trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

PM sent to the administrator of the place that shall not be named:

You could have replied (to the petition), but you preferred the security of being a somebody someplace in cyber-space. You could have dealt with Flacaltenn selectively banning liberals on our thread. You chose to protect your tiny oligarchy, instead. The result is that your most active thread is already much less active than it was ... fewer participants. I suppose you will survive this loss of viewers, particularly as a dip in revenue is less important than protecting your virtual gawdliness. Still, it didn't have to happen, if only you were not so terribly insecure.

It is possilble this will pass and those playing elsewhere will come back for your bells and whistles. Possible I will. It is at least as possible, though, that your most popular thread is on its last legs and you are about to lose twenty-five or so members. Even the righties Flacaltenn protected will lose interest if he is allowed to turn the thread into another Freeper Board.
What does that mean? Are you saying more liberals have joined this board and posted in this thread because of some mod at another board? Sure seems like it.

Also, many of your local Deplorables found this thread a challenge and jumped in leading with their chins. Most of them have now opted for recuperation, elsewhere.
PM sent to the administrator of the place that shall not be named:

You could have replied (to the petition), but you preferred the security of being a somebody someplace in cyber-space. You could have dealt with Flacaltenn selectively banning liberals on our thread. You chose to protect your tiny oligarchy, instead. The result is that your most active thread is already much less active than it was ... fewer participants. I suppose you will survive this loss of viewers, particularly as a dip in revenue is less important than protecting your virtual gawdliness. Still, it didn't have to happen, if only you were not so terribly insecure.

It is possilble this will pass and those playing elsewhere will come back for your bells and whistles. Possible I will. It is at least as possible, though, that your most popular thread is on its last legs and you are about to lose twenty-five or so members. Even the righties Flacaltenn protected will lose interest if he is allowed to turn the thread into another Freeper Board.

What is the name of this board and why would this board care what another board did to you and your buddies?
What is the name of this board and why would this board care what another board did to you and your buddies?

I don't want to reveal the name of the other board, and what I wrote was directed to the administrator of that board, explaining its decline in number of posts. The only way it affects this board is in how it increases its membership. The message I quoted was to inform friends who came here from there.
One of the things that most confounds our modern neo-paleo-conservatives is the concept of "privilege," and especially "white privilege." They are proud of how having been born into the bourgeoisie, they have studied hard in pristine schools and often graduated from college in four years with only the help of a fraternity/sorority and parental paid tuition. "I pulled myself up by my Gucci bootstraps, why can't those colored people? Is that the correct term now - 'colored'?"

They really believe that their little 9 to 3 to 9 to 5 glide is the product of their enterprise and initiative, rather than a skate through the status quo.

Being born to the class means they don't really have to learn History or even Current Events. Showing up is about all that is really required of them. They do not consider the lingering effects of racism. A black man born 70 or 80 years ago learned that being smart and well-qualified meant nothing more often than not when it came to getting good jobs and positions of power. Do you suppose that man told his children that education was important to the same degree as did your white mommy who majored in how to catch a husband?

