trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I see, you're nothing but a libtard troll.

You have no idea what political positions I support, you just cry like a baby because I question you on your posting, not even positions.


Of course, I have a good idea of what positions you support. I just mocked you on the thread where you joined other rightards in mutual masturbation over your victimhood. At that, here I mostly just answered your questions, and that too caused you to curl into a ball of victimhood, protected by a coating of impotent hiss-and-spit.
I support gay marriage, legalization of marijuana...

That is just two. Care to call me a conservative again you ignorant troll?

Ah, a libertarian. A conservative without the courage to be an anarchist and too much of a dumbass to defend anything else.
Of course, I have a good idea of what positions you support. I just mocked you on the thread where you joined other rightards in mutual masturbation over your victimhood. At that, here I mostly just answered your questions, and that too caused you to curl into a ball of victimhood, protected by a coating of impotent hiss-and-spit.

State what positions you think I support.

I bet you won't.
Ah, a libertarian. A conservative without the courage to be an anarchist and too much of a dumbass to defend anything else.


I name two liberal positions, and you call me a libertarian, yet I am also a conservative without courage to be an anarchist.

Good going troll.

Better luck next time. I think soon enough members will figure which sock you are.

I name two liberal positions, and you call me a libertarian, yet I am also a conservative without courage to be an anarchist.

Good going troll.

Better luck next time. I think soon enough members will figure which sock you are.

'Sokay, illiterate feeb. your trump loves the poorly educated.
Whoever created this sock, you did a great job, just by thread numbers.

Other than that, you're dumber than shit. But that was the point. :rofl2:

Whoever created this sock, you did a great job, just by thread numbers.

Other than that, you're dumber than shit. But that was the point. :rofl2:


I was gonna say this was another example of rightard impotence, but then you added that cutesy emojie in lieu of an ability to articulate a thought, and I was skewered.
Oh, how about the belief this thread is part of a vast left-wing conspiracy? Does that count in defining what kind of a whiny little rightard bitch you are?
Where did I say there was anything such thing?

Oh wait, I didn't.

Try harder troll/sock. Much harder.

Given your obvious brain damage, you can be forgiven for forgetting all the ankle-gumming whimpering about how this thread is all a "sock" designed to demean your herd of fellow victims, snowflake. OTOH, being such a dumbass you missed claiming the sock victimhood in the post where you deny doing it ... the dumbassery is likely fatal. Hey! You can now claim to be a victim of that! "Liberal called for my death!"

'Course, I would respond by pointing to obvious brain death to justify pulling the plug, but that is another debate entirely.
No smart conservatives anywhere here? Somebody not too embarrassed about being a neo-paleo-conservatives? Somebody who can think beyond being a victim? Somebody who can do forensics beyond, "I know you are, but what am I?"
Difficult to do images, especially, here on default settings, Jantje, but if you look back a page or three, you will find easy instructions on how to make it easier. I haven't figured out how to do stuff from Facebook yet, but you can usually find the same stuff on youtube, and it's easy from there.

Made it, finally. Who knew signing up to a chatbox can be such a long, hard slog?

Oh, and I see the the good rightards on here are as whiny and lazy as they are everywhere else. That's disappointing, for I had such high hopes. No, really!