trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Okay, a little something to hold you over until I come back tomorrow.

How Much Crap Could a trump Fluffer Suck, If a trump Fluffer Could Suck trump?
March 31, 2017
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Okay, I was stunned that the Deplorables were such lickspittle lemmings that they just went along with trump hiding his tax returns, and breaking various promises about revealing them later. These people put more research into which chewing tobacco they use than they do in picking a president, and the men are even worse. I have, however, come to terms with the notion that they are just fine with their leader being such a ham-fisted liar.
Because of this, trump is confident that he can tell his fluffers to swallow and then watch the Pavlovian salivating begin. I remain surprised, however, that trump believes he can get away with even the most blatant attempts to block investigation into his treason. The Nunes charade – “Ooh look, I have this information the White House gave me that can be used as vague support for trump dishonesty. I must rush immediately to tell the president what he has given me and then tell no one else” – fell apart to the point that Spicer, on orders from his boss, will simply refuse to tell us who let Nunes into the White House to get the information he gave to the White House. This information is easily obtained. They are simply trying to hide it.
Nunes tried to help by postponing any more hearings for a month. On Wednesday he got caught lying about formally inviting Comey to testify – part of his delay tactic. He had not issued the formal invitation; Schiff was holding it up for leverage on other witnesses and public hearings, but Nunes lied out of reflex. NYT and WP say now one of Nunes’s sources was Ezra Cohen-Watnick. If true, and Spicer tied himself in knots trying to fake a denial, Nunes also lied about his source not being a White House aide. Lt. General McMaster, NSA Director, had tried to fire Mr. Cohen earlier, largely because CIA people said they did not have confidence in his abilities and found him difficult to work with. He was reportedly saved by going to Jared Kushner who went to wifey’s daddy who over-ruled the general and the CIA. Aside from the lies and the insult-to-intelligence charade of it all, Rachel Maddow is asking another interesting question. What were White House Aides doing by spying on the FBI investigation of them?
Oh, if you have not yet been treated with enough contempt for your intelligence, Eli Lake at Bloomberg is reporting that Nunes now has a new story for you: “I did use the White House to help to confirm what I already knew from other sources.” Again, none of this will bother trump fluffers in the least. They are just fine with whatever it takes to get revenge on America for looking down on them.
I continue to believe, however, they will not get away with this sleaze. I do believe that most Americans put the interests of the nation over any hurt feelings and never-ending quests for vengeance. Remember, trump was elected by a minority of the voters and his popularity has declined at a record pace. I continue to marvel, though, at the degree to which trump can insult his most loyal goose-steppers. trump treats his herd with far more disdain than any liberal elite ever did. He declares openly that his swallowers will eat whatever shit he feeds them, and they proudly agree. It’s almost as if they have no pride at all.


Excellent tweet today "the only requirement for being a die hard Trump supporter, being dumber than Trump"
nobody is renouncing history......why can't you people just answer questions?.....

holy shit... answer questions?... complete sentences don't mean what they say....we speak for everyone....and you people all think the same?

Listen pal, the sentence, "We don't like being divided into tribes based on race, gender or etc, and then pitted against one another" belies a complete lack of awareness of the very point this "liberal meme assassin" was harping on. Let it sink in.

And another point, what's with the incomplete thoughts, sentences and ridiculous overuse of ellipses? This is a text-based medium. If you want your statements to be taken seriously, a little display of literacy wouldn't hurt. If you think it's your art, fine... But Picasso you ain't.
I did in the primaries but I don't now because he earned the right to say whatever he wants in my opinion. He humiliated hrc.
Anybody can say what they want about Carter being incompetent but at least he lost to an icon.
hrc lost to a buffoon.
Trump's my hero.
Yes, it is truly sad that you admire such a low life.
As soon as you have the power? How's that going lol?

Actually, I care about the country---it's why myself and millions voted for Trump. I/we don't want to become Western Europe. We don't like being divided into tribes based on race, gender or etc, and then pitted against one another.

If you haven't noticed, tribalism sucks in another part of the world where it reigns.
Wow, you truly are one confused person, lol, Trump is driving the train on division and the toxic atmosphere is creating more division not less, that some real delusion you entertain.
I am arguing that the EC was intended to protect us from the potential excesses of a pure democracy.......this country wouldn't even exist if the smaller states like Maine and Rhode Island hadn't been given the protection against New York and Virginia that the EC provided......and today, states like Montana and Maine need the same protection from extremists in California and New York.......

if what you claim is better than what we have why do we even have a Senate?.......Why not just a House of Representatives?......

it's an ingenious institution that reflects the design of the Republic.

electors are awarded by state and population -just like Congress
Trump has given the country hope,
on so many levels there is actually a chance we restore ourselves back at the top of the shining hill

Conservatives were aware that our country was being rotted from the inside by the ever increasing liberal game plan to pit recent immigrants and minorities against republicans simply so Democrats could gain power.
And with the growing number of these votes we were starting to wonder if there was anything we could do.

Trumps victory showed us that there is still more of us hard working, self respecting, God fearing Americans than there were of them. We just have to show up at the polls.

So good luck with trying to keep us from doing it again. The media obstruction machine just lights a fire under our kettle. And until Democrats figure that out, we win.

People didn't like Hillary.

And that's about how far it goes.
Wow, you truly are one confused person, lol, Trump is driving the train on division and the toxic atmosphere is creating more division not less, that some real delusion you entertain.

I thought the same thing.

Trump's entire "leadership m.o." is pitting groups against one another & fostering division.
Wow, you truly are one confused person, lol, Trump is driving the train on division and the toxic atmosphere is creating more division not less, that some real delusion you entertain.

Democrats put their stock in the politics of division with their devotion to identity politics, which pits one identity group against another. This is nothing less than a political application of tribalism.

Trump preaches jobs for everyone. Whatever division has come out of his agenda has to do with putting the safety of Americans ahead of illegal immigration and national security ahead of political correctness regarding immigration from *some* Muslim majority nations.
it's an ingenious institution that reflects the design of the Republic.

electors are awarded by state and population -just like Congress

Not really. Representatives are apportioned by population, but Senators are a whole different ball of poisoned wax. It's the winner-take-all part of the EC is the monkey wrench in the butter dish.
Democrats put their stock in the politics of division with their devotion to identity politics, which pits one identity group against another. This is nothing less than a political application of tribalism.

Trump preaches jobs for everyone. Whatever division has come out of his agenda has to do with putting the safety of Americans ahead of illegal immigration and national security ahead of political correctness regarding immigration from *some* Muslim majority nations.

Everyone preaches jobs for everyone. Did Obama ever say that his jobs plan was for one group only?

Trump is one of the most divisive leaders we have ever had. He has no interest in unity, at all. He uses fear & propaganda masterfully.
Gods. Are you arguing that an unequal value on votes, depending on where they're cast, is more democratic than being able to directly vote for a president with one man one vote? Really?

Sort of resists reduction, doesn't it. Just tell postmortempuppet it's an axiom and move past it if he is truly that dense.