trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

17 observing? Looks like the migration is beginning.
Does this site allow bigotry, racism, and especially foul language, often referencing excrement, and twisted bodily functions?

If so, then hold on to your girdles, Murtles.

Some of them are...well you'll see. They'll follow us anywhere.
17 observing? Looks like the migration is beginning.
Does this site allow bigotry, racism, and especially foul language, often referencing excrement, and twisted bodily functions?

If so, then hold on to your girdles, Murtles.

Some of them are...well you'll see. They'll follow us anywhere.

Some of the posters could not post anything without that. Mostly from the far left progessive side believe it or not.
17 observing? Looks like the migration is beginning.
Does this site allow bigotry, racism, and especially foul language, often referencing excrement, and twisted bodily functions?

If so, then hold on to your girdles, Murtles.

Some of them are...well you'll see. They'll follow us anywhere.

I have noticed the other place has slowed significantly. This thread is almost as active as the old place and sometimes more so. I've found that if you want to click on "new posts" there is always some place to play here even at odd hours.
Yes to an extent, you beggars don't have a monopoly on that commodity.

I don't really care if you accept that she is a lunatic or not, it is common enough knowledge on here. Anyway off out for a pint now, see yer.

Sent from my iPhone 25S Turbo

Mean global temperature is 14.8°C, the warmest in thousands of years. Level of CO2 in the atmosphere reaches 400 ppm, the highest in millions of years.

70 year old man going out at 10:30 for beers? I'm impressed.
Oh yeah. The latest Regressive attempt at health care went down in whimpering flames again. They were united in the belief that it is Obama's fault they can't govern.

The Kentucky Turtle just finished his gurgling excuses and silly memes. Kinda interesting, I suppose, that he said if Regressives can't pass their own bill, they would never be able to get the market-based "reforms" and Medicaid gutting they seek, and the super rich will never get the huge tax breaks they need after a couple of decades of them being the only ones to see a real increase in income and wealth.

I think my favorite part of their ineptitude is their belief that if they encourage or even allow Obamacare failure, voters will blame somebody else - Obama?
I claim two things at least, an honours degree in pure chemistry and 30 odd years in IT and data networking. The last thirteen years were with T-Mobile designing and installing Cisco based networks all over the UK including Scotland and Northern Ireland. My oldest son works for Cisco and is currently at a conference in Las Vegas with his boss.

Sent from my iPhone 25S Turbo

I used to work. Now about all the money I make is from tech people from Lockheed and IBM, in Calcutta's and Nassau's on the golf course. My oldest got his PhD in organic chemistry, his thesis involved (something something) Atmospheric (something). I'm no scientist, but I helped develop LEEDS in the beginning, starting as a solar home builder in the 70's. So I'm old too.
I used to work. Now about all the money I make is from tech people from Lockheed and IBM, in Calcutta's and Nassau's on the golf course. My oldest got his PhD in organic chemistry, his thesis involved (something something) Atmospheric (something). I'm no scientist, but I helped develop LEEDS in the beginning, starting as a solar home builder in the 70's. So I'm old too.

If America had continued down that path, we would be a lot farther than we are today. It must be interesting to you to see all the changes.
Bashful maybe? Either way, new blood is generally good blood. Generally....

Two reason we don't mention the other place. One, we are not sure we want any of our boring old rightards to find this place. I'm not sure you would like to see one of our pet simps posting crying baby pictures several times per day in the belief he is being clever. The other is I don't know that we want to advertise a place where Mods were often arbitrary, overbearing, and unresponsive - where one rightard mod in particular was allowed to go on a bit of rampage that saw only liberals getting suspended for things like mentioning something about someone we were all aware of but which came from one of our earlier threads.
Speaking of climate deniers, Rick Perry was giving a speech today at an EPA conference - Congratulations, Rick, on finding where the EPA is in only six months. He was interrupted twice by protestors calling him a "climate denier." I'm surprised Milagro didn't cite Rick Perry among his dingbats now that Rick is wearing his smart-guy glasses.

Did you get a personal critique? (if it's appropriate to ask)
OMG! Speaking of repetitive crying baby pictures, I checked below and saw we are being watched by SLAYIT. I hope that is a parody. Also see "TrumpGirl." Bertha?
Back to Regressive incompetence ...

Which do you think would hurt them more, continued ineptitude leading to no health care bill at all or them having to run on a bill that would appease a laissez-faire looney like Rand Paul?
If America had continued down that path, we would be a lot farther than we are today. It must be interesting to you to see all the changes.

Really? Interesting? Hmmmm. The books I read cause me to optimistic, but the speed of the changes I've seen is depressing. Stupid (or perhaps simple) seems to be dominate in the relatively affluent, and the poor have limited options, so working with this dichotomy over 40-some years might give me a perspective worth noting.

I'll think on it.