trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

My intelligence is just fine, thanks.

I asked a couple simple questions and you go to questioning my intelligence. Maybe Mueller will get bored with The Investigation to Nowhere and start snooping around the unmasking and surveillance of private citizens done under the previous administration.

You know, the only known crimes that were commited.

Trump lied about Obama wiretapping. Just like he lied about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrate on 9/11, and lied about losing hundreds of friends on 9/11, and lied about Ted Cruz's Dad, and lied about where Obama was born, and lied about...well, you get the picture.

This is the psycho you're defending. So no - your intelligence is not just fine.
citing your opinion is not a "specific" nothing but a waste of our time.....

I cited Harding. He's a fact. I cited the FACT that the South is America's third world. I cited the fact that the current system allows the Regressives to govern with minority rule. I also cited the fairly common opinion that bush was a disaster and that we got him because of the electoral college. I cited the common opinion that trump is on his way to shattering bush's standard for incompetence. To support that, I will cite the fact that a recent poll showed more people believe trump should be impeached than approve of the job he's doing.

You? You squeak impotent "nuh uh's," tired insults, and self-fellating declarations of forensic prowess ... and nothing else. On that point I have a question. Do you know any smart conservatives here? Someone capable of debating substance? Personally, I'm okay just mocking proudly ignorant, pretentious twits like you, but some of my friends would like to have somebody who can fight back on issues.
Okay, a little something to hold you over until I come back tomorrow.

How Much Crap Could a trump Fluffer Suck, If a trump Fluffer Could Suck trump?
March 31, 2017

Okay, I was stunned that the Deplorables were such lickspittle lemmings that they just went along with trump hiding his tax returns, and breaking various promises about revealing them later. These people put more research into which chewing tobacco they use than they do in picking a president, and the men are even worse. I have, however, come to terms with the notion that they are just fine with their leader being such a ham-fisted liar.
Because of this, trump is confident that he can tell his fluffers to swallow and then watch the Pavlovian salivating begin. I remain surprised, however, that trump believes he can get away with even the most blatant attempts to block investigation into his treason. The Nunes charade – “Ooh look, I have this information the White House gave me that can be used as vague support for trump dishonesty. I must rush immediately to tell the president what he has given me and then tell no one else” – fell apart to the point that Spicer, on orders from his boss, will simply refuse to tell us who let Nunes into the White House to get the information he gave to the White House. This information is easily obtained. They are simply trying to hide it.
Nunes tried to help by postponing any more hearings for a month. On Wednesday he got caught lying about formally inviting Comey to testify – part of his delay tactic. He had not issued the formal invitation; Schiff was holding it up for leverage on other witnesses and public hearings, but Nunes lied out of reflex. NYT and WP say now one of Nunes’s sources was Ezra Cohen-Watnick. If true, and Spicer tied himself in knots trying to fake a denial, Nunes also lied about his source not being a White House aide. Lt. General McMaster, NSA Director, had tried to fire Mr. Cohen earlier, largely because CIA people said they did not have confidence in his abilities and found him difficult to work with. He was reportedly saved by going to Jared Kushner who went to wifey’s daddy who over-ruled the general and the CIA. Aside from the lies and the insult-to-intelligence charade of it all, Rachel Maddow is asking another interesting question. What were White House Aides doing by spying on the FBI investigation of them?
Oh, if you have not yet been treated with enough contempt for your intelligence, Eli Lake at Bloomberg is reporting that Nunes now has a new story for you: “I did use the White House to help to confirm what I already knew from other sources.” Again, none of this will bother trump fluffers in the least. They are just fine with whatever it takes to get revenge on America for looking down on them.
I continue to believe, however, they will not get away with this sleaze. I do believe that most Americans put the interests of the nation over any hurt feelings and never-ending quests for vengeance. Remember, trump was elected by a minority of the voters and his popularity has declined at a record pace. I continue to marvel, though, at the degree to which trump can insult his most loyal goose-steppers. trump treats his herd with far more disdain than any liberal elite ever did. He declares openly that his swallowers will eat whatever shit he feeds them, and they proudly agree. It’s almost as if they have no pride at all.


