trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Not really. Representatives are apportioned by population, but Senators are a whole different ball of poisoned wax. It's the winner-take-all part of the EC is the monkey wrench in the butter dish.

it's not bi-cameral like Congress-but if you think of a Congressional vote ( winner takes all)
it follows the same format with the same apportionment
Not really. Representatives are apportioned by population, but Senators are a whole different ball of poisoned wax. It's the winner-take-all part of the EC is the monkey wrench in the butter dish.

Well, get a constitutional amendment passed if you want rid of it. Of course, that remedy isn't pure democracy either, so you're going to run into the same problem.

Wouldn't it be easier to amend your message instead of the constitution anyway? Polls consistently show that democrats are out of touch with large swaths of the country. It's easy to get the idea democrats aren't interested in compromising on some of their cherished notions, so they are out to rule the rest of us from the comfort of their hyper blue precincts on both coasts.

To that we say, no thanks. The less polite would put it another way lol.

The blunt lesson of history is that rule of mob democracy, sucks. We don't need to run that experiment over again because we know the outcome. If you [democrats] want to get back in power, I would start with getting rid of Nancy Pelosi. I would broaden the tent to include pro-life democrat contenders in red districts. I would give up on identity politics, because too many voters see it [correctly] as a cynical use of minorities by democrats to get elected and stay in power.

It's all there for the taking. Getting rid of the EC is a pipe dream.
Well, get a constitutional amendment passed if you want rid of it. Of course, that remedy isn't pure democracy either, so you're going to run into the same problem.

Wouldn't it be easier to amend your message instead of the constitution anyway? Polls consistently show that democrats are out of touch with large swaths of the country. It's easy to get the idea democrats aren't interested in compromising on some of their cherished notions, so they are out to rule the rest of us from the comfort of their hyper blue precincts on both coasts.

To that we say, no thanks. The less polite would put it another way lol.

The blunt lesson of history is that rule of mob democracy, sucks. We don't need to run that experiment over again because we know the outcome. If you [democrats] want to get back in power, I would start with getting rid of Nancy Pelosi. I would broaden the tent to include pro-life democrat contenders in red districts. I would give up on identity politics, because too many voters see it [correctly] as a cynical use of minorities by democrats to get elected and stay in power.

It's all there for the taking. Getting rid of he EC is a pipe dream.
they have no message except "kill Trump". Even Bernies has gotten muddled.

DNC argues in court: We don't owe anyone a fair primary process

forget this craven bunch.
Now, now, we have former members here and you were once unwanted as a Netscape refugee.

LOL. You clearly didn't spend much time at DCJ before it died. About 95% of threads on that board would have been sent to the War Zone here.

Hey, I'm all for new blood on the board. I think it's great to hear new and differing opinions. But that doesn't change the fact that DCJ was one big War Zone. If the goal is to convert JPP into that type of board then so be it but I sure hope not.
LOL. You clearly didn't spend much time at DCJ before it died. About 95% of threads on that board would have been sent to the War Zone here.

Hey, I'm all for new blood on the board. I think it's great to hear new and differing opinions. But that doesn't change the fact that DCJ was one big War Zone. If the goal is to convert JPP into that type of board then so be it but I sure hope not.
well every time we tried to mod, the members went nuts.
It got to the point I gave up,and just let the slime proceed..

when a discussion DID break out though, we really did go deep
I am arguing that the EC was intended to protect us from the potential excesses of a pure democracy

Oh I agree it was to prevent 'mob rule', if that's what you mean by 'pure democracy', which I assume to mean 'one man one vote' and the Confederate states have always been interested in preventing 'mob rule'; as was the purpose of the Electors, who could ignore the wishes of the electorate.
they have no message except "kill Trump". Even Bernies has gotten muddled.

DNC argues in court: We don't owe anyone a fair primary process

forget this craven bunch.

David Freddoso is an American political conservative commentator, journalist, and author, best known for writing three books critical of the Barack Obama administration as well as for his columns for the National Review Online and the Washington Examiner. The first book, The Case Against Barack Obama, reached the New York Times bestseller list as well as the official Top 20 list.[2][3][4] Having worked in politics since 2002, his latest book is Spin Masters: How the Media Ignored the Real News and Helped Re-elect Barack Obama, which he published January 28, 2013.[5] His writings have involved criticism of what he sees as left-liberal media bias in the American journalistic mainstream.[4]
it's an ingenious institution that reflects the design of the Republic.

electors are awarded by state and population -just like Congress
Unequally. Which means some people's votes are worth more than others. Less democracy in other words.

The Washington Examiner is an American political journalism website and weekly magazine based in Washington, D.C. that covers politics and policy in the United States and internationally.[2] It is owned by MediaDC,[3] a subsidiary of Clarity Media Group,[4] which is owned by Philip Anschutz.[5][6]
From 2005 to mid-2013, the Examiner published a daily tabloid-sized newspaper, distributed free throughout the Washington, D.C. metro area, largely focused on local news and political commentary.[5] The local newspaper ceased publication on June 14, 2013, and its content began to focus exclusively on national politics, switching its print edition from a daily newspaper to a weekly magazine format.[7]
The publication is influential with conservative circles in politics and government-related fields.[8]

and that article is on the OPINION PAGE of this trash rag
Well, get a constitutional amendment passed if you want rid of it. Of course, that remedy isn't pure democracy either, so you're going to run into the same problem.

Wouldn't it be easier to amend your message instead of the constitution anyway? Polls consistently show that democrats are out of touch with large swaths of the country. It's easy to get the idea democrats aren't interested in compromising on some of their cherished notions, so they are out to rule the rest of us from the comfort of their hyper blue precincts on both coasts.

To that we say, no thanks. The less polite would put it another way lol.

The blunt lesson of history is that rule of mob democracy, sucks. We don't need to run that experiment over again because we know the outcome. If you [democrats] want to get back in power, I would start with getting rid of Nancy Pelosi. I would broaden the tent to include pro-life democrat contenders in red districts. I would give up on identity politics, because too many voters see it [correctly] as a cynical use of minorities by democrats to get elected and stay in power.

It's all there for the taking. Getting rid of the EC is a pipe dream.

Non sequitur aside, this is your identity politics, your tribalism, and it's ridiculously myopic at that. Worse, you make these blanket statements as well, like, "the blunt lesson of history is that rule of mob democracy sucks." WTF do you get this stuff?

You think you can just make stuff up and call it reasoned argument?

Polls consistently show that democrats are out of touch with large swaths of the country.

If I showed you the polls demonstrating more people want Trump impeached than approve of him, will you say you can't trust polls?

Look, if you want to make an argument, state your beliefs backed by verifiable facts. Don't tell me what others believe or I think.
Not really. Representatives are apportioned by population, but Senators are a whole different ball of poisoned wax. It's the winner-take-all part of the EC is the monkey wrench in the butter dish.
But as I understand it there is also a cap on total number of representatives, as well as minimum representation, which distorts the values of votes depending on the location of voters, which makes the system less democratic than one man one vote.
trash lies is all they have left in their quiver

they have reached maximum lie factor

when you begin lying to protect your ideas you end up making BAD decisions

Bad information in means BAD DECISIONS OUT


the right is now at maximum lie factor