trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I have no idea as to its feasibility or cost. Anyway I'll say no more, you're obviously a cantankerous argumentative old sot who is not worth engaging.

As the panels are not part of the structure of the wall, they are pure added cost. Given that a wall isn't a particularly apt foundation for solar panels, mounting them would add costs about the same as would accrue mounting them on a roof, which would be a better foundation. Moreover, since you can predict there will be attempts at scaling that wall, which would sure damage the panels (they don't like being trampled on), you might rather not install them on that particular wall. All that reveals the "wall plus solar panels" as a transparent, egregiously stupid ruse to pull the wool over the eyes of the gullible. Oh, since the direction of the sunlight requires the panels to be mounted on the southern, Mexican side, you can also predict that on the day the Americans are installing panels, while at night the Mexicans carry them off to power their homes. You know them "beaners", don't you?

Yeah, you are right about the "cantankerous argumentative old sot", but you've yet to show yourself to be worthy of being considered an opponent. Merely asserting your superiority sure doesn't cut it. You might start out defining what, exactly, a "climate realist" is, and by explaining how you differ from the garden-variety denialist.
I would like this place more if it supported Apple and Safari. If I enlarge the window enough to read it easily, the text doesn't wrap and I have to scroll horizontally to read the whole message.

I've noticed in the other place, Trump has given the deplorables permission to express their inner demons, and it ain't a pretty sight.
Again, Mods here have been very hospitable. Given our objection to overbearing mods elsewhere, I would discourage any hint of arrogance in dealing with the Mods here.
I would like this place more if it supported Apple and Safari. If I enlarge the window enough to read it easily, the text doesn't wrap and I have to scroll horizontally to read the whole message.

I've noticed in the other place, Trump has given the deplorables permission to express their inner demons, and it ain't a pretty sight.

I agree scrolling horizontally is really no way to read. Is there any particular reason why you won't switch to firefox?
I would like this place more if it supported Apple and Safari. If I enlarge the window enough to read it easily, the text doesn't wrap and I have to scroll horizontally to read the whole message.

I've noticed in the other place, Trump has given the deplorables permission to express their inner demons, and it ain't a pretty sight.

I am not in your league on computer stuff. I do know that I found things easier once I clicked on "settings" above, and then "general settings" on the left and then scrolled down to "Miscellaneous Options" and went with "enhanced WYWhatever" stuff for posting and editing over the default.
I would like this place more if it supported Apple and Safari. If I enlarge the window enough to read it easily, the text doesn't wrap and I have to scroll horizontally to read the whole message.

I use Firefox and that doesn't give any problems

The lack of bananas is much more serious......

I've noticed in the other place, Trump has given the deplorables permission to express their inner demons, and it ain't a pretty sight.

Inner demons, I thought they were just displaying their orange, uneducated, deplorable brainwashed 'mind'? It can get worse?

In other news, if anybody would like a free bottle of scientifically prepared, fruit-cocktail wine, notify me with a willingness to pay shipping and handling. Reviewers say, "Not so bad I couldn't drink a bottle of it tonight."
Lessee ...

XO, CNM, Eyepub, Kflaux, InstantOn, JoaquinMiller, LVatorman, Kaykan ... that's eight off the top of my head of the eight or ten I claimed.

Maybe, you should consider putting in your store-bought teeth, if you're gonna keep nibbling at my ankles, mouth breather.

Oh I see, you're their leader. I've only seen CNM and Kaykan.

Be brave leader, lead them well.
Oh I see, you're their leader. I've only seen CNM and Kaykan.

Be brave leader, lead them well.

Accusing me of being the leader of our anarchic ark was a smart shot. Attacks the egos of the others.

I am a vanguard, I suppose, and even a leader in a herd that fancies itself comprised of leaders. The point here, however, is that you began your dance of typical rightard victimhood with a challenge that I/We were nothing more than some fake news sock created to counter the great mass of trump suckers.

Fact is, bitch, it is looking more and more like we are finding a home here. You are mostly likely dealing with Independence Day, ​where the aliens win.
????.....I thought that was the way you rolled......

I guess you missed my post where I complimented you for getting a quarter for selling what pride you had, so you could post this kind of I-know-you-are in lieu of wit.

The intellectually lazy reliance on ellipses to justify your trump stream-of-semi-consciousness rather than organize a complete, coherent thought? I think that was explained best by my earlier essay on bourgeois privilege.
View attachment 4304

This shows how GDP could rise but the middle class could be left behind.

Don't know how to make the image bigger. Willing to learn.
as the article I quoted pointed out, the roots of that phenomena was in the stagflation of the Carter era......double digit inflation and double digit interest rates had a huge impact on the middle brother-in-law and sister bought their starter home for just over $7,000......a handful of years later my wife and I bought a similar home for $36, it any surprise that this had an impact on the middle class.......your problem lies in blaming the wrong president.......
"I thought that was the way you rolled."

Only in cyber-space could a derivative white simp believe he could get away with using ghetto slang after it became clichéd.

Muhammad-wannabe wears parachute pants. Can't touch this.
Did you find out which ones who did help write it, now won't vote for it or is weaseling away from your own idiocies all you care about?
?????......shouldn't YOU be the one finding out who helped write're the one who made the claim that they were now saying they wouldn't vote for it.....

See? I didn't say what you claim.

lol you said precisely what I claimed, because I pasted your words..... "I turn on the news to find Republican Senators who helped write this stupid new healthcare law say they won't vote for it?"

But if you want 4 names who helped write it but may not vote for it, try Portman, Lee, Gardner, and Cruz

and now you've said it again?.....did any of those four help write it? just came out of committee.......which of them were on the committee that wrote it?......

is weaseling away from your own idiocies all you care about?

apparently that's the way YOU roll.....
as the article I quoted pointed out, the roots of that phenomena was in the stagflation of the Carter era......double digit inflation and double digit interest rates had a huge impact on the middle brother-in-law and sister bought their starter home for just over $7,000......a handful of years later my wife and I bought a similar home for $36, it any surprise that this had an impact on the middle class.......your problem lies in blaming the wrong president.......

Sorry, poser, but we are well-used to dealing with rightards who deflect with anecdotal evidence.

I provided a Nobel economist as a citation. I provided several graphs showing the history of disparity of wealth and income.

You? You, you simpering feeb? One of your many problems is that you have defined reality in terms of how being a privileged brat worked out for your pampered ass. .

To this point you can take some pride in being the greatest impediment to our alien invasion. You are about a mouthy, self-fellating sumbitch, but your self-evaluation as a superior rightard has convinced some of my buddies that you are right - that you are as smart as rightards get here. Many are willing to move on, hoping to find something more challenging than a snotty bitch who thinks I-know-you-are is repartee.