trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I am grateful to be here and I agree that Trump is not a good POTUS from the perspective of his compulsive need to lie or to manifest with "Inoperative statements":whoa:
you realize your entire graph falls within .01% of the thick red blob on the left edge of my graph, right?.......

Of course it does..................and........... nowhere in................. your stupid, irrelevant graph........... is faster warming shown than unbelievably ignorant........... rightard denier.
Yeah knotheads like Freeman Dyson, Richard Lindzen, Judith Curry, Ivar Giaever, Jasper Kirkby, Willie Soon and many more.
Whose predictions have been shown to be wrong by observed temperature trends. Lindzen predicted very little change, for instance. Willie Soon is a mouth piece of fossil fuel interests. You are a denier, not a sceptic.
what is the consensus of the cause of the current warming cycle which began 20,000 years ago?.......

The consensus is that, where natural cycles are concerned, we are in a cooling cycle that is caused by the Milankovitch cycle relating to the shape of the Earth's orbit.

However, the consensus holds that AGW (anthropogenic global warming) is overwhelming this natural cycle. By a wide margin.
Yes I am sure that Freeman Dyson the world's greatest living theoretical physicist, and contemporary of Einstein at Princeton, has never heard of the Keeling Curve!! Or indeed Ivar Geaever, Nobel prize winner for physics come to that. Can you send me your email address so that I can tell them how to contact you with this vital new information?
A couple of senile old coots who haven't a clue and can't be told.
Of course it does..................and........... nowhere in................. your stupid, irrelevant graph........... is faster warming shown than unbelievably ignorant........... rightard denier.

"Rightard denier?" Do we do the addition first, or the multiplication? English is so eclectic and old-fashioned, I'm afraid, these.....are like double-negatives to me sometime, don't you agree? Is it not like using a noun for an adjective- but in this case the mirror of Hoovering the carpet? Please continue to use capitalization and a period so I can tell it's you. K?
Listen mate, let's get something clear from the outset. I don't really want to have much to do with you as I already detect that you wish to generate more heat than light. I might be more inclined to do so if you wound your neck in and cut out the condescending crap.
Post some more from Wattsupwiththat?
The consensus is that, where natural cycles are concerned, we are in a cooling cycle that is caused by the Milankovitch cycle relating to the shape of the Earth's orbit.

However, the consensus holds that AGW (anthropogenic global warming) is overwhelming this natural cycle. By a wide margin.

OK so what about Solar 24, the sunspot count is incredibly low now? This is the time where we will see whether Jasper Kirkby is right about the influence of cosmic rays on cloud formation.

Sent from my iPhone 25S Turbo
Whose predictions have been shown to be wrong by observed temperature trends. Lindzen predicted very little change, for instance. Willie Soon is a mouth piece of fossil fuel interests. You are a denier, not a sceptic.
You're a fool not worth engaging.

Sent from my iPhone 25S Turbo
Of course it does..................and........... nowhere in................. your stupid, irrelevant graph........... is faster warming shown than unbelievably ignorant........... rightard denier.

but that is simply not true......the graph clearly shows that temperatures have ranged back and forth over a relatively small deviation for thousands of the three previous cycles we would have been through the final warming stage and begun cooling thousands of years ago........