trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Tapatalk does that you ignorant fuck, I was going to change it but seeing as it pisses you off I won't.

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk

Not sure how you found validation in the dream you could be a minor annoyance, gnat, but good luck with your ambitions.

Sent from somebody who could afford a computer.
I guess you missed my post where I complimented you for getting a quarter for selling what pride you had, so you could post this kind of I-know-you-are in lieu of wit.

The intellectually lazy reliance on ellipses to justify your trump stream-of-semi-consciousness rather than organize a complete, coherent thought? I think that was explained best by my earlier essay on bourgeois privilege.

no, I just ignore posts which are nothing but this one....

"I thought that was the way you rolled."

Only in cyber-space could a derivative white simp believe he could get away with using ghetto slang after it became clichéd.

Muhammad-wannabe wears parachute pants. Can't touch this.
C'mon. Tell me that bitchy snottiness doesn't scream Crawley.

Be interesting to test doppleganger theories and the continued existence of the universe, should we bring prissies to the same place at the same time.
Sorry, poser, but we are well-used to dealing with rightards who deflect with anecdotal evidence.

I provided a Nobel economist as a citation. I provided several graphs showing the history of disparity of wealth and income.

You? You, you simpering feeb? One of your many problems is that you have defined reality in terms of how being a privileged brat worked out for your pampered ass. .

To this point you can take some pride in being the greatest impediment to our alien invasion. You are about a mouthy, self-fellating sumbitch, but your self-evaluation as a superior rightard has convinced some of my buddies that you are right - that you are as smart as rightards get here. Many are willing to move on, hoping to find something more challenging than a snotty bitch who thinks I-know-you-are is repartee.

I'm impressed by your ability to defend your position with reasoned are clearly a valid addition to the lib'rul ranks we already have......
you are free to bring your own.....

Thanks, seems it's allowed now

I'm still not allowed a signature though

of course not......he's only been here a day or so......plenty of time to put him on ignore as a total waste of time.....

Careful, bitch. You are on my thread. As I understand it, I can ban your wimpiness. I am little tolerant of those who use hide-from to fling limp-wristed shots from hide-from bunkers. And, this is the place to be apparently.

That said, recommending that any flunkies you may have hide from me is probably good strategery.
You will note the lickspittle prophet did not address what Raygun's free-lunch scam did to disparity of wealth in America.

I have noted that you've failed to respond to all three of the posts made addressing your post just like ZappassGuitar........lots of claims that you've accomplished things you haven't accomplished.......
Correct. The problem is, murdering your reputation (assuming you had one) while surviving the act has you swaddling through life with its decaying corpse around your neck, for all to see.

Dayum. Gotta be OE.

Now, I gotta be more careful about pissing off such a stiletto-wielding assassin.

You've come a long way, baby ;-)