Of course, it's all post-racial now. Racial and ethnic minorities today don't have to deal with racism, or they wouldn't if they'd stop wearing hoodies. That same pro forma "education" that came with white privilege leaves most all of them ignorant of a study that has been repeated a couple of times. People made up some identical resumes, differing only in the names at the top. Some said Tom Smith or Sally White, and some said Shamiqua Jefferson or Pedro Gomez. Guess which ones got called for interviews. Deplorable looks at this and thinks, "Well, if they'd pick whiter names ..." He then offers this as proof to himself that he's not a bigot.
May 12, 2017
View attachment 4310
Okay, yesterday I covered some of trump’s ancient trump-ups. Because trump has wallowed in so much recent incompetence, I feared that people might have forgotten the golden oldies of a few months ago. I hummed along to hits like how trump would have won the popular vote if not for busloads of Mexicans, followed by his crowd-size-matters tantrum following his Inauguration. I looked back at how he alienated old allies and then put on a display of self-mocking hypocrisy with his frequent, tax-payer funded golfing extravaganzas. I laughed along with you, as we recalled the failures of his absurd health-care plan and the spanking he got with his Muslim ban. Remember the Keystone Kops Nunes Affair, when trump did an early attempt to influence the investigation against him? And, I ended yesterday with trump’s ongoing buffoonery about Obama bugging him in his golden tower (as opposed to Putin bugging his golden shower). Moving on with the list of clustertrumps:
9.) Swamp the Drain! I present a heavily abridged look at some of the creatures trump brought into his nest of ineptitude and corruption. In no particular order: a) “Grizzly” DeVos, Mullah of Education. So dumb she was surprised she got showered with boos at a commencement speech. b) Steve “Pepe” Bannon. ‘Nuf said. c) Sure Rick Perry could not remember the name of the agency he now heads, but I am informed he is getting much closer to finding the building. d) How about those Press Secretaries? Nobody does a better Melissa McCarthy impersonation than Sean “Bushes” Spicer. Sarah “Huckleberry” Sanders was cursed with her father’s looks, but you gotta love the way she stood in for Sean: “When did Comey tell the president he was not a target of the investigation?” “Nunya damn business, Nosey!” e) Sebastian v. Gorka. Never heard of him? He’s on the National Security Advisory Staff. The lower case “v” as the middle initial is how he and the other members of the HUNGARIAN NAZI PARTY display their solidarity. f) Have you heard about trump’s minders? These are people trump hired to watch various department heads for loyalty to trump. No, I’m not making that up. One of these minders graduated from high school in 2015. Maybe that’s the one they have watching Rick Perry. g) Jared “Flack Jacket” Kushner. Continuing the nepotism that led to business failures in every enterprise other than laundering foreign money, trump put his son-in- law in charge of … everything. trump was impressed with the boy’s success as a career inheritor. Reminds trump of himself. h) Seems like I’m forgetting somebody. Oh yeah, li’l Mikey Flynn. Because Obama failed to properly vet Mikey, we got a whole barrel full of trump-ups, culminating in the current Comey fiasco. The latest there is trump throwing Huck Sarah under the bus after trying to blame the Jew made trump look like the lying coward he is.
10. Syria. There is nothing American voters love more in a president than when he blows something or somebody up. Takes a trump to screw that up. After getting the predictable hugs and kisses, it came out that the warning of the Russians and the lack of effective damage meant trump had really just put on a $60 million fireworks display.
11. Russia, Russia, Russia. Seems that no matter how much Putin hurts him, trump cannot resist that bad boy. Women! We got a spectacular trump-up the other day. While everybody was once again reacting in shock to Comey and trump’s Putin lust, the orange dumbass was busy sucking up to Russian ministers, including the one that got Mikey and Beauregard and others in hot water. Worse, after trump denied American media access to the photo op, they ended up displaying prominently the pictures of trump kissing up to the Russians from RUSSIAN MEDIA who were allowed in. What a maroon!
12. trump is even managing to lose his base of mouth-breathing Deplorables. Recent Quinnipiac Poll showed trump’s “approvals” at 36%. 58% disapproval. And, that was done before the Comey fiasco. Of course, we are talking about “family values” voters who fell in love with a serial groper with a soft-core porn model for a wife. So, as long as he keeps offering a scapegoat in every pot, I don’t think his approvals can fall below 30%. Of course, and in spite of a long history as a warning, I have under-estimated trump’s nit-witted boobery before.
So, there you have it. Chances are good I left out one of your favorite trump idiocies, but I had to make this a two-parter as it is. What can I say to those of you who are agonizing over what the narcissistic psychopath is doing to the country? Well, as the Regressive Congressman said to the rape victim, you might as well lay back and enjoy it.

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How much of a flatulent boob is trump?

Yesterday or the day before he called for a law prohibiting immigrants from receiving welfare for five years. Got an ovation from the Iowa yokels he goes to for affirmation and to escape the worky stuff.

We've had such a law for 20 years. Says a lot that this didn't even register on the trump seismograph of stupidities. Same speech called for using "The Wall" for solar power, applauded again by yokels who hate commie solar power, leader and fluffers being too stupid to contemplate the idiocy of solar panels on a vertical wall ...
I don't want to reveal the name of the other board, and what I wrote was directed to the administrator of that board, explaining its decline in number of posts. The only way it affects this board is in how it increases its membership. The message I quoted was to inform friends who came here from there.

So why post it here? A PM would be more effective. You can't name the board, so you can't prove your claim. You're another hysterical liberal.
So why post it here? A PM would be more effective. You can't name the board, so you can't prove your claim. You're another hysterical liberal.

I was informing my friends. There is nothing to prove. You are another impotent rightard who was just doing mutual masturbation on a thread where fellow Deplorables were clutching their pearls over all the liberal killers out to get them.
Lessee ...

XO, CNM, Eyepub, Kflaux, InstantOn, JoaquinMiller, LVatorman, Kaykan ... that's eight off the top of my head of the eight or ten I claimed.

Maybe, you should consider putting in your store-bought teeth, if you're gonna keep nibbling at my ankles, mouth breather.
Anyway, rather than worrying about how many liberal bullies are now going to be persecuting you all, I suggest you send out the word for a rightard hero to represent your sissy asses. So far, all we've seen from your local herd of Deplorables is no-pride I-know-you-are's in lieu of wit and snotty efforts to be a victim of one thing or another. Got a rightard here anywhere with a descended testicle?
I was informing my friends. There is nothing to prove. You are another impotent rightard who was just doing mutual masturbation on a thread where fellow Deplorables were clutching their pearls over all the liberal killers out to get them.

I see, you're nothing but a libtard troll.

You have no idea what political positions I support, you just cry like a baby because I question you on your posting, not even positions.
