchka.

Replacing Obamacare with WeDon'tCare (stolen from Facebook).
So, was everybody as surprised as I was that trump's "tapes" bluff turned out to be just another gust of trump flatulence? Must have taken me five or ten seconds to get over the shock. Still, is there anything more presidential than a flabby brat with a justifiably fragile ego playing cutesy games?

We've been through Tape Gate on another thread.

Trump gets you guys [liberals and the media] to chasing your tails with his Tweets. The allusion to 'tapes' was a tad cryptic: you really can't tell who had the tapes just based on a single Tweet. In fact, you can't tell if anyone had any 'tapes' lol.

The liberal media are like a school of fish that all swim in the same direction at the same time. It's why Fox News found such a successful nich: people get tired of hearing the EXACT same spin on every cable news channel.

But apparently some wag assumed Trump meant he had tapes of Comey, the rest of them followed suit and the next thing you know every half wit in the media is saying Trump claimed to have 'tapes'.

And you parrot them. Surely, you can do better.
That's pathetic.

Look what Trump has done to you - what he's done to your intelligence. What a leader.

My intelligence is just fine, thanks.

I asked a couple simple questions and you go to questioning my intelligence. Maybe Mueller will get bored with The Investigation to Nowhere and start snooping around the unmasking and surveillance of private citizens done under the previous administration.

You know, the only known crimes that were commited.