trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

?????......shouldn't YOU be the one finding out who helped write're the one who made the claim that they were now saying they wouldn't vote for it.....

lol you said precisely what I claimed, because I pasted your words..... "I turn on the news to find Republican Senators who helped write this stupid new healthcare law say they won't vote for it?"

and now you've said it again?.....did any of those four help write it? just came out of committee.......which of them were on the committee that wrote it?......

apparently that's the way YOU roll.....

Your inference was that I said the four who are suspected of not wanting to vote for it all wrote it. I didn't say that and it's clear your reading comprehension or your inability to think logically is part of the reason you believe the shit trump feeds you. Your repetition proves it.

And you note I did give you 4 names, but not knowing they were Senators on the committee proves you're either lazy or stupid.

So there you go. You're stupid enough to think you can change the meaning of my words to whimper an idiocy where you have no idea what you're whining about anyway.

No wonder you use incomplete sentences and half-hearted attempts at complete thoughts hiding behind illiteracy, to suggest others are as stupid as you.

But it ain't working.
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Sorry, poser, but we are well-used to dealing with rightards who deflect with anecdotal evidence.

I provided a Nobel economist as a citation. I provided several graphs showing the history of disparity of wealth and income.

You? You, you simpering feeb? One of your many problems is that you have defined reality in terms of how being a privileged brat worked out for your pampered ass. .

To this point you can take some pride in being the greatest impediment to our alien invasion. You are about a mouthy, self-fellating sumbitch, but your self-evaluation as a superior rightard has convinced some of my buddies that you are right - that you are as smart as rightards get here. Many are willing to move on, hoping to find something more challenging than a snotty bitch who thinks I-know-you-are is repartee.

Dunno if I'll read on enough to see if this twink addresses this, but I'm in no hurry to move.

This particular twink will prolly continue to believe we are someone else, to feed his or her ego, but it's unlikely he's one of the smarter ones. We'll see.

Rhiney will like debating him tho, and it'll be fun to watch.
Think he'll believe that? It only covers one hundred thousandth of his claim to believe. His faith is bigger than your science by a long shot.

A dollar says you can't come up with a fact he can't deny.
No way in the world will I take that bet.
So, Team New Zealand take the fifth race off OTAUS to be 4 nil up in the race to 7. I'll be glad when it's over so I can come out from behind the sofa.
Your inference was that I said the four who are suspected of not wanting to vote for it all wrote it.

I inferred no such thing.....I quoted you saying that specific thing.....twice to be an idiot, I'm sure but I expect you're used to it by now.......
I imagine the next bit of data with source you post to back up your position will be the first.
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have you compared your data to the ice core samples?.......120 years is a tiny blip on the 450k year graphs......those show we haven't yet gotten the the highest temperatures of the last cycle....I'm sure that was man-made as well, despite being from 150k years ago......
Present your data on the historical rate of temperature change, you elliptical denseness.
I inferred no such thing.....I quoted you saying that specific thing.....twice to be an idiot, I'm sure but I expect you're used to it by now.......

Yeah? Here is my quote -- what is it now then, the sixth time you've read it? "I turn on the news to find Republican Senators who helped write this stupid new healthcare law say they won't vote for it?"

Quote the specific words in that statement that says there are four in number and they all wrote it?

Could you be any denser? And no, that's not a challenge but I suspect it won't deter you from proving it true.