trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Reign of Error, Part*I
May 11, 2017

Given the magnitude of trump’s current Comey ineptitude, it is easy to forget some of the specifics of his five months of neon incompetence. Fortunately, I am here to take care of that problem. The most difficult aspect of my mission has been trying to edit it down to two volumes. To that end, I went with a reminder list of trumpiness, rather than dwell on the specifics and pain of each example of things trumped up.
1.) It all began with trump having his justifiably fragile ego damaged by the losing the popular vote. His twitter tantrums that have so demeaned the office of the presidency began with a completely unsubstantiated and then thoroughly discredited insistence he would have won the popular vote were it not for bus loads of illegal Mexicans hired by sneaky Dems. Things only got worse, much worse, when trump was confronted with the reality of his Inauguration crowds. Bitch hasn’t stopped sulking yet.
2.) trump’s first governing incompetence came in the form of insulting our close allies Mexico and Australia. trump would follow this up with petulant snubbing of Angela Merkel. It’s okay, though. trump maintained close relations between his lips and Putin’s ass.
3. We also got almost immediately manifestations of trump’s greasy conflicts of interest. Do you remember when the septuagenarian brat declared war on Nordstrom’s for dissing his daughter – not Tiffany, the one he has the hots for. Weekly examples of this kind of clumsy corruption continued through to the Kushner’s using presidential connections to raise money selling visas.
4. One of trump’s first examples of openly expressed disdain for the rubes he suckered was when the trump who mocked Obama’s golf trips began raiding the US Treasury for millions to pay for the golfing extravaganzas he would try to hide. trump has averaged more than one golfing expedition per week since taking office. In his defense, trump needs to recuperate from getting damn little done. We won’t get into how much the taxpayers have had to pay to keep the soft-core porn model from having to service her lardo hubby.
5.) I’m sure we all remember the spectacular failure of trump’s bumbling attempt to “repeal and replace Obamacare.” “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.” It’s alright now, though. trump managed to get a bill past the Freedumb Caucus that now has Regressive Congresscritters cowering in their bunkers to avoid their constituents. Some might argue that creating a health bill that is opposed by the largest doctor, hospital, and insurance organizations is an accomplishment of some magnitude. Okay, I’ll give trump that one.
6.) How about that Muslim ban, eh? You remember the one that Spicer insisted wasn’t a travel ban in spite of the White House web page saying it was? trump managed to get that appeal to cowardly bigots shot down unanimously in the court, before he withdrew the idiocy, after blustering he would fight forever to keep it. His next effort to ban Muslims is currently stopped by the courts. Turns out that pandering to Deplorables with promises to milk their scapegoats makes it difficult to deny your bigotry later. Who knew?
7.) OBAMA BUGGED TRUMP IN HIS TOWER declared a narcissistic psychopath to the disgust and/or amusement of all but his most devout groupies. Wacko still insists it’s true, recently running away from a reporter and pretending to read something after being asked about his idiocy.
8.) Does the name Devin Nunes ring a bell? It is a mark of the quantity and volume of trump’s artless sleaziness that it took me, and I bet others, a moment to recall what that scandal was all about. It was, of course, the Keystone Kops episode where the chairman of the House Committee investigating trump went to the White House to get information he then had to tell trump but not members of his committee about how trump’s Obama-bugged-me dumbassery had been vindicated by what White House staffers told him to tell trump that turned out to be nothing at all. And people think trump might try to influence investigations of him. Cynics.
Okay, that’s Part 1. You might have noticed I have written about 750 words, and I haven’t even said much about colluding with Russia to corrupt our presidential election. That was kind of the point of this little essay. trump has been so incredibly amateurish, so frequently and spectacularly inept and corrupt and ineptly corrupt, that even buffoonery from just a few months ago tends to fade into the distant past. THAT is trump’s greatest accomplishment.

How much did you get for selling all of your pride so you could do I-know-you-are's without being embarrassed? I'd say if you got a nickel, you made out well on the deal.

perhaps you should provide evidence to support the claims you made in post can start with the first....
St. Raygun as a figurehead had us on the way to hell in a handbasket

please document how Reagan had us on the way to hell in a handbasket.........I will wait with florid anticipation......
perhaps you should provide evidence to support the claims you made in post can start with the first....

please document how Reagan had us on the way to hell in a handbasket.........I will wait with florid anticipation......