Okay, a little something to hold you over until I come back tomorrow.

How Much Crap Could a trump Fluffer Suck, If a trump Fluffer Could Suck trump?
March 31, 2017
View attachment 4299

Okay, I was stunned that the Deplorables were such lickspittle lemmings that they just went along with trump hiding his tax returns, and breaking various promises about revealing them later. These people put more research into which chewing tobacco they use than they do in picking a president, and the men are even worse. I have, however, come to terms with the notion that they are just fine with their leader being such a ham-fisted liar.
Because of this, trump is confident that he can tell his fluffers to swallow and then watch the Pavlovian salivating begin. I remain surprised, however, that trump believes he can get away with even the most blatant attempts to block investigation into his treason. The Nunes charade – “Ooh look, I have this information the White House gave me that can be used as vague support for trump dishonesty. I must rush immediately to tell the president what he has given me and then tell no one else” – fell apart to the point that Spicer, on orders from his boss, will simply refuse to tell us who let Nunes into the White House to get the information he gave to the White House. This information is easily obtained. They are simply trying to hide it.
Nunes tried to help by postponing any more hearings for a month. On Wednesday he got caught lying about formally inviting Comey to testify – part of his delay tactic. He had not issued the formal invitation; Schiff was holding it up for leverage on other witnesses and public hearings, but Nunes lied out of reflex. NYT and WP say now one of Nunes’s sources was Ezra Cohen-Watnick. If true, and Spicer tied himself in knots trying to fake a denial, Nunes also lied about his source not being a White House aide. Lt. General McMaster, NSA Director, had tried to fire Mr. Cohen earlier, largely because CIA people said they did not have confidence in his abilities and found him difficult to work with. He was reportedly saved by going to Jared Kushner who went to wifey’s daddy who over-ruled the general and the CIA. Aside from the lies and the insult-to-intelligence charade of it all, Rachel Maddow is asking another interesting question. What were White House Aides doing by spying on the FBI investigation of them?
Oh, if you have not yet been treated with enough contempt for your intelligence, Eli Lake at Bloomberg is reporting that Nunes now has a new story for you: “I did use the White House to help to confirm what I already knew from other sources.” Again, none of this will bother trump fluffers in the least. They are just fine with whatever it takes to get revenge on America for looking down on them.
I continue to believe, however, they will not get away with this sleaze. I do believe that most Americans put the interests of the nation over any hurt feelings and never-ending quests for vengeance. Remember, trump was elected by a minority of the voters and his popularity has declined at a record pace. I continue to marvel, though, at the degree to which trump can insult his most loyal goose-steppers. trump treats his herd with far more disdain than any liberal elite ever did. He declares openly that his swallowers will eat whatever shit he feeds them, and they proudly agree. It’s almost as if they have no pride at all.


Unread. Tell you what. I'll wait until you get back tomorrow so you can condense/summarize. I won't hold my breath.
I cited Harding. He's a fact. I cited the FACT that the South is America's third world. I cited the fact that the current system allows the Regressives to govern with minority rule. I also cited the fairly common opinion that bush was a disaster and that we got him because of the electoral college. I cited the common opinion that trump is on his way to shattering bush's standard for incompetence. To support that, I will cite the fact that a recent poll showed more people believe trump should be impeached than approve of the job he's doing.

You? You squeak impotent "nuh uh's," tired insults, and self-fellating declarations of forensic prowess ... and nothing else. On that point I have a question. Do you know any smart conservatives here? Someone capable of debating substance? Personally, I'm okay just mocking proudly ignorant, pretentious twits like you, but some of my friends would like to have somebody who can fight back on issues.

Okay, a little something to hold you over until I come back tomorrow.

