trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I see what you mean about this arsehole, I won't bother with the arrogant bastard anymore.

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The poor bastard is getting desperate for attention more and more every minute. I would like to say I saw some intelligence there at some point and something has led him astray. The fact is the guy has no milk in his coconut and has been gone in the top hamper the entire voyage.
The poor bastard is getting desperate for attention more and more every minute. I would like to say I saw some intelligence there at some point and something has led him astray. The fact is the guy has no milk in his coconut and has been gone in the top hamper the entire voyage.
There is something not quite right about him, that's for sure. Is he just a troll or for real?

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The poor bastard is getting desperate for attention more and more every minute. I would like to say I saw some intelligence there at some point and something has led him astray. The fact is the guy has no milk in his coconut and has been gone in the top hamper the entire voyage.
How long had you known him on DCJ?

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No "we" don't. And that link doesn't support your assertions. See how you are?
She doesn't have to do anything. Why do you say stupid stuff?
Read the footnote at the end of the article and then apologise ffs. i deliberately posted that article hoping you might read it but alas not to be obviously.

Are you yet another ignorant Septic?

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Please, hit the newbies with another platitude to try to convince yourself you are a smart guy.

Unlike you PackD, I do not try and impress anyone with bullshit. That is exactly how you got being the fake and fraud you are. Seriously. Deal with it. Grow up.
Indeed, how did the scumbag end up here?

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Doing the same partisan bullshit he is trying here. It got to the point everyone ignored him. He found a new place, changed his name, started lying about his being a lawyer and the rest of the bullshit all over again. Got caught again. It is a viscous circle for him.
point out in your........... stupid irrelevant graph.............. where warming is occurring............. at an equal or faster rate than 10 °C/1000 years................ you pointless denier.

it isn't.......that claim is graph shows that warming is slower than that........that is the entire point.......a change over a tiny portion of time such as 120 years cannot be extrapolated into climate change over 20,000 years.......
Couple of things.

First, I want to do some liberal bashing of "the media." I am still disgusted that CNN and the rest of the mainstream media catapulted the hell out of Putin's efforts to manipulate our election. They knew they were doing it and went for the ratings, anyway. They have never acknowledge their useful idiocy/greed.

I just watched CNN give 10 or 15 minutes to trump's deputy assistant secretary, Sebastian v. Gorka. If you can't place the name, he has one of those mangina beards and speaks in dripping condescension. The condescension is galling, because it is well-known this asshole has a fake Ph.D.

while a number of academics and policy-makers question Gorka's knowledge of foreign policy issues, his academic credentials and his professional behavior.[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][35][/SUP][SUP][36][/SUP][SUP][37][/SUP][SUP][40][/SUP][SUP][41][/SUP][SUP][42][/SUP][SUP][38][/SUP] Andrew Reynolds, political science professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, questioned the validity of Gorka's PhD, noting discrepancies between how doctorates are awarded and how Gorka's was awarded.[SUP][38][/SUP] Reynolds said that the evaluations of each referee on Gorka's PhD committee was "a page of generalized comments – completely at odds with the detailed substantive and methodological evaluations that I’ve seen at every Ph.D defence I’ve been on over the last twenty years."[SUP][38][/SUP] According to Reynolds, that two of the three referees only had BA degrees, and one of the referees had published with Gorka previously breached conventional academic practices.[SUP][38][/SUP] The only individual possessing a PhD on the committee was György Schöpflin, whom Reynolds described as "an extreme right wing Hungarian Member of the European Parliament who recently advocated putting pigs heads on a fence on the Hungarian border to keep out Muslims."[SUP][38][/SUP] The journal Terrorism and Political Violence has never used Gorka as a reviewer because, according to the associate editor, he "is not considered a terrorism expert by the academic or policy community.”[SUP][43][/SUP] Responding to his academic critics, Gorka stated that there was a "proxy war" going on and that others were attacking him as a way to attack President Trump.[SUP][44][/SUP] - Wikipedia.

Gorka continues to insist that violence is inherent in Islam and so serves ISIS propaganda by promoting the notion of a western war on Islam. He comes by his religious bigotry honestly, though. The "v" of his middle initial is a reference to his membership in a Hungarian Nazi Party. Gorka has appeared on TV wearing the regalia of this group, but claimed he was just paying respect to his father. Mainstream media continues to give this human hemorrhoid a platform, never revealing his "credentials" to their audience. Faux Gnus, of course, loves him for his credentials.
The second thing goes to my point that we do not want trump impeached. His incompetence protects us, and we need him in 2020 to inspire the liberal tsunami we need to be able to dominate congressional redistricting and undo rightard minority rule.

Reports are that Regressive Senators pretty much ignored trump, preferring to go through Pence for their "health care" maneuvers. trump's "mean" comment and his PAC going after the Regressive Senator from Nevada were mentioned, especially. So, again, impeach trump and we get competent assholes more likely to push through the Deplorable TBagger agenda and more able to pour perfume on such a pile of shit.
Okay, third thing. Fake News. Tweeter and the Intertubes are having a field day with trump having a fake cover of Time magazine displayed prominently at least four of his properties. The cover is replete with gushing comments on his wonderfulness. The White House has issued a "no comment."

Sports Illustrated​ has created an app where people can put themselves on its cover.