trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Darla, Zappa and Rana bitching about ILA.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
And it's a nice feature for those who don't want to be harassed by posters. I don't use the feature, but I respect others that do for that reason, like christiefan.
Seems to be just a massive circle jerk and wankfest so far.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
They've really upset you, do you need some tea and headache powder. You're trying very hard to build a coalition against them. Best entertainment in sometime.
Mornin'. Just here for a little bit, things to do. Just wanted to let you know I had not abandoned my needy little ankle gummers here.
Watching the news. Democrats are reacting to the Secret Gooper healthcare bill with big smiles. I knew it was going to be bad when the Regressive dogs finally caught the healthcare car they had been chasing, but this looks like it's gonna be a bloodbath.

Who knew governing could be so much more complicated than bitching?
They've really upset you, do you need some tea and headache powder. You're trying very hard to build a coalition against them. Best entertainment in sometime.

I speak as I find, I know you feel it necessary to make out that I am really really upset ffs. I still haven't forgotten your impressive use of Anglo Saxon when your bestie ran away from the shame of being exposed as a racist. Now that was quality entertainment and your reaction priceless. Anyway off to Ireland for a few days so see yer!

Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not a blubbering vagina©

© Grind Enterprises

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
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Don't suppose you have a link to go with the rant? I get the impression you may have been home schooled, where the importance of citations was not emphasised.

The results of the 2010 United States Census showed that 27% of children live with one parent, consistent with the emerging trend noted in 2000.

Of course the data represents the % of those who make up the "DEMOCRAT" voting base. And the actual data breaks down as such. The demographic correlation represents the actual % that "family" structures have by majority increased in single parent family structures from 1970 to the present. 66% of all American households were 2 parent families in as reported in 2012....down from 81% in 1970 to 66% presently.

The breakdown according to Race and Culture ....leading the "democrat pack voting" of course is the black community with documented fact that 72% of the United States Black population are single parent families.

Of course liberals present only half the evidenced. You suggested the number was 25% or so....which includes all the people in the US, while the stats being pointed out was inclusive of only those who support and vote for the liberal policies that have resulted in a voting block that votes over 90% DEMOCRAT that average 72% as being a single parent block of democrat voters.

Its not confusing when the truth is pointed out. Figures don't lie but liars sure figure out advantages to presenting only a portion of the actual data that is relevant to the point in question....the failure of liberal policies.

Now must anyone wonder just HOW and WHY the modern democrat party that identifies itself as progressive/liberal/socialist etc., over past decade has lost over 900 seats of government power nation wide and lost the entire power structure in DC in losing the Executive Branch....both houses of congress....and SCOTUS...for the 1st time since the 1920s.

What has changed? The quality of education, the family structure, and individual accountability....resulting in the US having the greatest prison population in the World.

You might count such FACTS as "progressive" but I would suggest its a negative that results in worse conditions than during the democrat generated JIM CROW era.

FYI: The stats presented are common knowledge, I, just as YOU.....was not inclined to waste the effort in presenting COMMON PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. I did note that you certainly backed up your false premise with LINKS. A practice used by all democrats...suggesting that its the duty of others to prove or disprove their presented suggestions... I say if you can prove any information presented to be in error by presenting a (wink, wink) LINK...feel free to prove that the largest voting demographic base of the democrat party (over 90% of blacks vote democrat) that over 70% of all black families are not headed by single parent. Should be easy.

Next would be the government backed Native American Reservations where over 50% of that democrat voting block are parented by a single individual.

What is the point being made? The government has taken on the responsibility of the MALE in the family unit and is doing a piss poor job educating and providing a method to change this generational Democrat trap of government dependence resulting in dumb downed ignorant....future democrat prison inmates.
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Of course the data represents the % of those who make up the "DEMOCRAT" voting base. And the actual data breaks down as such. The demographic correlation represents the actual % that "family" structures have by majority increased in single parent family structures from 1970 to the present. 66% of all American households were 2 parent families in as reported in 2012....down from 81% in 1970 to 66% presently.

The breakdown according to Race and Culture ....leading the "democrat pack voting" of course is the black community with documented fact that 72% of the United States Black population are single parent families.

Of course liberals present only half the evidenced. You suggested the number was 25% or so....which includes all the people in the US, while the stats being pointed out was inclusive of only those who support and vote for the liberal policies that have resulted in a voting block that votes over 90% DEMOCRAT that average 72% as being a single parent block of democrat voters.

Its not confusing when the truth is pointed out. Figures don't lie but liars sure figure out advantages to presenting only a portion of the actual data that is relevant to the point in question....the failure of liberal policies.

Now must anyone wonder just HOW and WHY the modern democrat party that identifies itself as progressive/liberal/socialist etc., over past decade has lost over 900 seats of government power nation wide and lost the entire power structure in DC in losing the Executive Branch....both houses of congress....and SCOTUS...for the 1st time since the 1920s.

What has changed? The quality of education, the family structure, and individual accountability....resulting in the US having the greatest prison population in the World.

You might count such FACTS as "progressive" but I would suggest its a negative that results in worse conditions than during the democrat generated JIM CROW era.

FYI: The stats presented are common knowledge, I, just as YOU.....was not inclined to waste the effort in presenting COMMON PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. I did note that you certainly backed up your false premise with LINKS. A practice used by all democrats...suggesting that its the duty of others to prove or disprove their presented suggestions... I say if you can prove any information presented to be in error by presenting a (wink, wink) LINK...feel free to prove that the largest voting demographic base of the democrat party (over 90% of blacks vote democrat) that over 70% of all black families are not headed by single parent. Should be easy.

Next would be the government backed Native American Reservations where over 50% of that democrat voting block are parented by a single individual.

What is the point being made? The government has taken on the responsibility of the MALE in the family unit and is doing a piss poor job educating and providing a method to change this generational Democrat trap of government dependence resulting in dumb downed ignorant....future democrat prison inmates.

Very clever.

Asked for support for your assertions after demonstrating with an actual statistic proving your initial claim to be false, you provide none, save for more unsupported, bigoted, dogmatic assertions.

That'll fool everybody, dude, fer sure.
Have some regard for her feelings. Imagine being told one is not womynly enough.

I take it your joking..........LMAO

That thang has done nothing but disrespect me and my people since it started posting.

He's a racist fraud.
Indeed its called parental oversight at home. I was not raised by the "village"...but the education that counts comes from the example established by righteous parenting...something that has not existed since the the majority of kids are being raised by the government in a single parent household and indoctrinated to expect a cradle to the grave livelihood from their neighbors....while graduating 50th in the world rankings in QUALITY EDUCATION in spite of the fact that the US outspends everyone else in the world on a supposed quality education....per capita not to mention the fact that US leads the world in prison population raised during the same time period.

As I said....a product of a dumbdowned democrat system....calibrated to raise ignorant poor folk...not smart enough to realize they are being played and owned by the very system they vote to maintain every election cycle. Hell....when asked where chocolate milk comes from...7% of the population said with all sincerity, "From Brown colored cows".....that's near 17 million democrat voters that are dumber than dirt half way through College.

The piece for the NPR (democrat funded social infomercial) stated that 7% of adult Americans are disconnected from their FOOD. Really? They are not disconnected from anything except a quality education.

How many of them voted for either Donald Trump or Scrub?

while graduating 50th in the world rankings in QUALITY EDUCATION

How many of the 49 ranked above offer public education?