trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

The consensus is that, where natural cycles are concerned, we are in a cooling cycle that is caused by the Milankovitch cycle relating to the shape of the Earth's orbit.

However, the consensus holds that AGW (anthropogenic global warming) is overwhelming this natural cycle. By a wide margin.

that is illogical, as this cycle is LESS drastic than the three previous simply isn't overwhelmed......if anything, its tempered.......
"Rightard denier?" Do we do the addition first, or the multiplication? English is so eclectic and old-fashioned, I'm afraid, these.....are like double-negatives to me sometime, don't you agree?

I thought that one to be tautology.
but that is simply not true......the graph clearly shows that temperatures have ranged back and forth over a relatively small deviation for thousands of the three previous cycles we would have been through the final warming stage and begun cooling thousands of years ago........
point out in your........... stupid irrelevant graph.............. where warming is occurring............. at an equal or faster rate than 10 °C/1000 years................ you pointless denier.
I've only seen a few of her posts. However, what I've come to learn is that SKYLAB never had anything on you.

I haven't insulted you yet, well not much anyway. If you just want to play mind games then so be it, I will treat you accordingly.

Sent from my iPhone 25S Turbo
I haven't insulted you yet, well not much anyway. If you just want to play mind games then so be it, I will treat you accordingly.

Sent from my iPhone 25S Turbo

And here I thought you were the one who claimed "sciency" as your expertise. I was wrong? I wonder if you'd get along with another expert we know. He once just had to tell us how unthawing wind-powered generators was a big problem.
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So you like lunatics, is that a professional or purely personal interest?

Sent from my iPhone 25S Turbo

You assume I'll accept your assertion, you often do that, and then ask trivial questions, why bother? Is this you playing "mind games?"
Yes you have the hectoring manner of a teacher alright. Point of information, I spent enough years in university chemistry labs so spare me your condescension.

Sent from my iPhone 25S Turbo

Where you learned to resent teachers? And somehow managed to come out without skills sufficiently marketable that you could afford a computer?
And here I thought you were the who claimed "sciency" as your expertise. I was wrong? I wonder if you'd get along with another expert we know. He once just had to tell us how unthawing wind-powered generators was a big problem.

I claim two things at least, an honours degree in pure chemistry and 30 odd years in IT and data networking. The last thirteen years were with T-Mobile designing and installing Cisco based networks all over the UK including Scotland and Northern Ireland. My oldest son works for Cisco and is currently at a conference in Las Vegas with his boss.

Sent from my iPhone 25S Turbo
Speaking of climate deniers, Rick Perry was giving a speech today at an EPA conference - Congratulations, Rick, on finding where the EPA is in only six months. He was interrupted twice by protestors calling him a "climate denier." I'm surprised Milagro didn't cite Rick Perry among his dingbats now that Rick is wearing his smart-guy glasses.
I claim two things at least, an honours degree in pure chemistry and 30 odd years in IT and data networking. The last thirteen years were with T-Mobile designing and installing Cisco based networks.

Sent from my iPhone 25S Turbo

On weekends the cable ditch digger is an astronaut.
You assume I'll accept your assertion, you often do that, and then ask trivial questions, why bother? Is this you playing "mind games?"

Yes to an extent, you beggars don't have a monopoly on that commodity.

I don't really care if you accept that she is a lunatic or not, it is common enough knowledge on here. Anyway off out for a pint now, see yer.

Sent from my iPhone 25S Turbo
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