It is a correlation, but the decline of the middle class began in the early eighties, about the time the trickle-on free-lunch scam began.
Reign of Error, Part*I
May 11, 2017
View attachment 4303

Given the magnitude of trump’s current Comey ineptitude, it is easy to forget some of the specifics of his five months of neon incompetence. Fortunately, I am here to take care of that problem. The most difficult aspect of my mission has been trying to edit it down to two volumes. To that end, I went with a reminder list of trumpiness, rather than dwell on the specifics and pain of each example of things trumped up.
1.) It all began with trump having his justifiably fragile ego damaged by the losing the popular vote. His twitter tantrums that have so demeaned the office of the presidency began with a completely unsubstantiated and then thoroughly discredited insistence he would have won the popular vote were it not for bus loads of illegal Mexicans hired by sneaky Dems. Things only got worse, much worse, when trump was confronted with the reality of his Inauguration crowds. Bitch hasn’t stopped sulking yet.
2.) trump’s first governing incompetence came in the form of insulting our close allies Mexico and Australia. trump would follow this up with petulant snubbing of Angela Merkel. It’s okay, though. trump maintained close relations between his lips and Putin’s ass.
3. We also got almost immediately manifestations of trump’s greasy conflicts of interest. Do you remember when the septuagenarian brat declared war on Nordstrom’s for dissing his daughter – not Tiffany, the one he has the hots for. Weekly examples of this kind of clumsy corruption continued through to the Kushner’s using presidential connections to raise money selling visas.
4. One of trump’s first examples of openly expressed disdain for the rubes he suckered was when the trump who mocked Obama’s golf trips began raiding the US Treasury for millions to pay for the golfing extravaganzas he would try to hide. trump has averaged more than one golfing expedition per week since taking office. In his defense, trump needs to recuperate from getting damn little done. We won’t get into how much the taxpayers have had to pay to keep the soft-core porn model from having to service her lardo hubby.
5.) I’m sure we all remember the spectacular failure of trump’s bumbling attempt to “repeal and replace Obamacare.” “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.” It’s alright now, though. trump managed to get a bill past the Freedumb Caucus that now has Regressive Congresscritters cowering in their bunkers to avoid their constituents. Some might argue that creating a health bill that is opposed by the largest doctor, hospital, and insurance organizations is an accomplishment of some magnitude. Okay, I’ll give trump that one.
6.) How about that Muslim ban, eh? You remember the one that Spicer insisted wasn’t a travel ban in spite of the White House web page saying it was? trump managed to get that appeal to cowardly bigots shot down unanimously in the court, before he withdrew the idiocy, after blustering he would fight forever to keep it. His next effort to ban Muslims is currently stopped by the courts. Turns out that pandering to Deplorables with promises to milk their scapegoats makes it difficult to deny your bigotry later. Who knew?
7.) OBAMA BUGGED TRUMP IN HIS TOWER declared a narcissistic psychopath to the disgust and/or amusement of all but his most devout groupies. Wacko still insists it’s true, recently running away from a reporter and pretending to read something after being asked about his idiocy.
8.) Does the name Devin Nunes ring a bell? It is a mark of the quantity and volume of trump’s artless sleaziness that it took me, and I bet others, a moment to recall what that scandal was all about. It was, of course, the Keystone Kops episode where the chairman of the House Committee investigating trump went to the White House to get information he then had to tell trump but not members of his committee about how trump’s Obama-bugged-me dumbassery had been vindicated by what White House staffers told him to tell trump that turned out to be nothing at all. And people think trump might try to influence investigations of him. Cynics.
Okay, that’s Part 1. You might have noticed I have written about 750 words, and I haven’t even said much about colluding with Russia to corrupt our presidential election. That was kind of the point of this little essay. trump has been so incredibly amateurish, so frequently and spectacularly inept and corrupt and ineptly corrupt, that even buffoonery from just a few months ago tends to fade into the distant past. THAT is trump’s greatest accomplishment.


