trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Damocles is the techie mod here. He is a nice fellow. I suggest that we go humble with any suggestions on how to improve their forum after an entire week of being here.
Yes wouldn't that be a good idea. do you go into stranger's houses and immediately start criticising their choice of decor? Are you the scorpion in the tale of the scorpion and the frog? Is your nature to sting the host that saved you?

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk
Did you ever notice how with all the things trump says about Russia and collusion and being Putin's bitch, he has yet to say anything about what he intends to do to the Russians for their gross violation of our sovereignty? You notice how this doesn't bother his fluffer groupies in the least?

is hacking the DNC (if it was the government and not a private hacker) violating our sovereignty?........or is the DNC manipulation of the nomination process that the public learned about, the violation?.....
excellent......this graph more clearly show the roots of the phenomena in the Carter years.......thanks......

If you sold any pride for the opportunity to tug trickle-on zippers. You will note the lickspittle prophet did not address what Raygun's free-lunch scam did to disparity of wealth in America.

'Course, if you've been paying any attention at all to this simpering feeb, you have noticed he's a dumber version of Crawley, squealing a dumber version of bitchy snottiness.

close.....but he's not a fiscal conservative......
I had you pegged as an arrogant pillock as soon as you arrived and I've seen nothing since to correct that initial impression.

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk

We agree I am arrogant. It appears we also agree this whiny bit of nothing justifies it.

Sent from somebody who can afford a computer.
lol.....take that Yurt, you "conservative bastard".......

'Sokay, prolly nobody noticed how you once again clipped a quote to offer a deflection in defense of vacuity. Well, none of the other rightards noticed, most likely.

I can see why you are so threatened. In the land of one functioning brain cell, a twit claiming two is king.

You can gum my ankles from here to forever, Twit, but I am not your existential threat. I have invited here some righties from our community. When the flock of parrots get one look at them and compare it to your simpering "Nuh uh's" and witless I-know-you-are's and ham-fisted deflections ... you are one dead piper.
We agree I am arrogant. It appears we also agree this whiny bit of nothing justifies it.

Sent from somebody who can afford a computer.

Tapatalk does that you ignorant fuck, I was going to change it but seeing as it pisses you off I won't.

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk