trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Ah. Well, videos and pics are great of course, but what I really miss from the other site is the alerts function.

I can only drop by every now and then, and being able to click on an Alerts icon and find out who has responded to a post I made 6 or 14 or 22 hours ago, as at the other place, would be wunnerful.

Well, I too will do some exploring. Not tonite though, I drove several hundred miles today and am beat. Catch you all tomorrow am, prolly.


I think I saw something that dealt with that also when exploring "Settings" and then "General Settings."
Just to show, again, that what has been seen cannot be unseen...oh, and to test c&p of images.

When I have looked in to the old place, I see most all of the liberal posts now are from Rhiney and Tyrone and Eyepub. Rightards seem happy at having a largely liberal-free safe place to this point. What do you think about me inviting rightards here? And, did you notice there is a section of this place dedicated to civil debate?

Umm. Depends on the rightard....I have absolutely no use for Otium, Flash, or Sayit....depending on the subject though, I have had discussions with most all of the others that were, at the least, not a waste of time.

I have a feeling that after all these years, our group may end up disintegrating. Some, maybe even most, of us will bounce between the two or more groups.

I was scrolling through my DircTV Guide. I like movies that have blow-stuff-up and gratuitous violence. I noticed, though, and I am proud to say, I have never watched a movie that had Vin Diesel in it.

His name alone always made me feel like it was rightard bait.
Umm. Depends on the rightard....I have absolutely no use for Otium, Flash, or Sayit....depending on the subject though, I have had discussions with most all of the others that were, at the least, not a waste of time.

I have a feeling that after all these years, our group may end up disintegrating. Some, maybe even most, of us will bounce between the two or more groups.


I agree with all you say, including the sense that we may be seeing the dissolution of our little community. If I tell one of them, I am telling all of them, of course. I'd be okay with Otedium, if he didn't use hide-from as a sanctuary to squeak limp insults at those he is claiming to ignore. Old Lady Flush is good for showing Deplorables unplugged. I find Mucky's sexual deviancy repulsive, but ... Of all that herd, Sprayit is intolerably boring.

I would not be tempted to invite any of them, but so far this place has not produced a righty of much quality at all.
I'm a hundred miles north of Phoenix, 2000 feet higher in elevation, and it's 9 PM. Temperature is 95 degrees F.
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In many of the rural counties that went heavily for trump, the only hospital or clinic relies on Medicaid to survive. Is it wrong to take just a bit of pleasure in knowing how the adult trump fluffers there are gonna suffer over that?

Well, to be fair, the Regressives were smart enough to make sure most of the Medicaid cuts do not take effect until AFTER most of them have stood for re-election.
The good news is that the incompetence of the Regressive canine bitches who have finally caught the healthcare car they've been chasing for years is almost certain to accelerate the progress toward socialized medicine.
I think I understand, I randomly picked page 13 and read the last one (I view 40 posts per page) and it seems this is just one big great general anything goes thread.

Only on JPP!