trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

holy shit... answer questions?...

yes child, answer questions....(see I answer yours).......

And another point, what's with the incomplete thoughts, sentences and ridiculous overuse of ellipses?

my thoughts are not incomplete.......try reading them for ellipses, I am not a slave to modernist rules of grammar.......

But Picasso you ain't.
I've always thought myself more of the Grant Wood school....
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I turn on the news to find Republican Senators who helped write this stupid new healthcare law say they won't vote for it?

WTH is wrong with these people?
yes child, answer questions?.....(see I answer yours).......

my thoughts are not incomplete.......try reading them for ellipses, I am not a slave to modernist rules of grammar.......

I've always thought myself more of the Grant Wood school....

OK...I see....words have meaning and color. and can tell a story....whatever.
I know right? Sad. I can tell you that.....Believe me.
OK...I see....words have meaning and color. and can tell a story....whatever.
I know right? Sad. I can tell you that.....Believe me.

Muhammad-wannabe has the attention span of a gnat. If you want to communicate with him, you need to use small words, small sentences, and very few of both. Your reward, though, will be a response full of simpering bitchy snottiness.
I haven't read every post. Anybody see any smart righty yet who can do substance so Kflaux can have somebody to play with?
Not really. Representatives are apportioned by population, but Senators are a whole different ball of poisoned wax. It's the winner-take-all part of the EC is the monkey wrench in the butter dish.

just curious......did you know electoral votes are apportioned the same way representatives are?.......its up to each state to decide how they select their electors......for example, California and New York both use a winner-take-all method......that is not required by federal law.......
I point them out whenever I see them, Chrispy......but then, you knew that before you denied it......

I posted paragraphs of trump lies and how you lickspittles beg for more. Your response was a clichéd "yawn" and more empty snottiness. Challenged by somebody else to post a lie, you ... went ... back ... to your reliance ... on ... illit ... erate ... empty ... hiss ... and ... spits.
Muhammad-wannabe has the attention span of a gnat. If you want to communicate with him, you need to use small words, small sentences, and very few of both. Your reward, though, will be a response full of simpering bitchy snottiness.

Thankfully there's little of the obscenity-filled, repetitive, childishness seen earlier from others. Maybe it's even boring them too.
because there are 3 million more demmycrats in California.......

And trump got more in Alabama and the rest of America's third world, where they rely on blue states that contribute more than they get back from the federal gov't. Both candidates got lots of votes in lots of states. trump got most of his from welfare states. Do you have a point besides the one above and between your ears?
just curious......did you know electoral votes are apportioned the same way representatives are?.......its up to each state to decide how they select their electors......for example, California and New York both use a winner-take-all method......that is not required by federal law.......

WTF are you trying to say, here....just asking...

Do you need question marks?