we can get to these eventually, but you should start with your first lie from post #10......we will give you opportunity to support ALL your claims even if we are here all year......
It is a correlation, but the decline of the middle class began in the early eighties, about the time the trickle-on free-lunch scam began.

document please......I am fascinated because I am in the middle class and I did quite well during the Reagan administration......particularly after the struggles we faced during the Carter fiasco.......
And, I note the care you take to crop quotes in an attempt to dodge your sins.

if you feel something relevant has been overlooked you are free to add it back in......I cropped #10 to deal with one lie at a time......we will get to the others if you defend your first (unless you prefer to surrender, then we can go straight to the second)..........
document please......I am fascinated because I am in the middle class and I did quite well during the Reagan administration......particularly after the struggles we faced during the Carter fiasco.......

In his new book, “The Great Divide: Unequal Societies and What We Can Do About Them,” Stiglitz traces the modern divide of inequality back to the Reagan era. Though inequality was a huge problem at the turn of the last century and in the lead up to the Great Depression, Stiglitz says the income divide in the U.S. was reduced after World War II and that the country “grew at its fastest pace” and “grew together.” He says the turning point was the Reagan Administration and its rolling out of supply-side economics, deregulation, and lower tax rates. The goal of these policies was to spur economic growth overall and make everyone wealthier. Stiglitz says it caused a divide instead.

Full interview available in a video at the site.
if you feel something relevant has been overlooked you are free to add it back in......I cropped #10 to deal with one lie at a time......we will get to the others if you defend your first (unless you prefer to surrender, then we can go straight to the second)..........

No, you cropped out the part where you ducked backing up there was something dishonest in a specific post to find another where you've decided to deflect by demanding support for assertions you have yet to provide even once.
In his new book, “The Great Divide: Unequal Societies and What We Can Do About Them,” Stiglitz traces the modern divide of inequality back to the Reagan era. Though inequality was a huge problem at the turn of the last century and in the lead up to the Great Depression, Stiglitz says the income divide in the U.S. was reduced after World War II and that the country “grew at its fastest pace” and “grew together.” He says the turning point was the Reagan Administration and its rolling out of supply-side economics, deregulation, and lower tax rates. The goal of these policies was to spur economic growth overall and make everyone wealthier. Stiglitz says it caused a divide instead.

Full interview available in a video at the site.
so, is it that Stiglitz agrees with you or that you agree with Stiglitz?......

for an alternate view, based on actual economic statistics.....
Both men's patience paid off after 1983, when—with inflation under control at last—the economy began growing again. That growth continued, unabated, through the rest of Reagan's two-term presidency, marking the longest peacetime period of unbroken economic expansion yet seen in American history. (An even longer boom would occur a decade later, during a Bill Clinton presidency that largely followed Reagan's lead in economic policy.) Overall, between 1981 and 1989, real GDP per capita increased by nearly 23%; in the same span of time, the value of the stock market more than tripled.20
No, you cropped out the part where you ducked backing up there was something dishonest in a specific post to find another where you've decided to deflect by demanding support for assertions you have yet to provide even once.

oh, you mean I deleted some of your lies......yes, as I said, we will take them one at a time.......this one is the first and we will finish it before we continue to the rest......
so, is it that Stiglitz agrees with you or that you agree with Stiglitz?......

for an alternate view, based on actual economic statistics.....

I agree with the Nobel Economist. You parroted something called "shmoop," a site that offers to pay teachers to get students to subscribe to their propaganda. You provided a statistical deflection from what was happening to the middle class, gratuitously insulting me by treating me as if I am no smarter than you. GDP stats do not in themselves reveal what is happening to the middle class. Indeed, GDP went up as income and wealth were flowing to the already wealthy. I'll give you a couple of graphs in a bit.
oh, you mean I deleted some of your lies......yes, as I said, we will take them one at a time.......this one is the first and we will finish it before we continue to the rest......

There you go again. You continue to insist that merely repeating an empty assertion somehow validates it.
income inequality graph.jpg

This shows how GDP could rise but the middle class could be left behind.

Don't know how to make the image bigger. Willing to learn.