trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I have noted that you've failed to respond to all three of the posts made addressing your post just like ZappassGuitar........lots of claims that you've accomplished things you haven't accomplished.......

I'd ask you to point to one of the supposed three - I posted graphs and Nobel economists in abundance. Rightard feeb posted an opinion from a place called "shmoops" that offered to pay teachers for making students subscribe to their propaganda.

Bottom line, you can see why the squealing piglet is so desperately threatened.
'Sokay, prolly nobody noticed how you once again clipped a quote to offer a deflection in defense of vacuity. Well, none of the other rightards noticed, most likely.

I can see why you are so threatened. In the land of one functioning brain cell, a twit claiming two is king.

You can gum my ankles from here to forever, Twit, but I am not your existential threat. I have invited here some righties from our community. When the flock of parrots get one look at them and compare it to your simpering "Nuh uh's" and witless I-know-you-are's and ham-fisted deflections ... you are one dead piper.

gosh I'm impressed with your logic.......can I be a lib'rul demmycrat too?'re all so cool......
Correct. The problem is, murdering your reputation (assuming you had one) while surviving the act has you swaddling through life with its decaying corpse around your neck, for all to see.

reputation is no big deal.....I mean after all, once your reputation is totally fucked you can always gather your friends and move on to a new board, right?.....
can't answer the question?......let's try hacking the DNC (if it was the government and not a private hacker) violating our sovereignty?........or is the DNC manipulation of the nomination process that the public learned about, the violation?.....

I'm drunk, but not drunk enough to think that conflation of rightard talking points is an actual point. If I were that drunk, I would still have a problem overcoming turning that loaded bit of victim-wannabe into a coherent question. I'm guessing you are trying to parrot the stupidity proposed a week or so ago that it was really the Dems who manipulated our electoral process - those evil natives of our process doing Dem stuff ...

Okay, I was wrong, wasn't I? You didn't even get a quarter for your pride, didja?
Careful, bitch. You are on my thread. As I understand it, I can ban your wimpiness. . can only do that when you start a thread.......but you wouldn't want to do that......domer would add you to his pussy list and right now he's beginning to worship you as a hero and savior........
fling limp-wristed shots

especially since he likes to throw homophobic insults around like you do.........
C'mon. Tell me that bitchy snottiness doesn't scream Crawley.

Be interesting to test doppleganger theories and the continued existence of the universe, should we bring prissies to the same place at the same time.

I find, that one is sui generis as he combines the otherwise concentrated, while singular, rightarded virtues - such as snottiness, mendacity, too-smart-by-half-ness, vacuity, over-entitlement, and self-centeredness - in slightly smaller doses to form something pretty unique, in its odiousness. Still, the elegance of his dancing around his lies compares positively to that of a three-legged hippo, but just barely.
I'm drunk, but not drunk enough to think that conflation of rightard talking points is an actual point. If I were that drunk, I would still have a problem overcoming turning that loaded bit of victim-wannabe into a coherent question. I'm guessing you are trying to parrot the stupidity proposed a week or so ago that it was really the Dems who manipulated our electoral process - those evil natives of our process doing Dem stuff ...

Okay, I was wrong, wasn't I? You didn't even get a quarter for your pride, didja?

so your're saying that the only way to trick you into engaging in political argument and back up your statements is to get you drunk?......
is hacking the DNC (if it was the government and not a private hacker) violating our sovereignty?........or is the DNC manipulation of the nomination process that the public learned about, the violation?.....

Ricky doesn't do discussions of the vast Russian conspiracy when he's drunk (and he doesn't post sober)

But you have to understand that the real violation is that the Orange One has won the selections instead of the approved warmongering corporate puppet. Unless Trump surrenders to the so called deep state and their agenda the investigations won't end until the deplorable in chief is removed from the oval office and replaced by the loyal Pence neocon

Ricky doesn't do discussions of the vast Russian conspiracy when he's drunk (and he doesn't post sober)


Not true, bitch vying with trump for Putin affection. I post sober six days a week. You work to elbow trump out of the way to tug on Putin's zipper every day of the week.