trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

WTF are you trying to say, here....just asking...

Do you need question marks?

I don't really see anything vague in my remarks.....which were you having trouble understanding......I will clarify for you.......if you don't like the way your state apportions its electoral votes go to your state legislators and make them change it........federal law does not set any requirements for apportionment.......
I turn on the news to find Republican Senators who helped write this stupid new healthcare law say they won't vote for it?

WTH is wrong with these people?

they have to please the trump base

they cant win elections without them

they are a stupid lot and easy to lie to
Yeah, passive-aggressive snottiness suits you. It is a favorite tactic of the poorly informed and intellectually lazy.

its a simple question.......someone claimed the four senators who said they will vote against the bill helped write it........were any of those four actually on the committee that wrote it?.......if not, then that statement is obviously false.......
Yeah, passive-aggressive snottiness suits you. It is a favorite tactic of the poorly informed and intellectually lazy.

Combined with sanctimonious apathy we've found a trifecta in buffoon fluffing. Prolly had 10-15 years of practice with shrub.
Combined with sanctimonious apathy we've found a trifecta in buffoon fluffing. Prolly had 10-15 years of practice with shrub.

I plead guilty to being sanctimonious........however I am not apathetic or I wouldn't bother to reply to your inferior selves......
I don't really see anything vague in my remarks.....which were you having trouble understanding......I will clarify for you.......if you don't like the way your state apportions its electoral votes go to your state legislators and make them change it........federal law does not set any requirements for apportionment.......

Still with this non-point strawman your tangling with, eh?

You started with a non sequitur....not my problem... read it again....let it sink in.

Try complete sentences and reading for comprehension. It's not just the best way, it's the only way.
trump just flatulated a new stupidity.

Taking a shot at the Obama administration, trump complained that people in the VA who were in positions of responsibility during that agency's scandals were not only not fired, but some were promoted. trump's current VA Secretary was the health chief during the scandals.
it is a direct response to your complaint about how the electors are can that be a strawman?.......

What was? I pointed to the difference between apportionment of electors and representatives AND Senators. No complaint.

Really... Try complete sentences. It enables non-garbled communication.
trump's signing ceremonies are so cute. He tries to put all of them on TV, where he can hold up his signature in great pride at his work for the day, before heading off to some taxpayer financed golfing.
its a simple question.......someone claimed the four senators who said they will vote against the bill helped write it........were any of those four actually on the committee that wrote it?.......if not, then that statement is obviously false.......

Who is this someone?

And are you sure he didn't say forty?

Test your memory and comprehension.

You're welcome.
I asked Damocles about notifications/alerts here for thanks received - who did them for which posts. He said that unless I am using Tapatalk, such alerts should occur under "Notifications." I'm not very computer savvy, but I don't believe I would have Tapatalk on a laptop with Windows 10. Anybody else here having this problem, know more about this?