trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Non sequitur aside, this is your identity politics, your tribalism, and it's ridiculously myopic at that. Worse, you make these blanket statements as well, like, "the blunt lesson of history is that rule of mob democracy sucks." WTF do you get this stuff?

You think you can just make stuff up and call it reasoned argument?

Polls consistently show that democrats are out of touch with large swaths of the country.

If I showed you the polls demonstrating more people want Trump impeached than approve of him, will you say you can't trust polls?

Look, if you want to make an argument, state your beliefs backed by verifiable facts. Don't tell me what others believe or I think.

But I'm here to help you and other democrats find their way out of the electoral wilderness.

It's a verifiable fact you are on a losing streak. Don't you get tired of losing? Should you just keep doing what you're doing?
But I'm here to help you and other democrats find their way out of the electoral wilderness.

It's a verifiable fact you are on a losing streak. Don't you get tired of losing? Should you just keep doing what you're doing?

Regressives lost six House seats and two Senate seats in the last election. Do you really want a participation trophy for "winning" one in a row by getting fewer votes than the Democrat?
Okay, I'm gonna do something else now. Today is Friday, and tonight is Friday night. Those of you who do not know me are in for a treat tonight. Okay, those who know me are too, but they know it's coming.

Regressives lost six House seats and two Senate seats in the last election. Do you really want a participation trophy for "winning" one in a row by getting fewer votes than the Democrat?

So, things are honky-dory in Leftist Land and you advocate democrats just keep doing what they're doing?

The first step in solving a problem is admitting you have one lol.
I asked Damocles about notifications/alerts here for thanks received - who did them for which posts. He said that unless I am using Tapatalk, such alerts should occur under "Notifications." I'm not very computer savvy, but I don't believe I would have Tapatalk on a laptop with Windows 10. Anybody else here having this problem, know more about this?

yes.....Damo is right........your notifications appear in the upper right corner when you log in......
I would ask you to cite something I said that was untrue, but your cowardice in this regard has already been established.

no was the first.....
Of course, the neo-paleo-conservatives who put up St. Raygun as a figurehead had us on the way to hell in a handbasket long before the Deplorables decided a flabby old brat was a strong man who could protect them from their hordes of boogey men. trump promised the cowardly bigots a scapegoat in every pot, somebody Deplorables could blame for their inadequacies, and so he was a perfect vehicle for revenge on all those smartass people with educations who have spent the last years sneering smugly at them from behind that uppity negro. America? Our scoundrels find a first refuge in their phony patriotism, but these fascist-wannabes are all about partei uber alles in the end.

I count at least eight false statements in the above........
Who is this someone?

And are you sure he didn't say forty?

Test your memory and comprehension.

You're welcome.

no is the "someone"....
I turn on the news to find Republican Senators who helped write this stupid new healthcare law say they won't vote for it?

WTH is wrong with these people?
there were four senators who said they won't vote for I'm sure that "someone" didn't mean 40.....

given you didn't remember posting it I guess my memory and comprehension test a bit higher than yours, eh?......
So, Trump is on his way to being as good a president as Obama lol?

Probably on his way to losing the majority in Congress, and giving Democrats campaign fodder in all of their local/state races as well.

I'm actually just hoping you'll cut & paste "is that another prediction?" again.
Probably on his way to losing the majority in Congress, and giving Democrats campaign fodder in all of their local/state races as well.

I'm actually just hoping you'll cut & paste "is that another prediction?" again.

You know I live for your predictions lol.
no was the first.....

I count at least eight false statements in the above........

We'll just move past the dishonesty of you switching from saying my post about trump lies and you suck-ups who swallow them contained false statements to going after a different post.

I guess counting all the way to eight left you too exhausted actually to point to any false statement in that post. Good thing you didn't have to take off your shoes and use your toes for the math.