trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Let me try this now.
swimming hole 2.jpg

Better but still too small.

swimming hole.jpg

Little known swimmin' hole on Oak Creek (Sedona's Creek). Half mile walk to get there keeps out the riff raff, or it did until me and my brother got there.
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no is the "someone"....

there were four senators who said they won't vote for I'm sure that "someone" didn't mean 40.....

given you didn't remember posting it I guess my memory and comprehension test a bit higher than yours, eh?......

I remember quite well posting it. That's why I know I didn't state a number, so no you didn't comprehend what I wrote.
Did you find out which ones who did help write it, now won't vote for it or is weaseling away from your own idiocies all you care about?

Once again, what I wrote was "I turn on the news to find Republican Senators who helped write this stupid new healthcare law say they won't vote for it?"
That's what I saw. But of course that's MSM, so you know it's a lie, eh?

And you think I wrote, "the four senators who said they will vote against the bill helped write it" See? I didn't say what you claim.

But if you want 4 names who helped write it but may not vote for it, try Portman, Lee, Gardner, and Cruz. They don't love it. And if there are enough others who defect they may find it smarter to vote against.

Tomorrow, if you're nice, I'll explain the difference between "some apples", "any apples" and "apples." If you can handle it.
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You gotta link, Potato Famine Boy, to support the absurd assertion that ANY Deplorable lives matter? If not, how about something in the way of a clichéd Hitler comparison?
Not sure I can drink any more bottles of fruit cocktail wine ... or if I can finish this bottle before switching to whiskey.
And, I figured out how to make posting images easier. You need to change settings to where they allow that enhanced WYZABCDEFG or whatever editing. Wait, I'll look it up again.
For others trying to figure out how to use this place, particularly posting images, go to "settings" at the top, and then to "general settings" on the left side, and then scroll down to Miscellaneous Options and choose "Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing." You can then copy-and-paste images easily and see what you are pasting before you post it. You can also make images bigger if you click on them twice before posting and look at the options that brings up.
Did you ever notice how with all the things trump says about Russia and collusion and being Putin's bitch, he has yet to say anything about what he intends to do to the Russians for their gross violation of our sovereignty? You notice how this doesn't bother his fluffer groupies in the least?
I asked Damocles about notifications/alerts here for thanks received - who did them for which posts. He said that unless I am using Tapatalk, such alerts should occur under "Notifications." I'm not very computer savvy, but I don't believe I would have Tapatalk on a laptop with Windows 10. Anybody else here having this problem, know more about this?
I wonder if drag and drop works. Too, I wonder whether this has already been addressed. Anyway, this is where 'Notifications' is located...


  • Untitled.jpg
    99 KB · Views: 4
Heya Ricky

So there are ten of us here now, although Dan hasn't posted anything yet. But it has been two days since the last one of us, Chris, joined....

What are the odds of getting others to come over, I wonder. I think yada and Brian will not like the barebones feel of this place.

I am increasingly leaning toward the view that enlightened moderation is more important than software bells & whistles. Well, within limits.
Did you ever notice how with all the things trump says about Russia and collusion and being Putin's bitch, he has yet to say anything about what he intends to do to the Russians for their gross violation of our sovereignty? You notice how this doesn't bother his fluffer groupies in the least?

Yeah. That is in a sense the most reprehensible aspect of Trump's behavior. And it's right out there in the open, for all to see.
I wonder if drag and drop works. Too, I wonder whether this has already been addressed. Anyway, this is where 'Notifications' is located...

Yeah, I know where Notifications is located, but I had to change my default settings to get notice of thanks and groans. Also found such listed when I clicked on settings.

Thanks for your help, but by the time you read this you will know I figured out a few things.
Heya Ricky

So there are ten of us here now, although Dan hasn't posted anything yet. But it has been two days since the last one of us, Chris, joined....

What are the odds of getting others to come over, I wonder. I think yada and Brian will not like the barebones feel of this place.

I am increasingly leaning toward the view that enlightened moderation is more important than software bells & whistles. Well, within limits.

I have notified them, but I won't do more than that. And, I am discovering the default settings for this place are most of the problem in regards to bells and whistles. If you check my discovery of WYWhatever enhanced something-or-other a few posts back, this place works fine for images and videos and such.
Heya Ricky

So there are ten of us here now, although Dan hasn't posted anything yet. But it has been two days since the last one of us, Chris, joined....

What are the odds of getting others to come over, I wonder. I think yada and Brian will not like the barebones feel of this place.

I am increasingly leaning toward the view that enlightened moderation is more important than software bells & whistles. Well, within limits.

When I have looked in to the old place, I see most all of the liberal posts now are from Rhiney and Tyrone and Eyepub. Rightards seem happy at having a largely liberal-free safe place to this point. What do you think about me inviting rightards here? And, did you notice there is a section of this place dedicated to civil debate?
I have notified them, but I won't do more than that. And, I am discovering the default settings for this place are most of the problem in regards to bells and whistles. If you check my discovery of WYWhatever enhanced something-or-other a few posts back, this place works fine for images and videos and such.

Ah. Well, videos and pics are great of course, but what I really miss from the other site is the alerts function.

I can only drop by every now and then, and being able to click on an Alerts icon and find out who has responded to a post I made 6 or 14 or 22 hours ago, as at the other place, would be wunnerful.

Well, I too will do some exploring. Not tonite though, I drove several hundred miles today and am beat. Catch you all tomorrow am, prolly.
