Trump Revealed Highly Classified Secrets to Russia Last Week

THe next few weeks should be very interesting, the big question is how far will the Republicans follow the Rumpers down this hole. Will they cut and run, or go down with him...?
I think he has absolutely lost any last shred of faith the Intel Community had in him. I doubt he will get full briefings after this. They will be hiding info from him. I wonder if he will find anyone willing to take the job of FBI Director.

Rhetorical q? I think he will easily be able to. Ambition trumps integrity most of the time. And the decision to take the job can be easily rationalized. "I will change him" "I will manage him". That sort of idea.

Totally agree the intelligence product will not be shared in some cases. In each case it will be thought is it worse to deprive the potus of necessary information and ensure it does not jeopardize sources and method and lives or to give it to him and suffer that risk?
I'm telling you this is a stop the press event,
The fact that Hillary and her operatives had a young man murdered should be front page non stop until justice is served, the media cover up, because that is what is going on by trying to make this a non story is almost as bad as the event itself

They killed the Wikileaks source and blamed the Russians, who we now know had nothing to do with it. The Crowdstrike cover-up, the Russian meddling, all of it is falling apart. This is yuge.
Is everyone catching that Trump threw his surrogates under the bus again on twitter, and essentially confirmed the story?
Yes. The crafted statement admits he released the Intel by failing to deny it while denying other facts in the same statement.

Oh that's rich

So tell me lefty,

If the shoe was on the other foot, A Trump staffer was murdered in the street, and then found to have leaked unflattering emails to wikileaks days before the election.
Still be a non story?

Do you have any sense of dignity, right from wrong in your bones, ANY?