How Much Crap Could a trump Fluffer Suck, If a trump Fluffer Could Suck trump?
March 31, 2017
View attachment 4299

Okay, I was stunned that the Deplorables were such lickspittle lemmings that they just went along with trump hiding his tax returns, and breaking various promises about revealing them later. These people put more research into which chewing tobacco they use than they do in picking a president, and the men are even worse. I have, however, come to terms with the notion that they are just fine with their leader being such a ham-fisted liar.
Because of this, trump is confident that he can tell his fluffers to swallow and then watch the Pavlovian salivating begin. I remain surprised, however, that trump believes he can get away with even the most blatant attempts to block investigation into his treason. The Nunes charade – “Ooh look, I have this information the White House gave me that can be used as vague support for trump dishonesty. I must rush immediately to tell the president what he has given me and then tell no one else” – fell apart to the point that Spicer, on orders from his boss, will simply refuse to tell us who let Nunes into the White House to get the information he gave to the White House. This information is easily obtained. They are simply trying to hide it.
Nunes tried to help by postponing any more hearings for a month. On Wednesday he got caught lying about formally inviting Comey to testify – part of his delay tactic. He had not issued the formal invitation; Schiff was holding it up for leverage on other witnesses and public hearings, but Nunes lied out of reflex. NYT and WP say now one of Nunes’s sources was Ezra Cohen-Watnick. If true, and Spicer tied himself in knots trying to fake a denial, Nunes also lied about his source not being a White House aide. Lt. General McMaster, NSA Director, had tried to fire Mr. Cohen earlier, largely because CIA people said they did not have confidence in his abilities and found him difficult to work with. He was reportedly saved by going to Jared Kushner who went to wifey’s daddy who over-ruled the general and the CIA. Aside from the lies and the insult-to-intelligence charade of it all, Rachel Maddow is asking another interesting question. What were White House Aides doing by spying on the FBI investigation of them?
Oh, if you have not yet been treated with enough contempt for your intelligence, Eli Lake at Bloomberg is reporting that Nunes now has a new story for you: “I did use the White House to help to confirm what I already knew from other sources.” Again, none of this will bother trump fluffers in the least. They are just fine with whatever it takes to get revenge on America for looking down on them.
I continue to believe, however, they will not get away with this sleaze. I do believe that most Americans put the interests of the nation over any hurt feelings and never-ending quests for vengeance. Remember, trump was elected by a minority of the voters and his popularity has declined at a record pace. I continue to marvel, though, at the degree to which trump can insult his most loyal goose-steppers. trump treats his herd with far more disdain than any liberal elite ever did. He declares openly that his swallowers will eat whatever shit he feeds them, and they proudly agree. It’s almost as if they have no pride at all.



A tour de force! No Republicans dare respond.
Unread. Tell you what. I'll wait until you get back tomorrow so you can condense/summarize. I won't hold my breath.
I can't imagine you holding Trump to account for his utterances either. But the rest of the world thanks you for the incompetency you have put in place.
We've been through Tape Gate on another thread.

Trump gets you guys [liberals and the media] to chasing your tails with his Tweets. The allusion to 'tapes' was a tad cryptic: you really can't tell who had the tapes just based on a single Tweet. In fact, you can't tell if anyone had any 'tapes' lol.

The liberal media are like a school of fish that all swim in the same direction at the same time. It's why Fox News found such a successful nich: people get tired of hearing the EXACT same spin on every cable news channel.

But apparently some wag assumed Trump meant he had tapes of Comey, the rest of them followed suit and the next thing you know every half wit in the media is saying Trump claimed to have 'tapes'.

And you parrot them. Surely, you can do better.

The only truth here is that you care only about party, you nod when trump winks and lies all the time and all you want to do is give a huge middle finger to truth, dignity and what you would LIKE to pretend is a dishonest media, when in fact it is honest and seeks facts, an enterprise not at all in your interest. This can only be a swan song. Shooting off blank rounds into space as you fall. For what you have done to American stature and basic decency by election g this prevaricating game show clown will never be forgiven nor forgotten. Enjoy your day, dog. As soon as we have the power it is reclamation time at the animal "shelter" for all of you deplorable courtesy of a co2 inhalation, pests.😎
I can't imagine you holding Trump to account for his utterances either.
I did in the primaries but I don't now because he earned the right to say whatever he wants in my opinion. He humiliated hrc.
Anybody can say what they want about Carter being incompetent but at least he lost to an icon.
hrc lost to a buffoon.
Trump's my hero.