Trump Revealed Highly Classified Secrets to Russia Last Week

Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't a good idea to elect a narcissistic business failure with no brains, no experience, who habitually lies into the highest most unaccountable office on the planet. It seemed like a good idea at the time, am I right?


Yea but other than that..:dunno:

anatta would defend Trump even if he was caught taking a dump on the original Constitution.
??? Afterall, it's only a GD piece of paper??
And intelligence officials who were there say it happened. Lest we forget....all of trump's talking heads lied about why Comey was fired, under orders from trump.

Wrong. Intelligence officials who were there...the SoS and the head of the NSA...say it's not true.

WAPO says someone else told them it was true. Do you think it was the WAPO janitor?

You have no idea because WAPO's so-called source is anonymous.
I don't think he broke the law, on this one, he just did something galactically stupid.

And just another example of the knee jerk impulse control deprive dumbass' inability to learn on the job. He sits at the back of the class and doodles. Trump is the perfect example of that study regarding incompetent people and their inability to self assess.
Nobody. Basically this is much like making a statement like, "There isn't proof beyond the shadow of a doubt that Jarod masturbates to statues of clowns and tried to seek help for his coulrophilia." or "There is no proof beyond the shadow of a doubt that Trump led a criminal cartel in Russia while posing for clown statues which he then sent to Jarod." And then saying they are "factual" sentences.

Well, of course there is no "proof beyond the shadow a doubt" when there is no evidence whatsoever.

IT really sucks to be you I suspect..... First there were anonymous sources, but you say nobody... then just a few hours later there is your hero, Donald Rump himself admitting it on Twitter.
So the argument from the left is that Russia is aligned with ISIS?

Seems to me that the threat is from the Washington Post. I personally don't know what Trump told the Russian Ambassador, but it appears to be about ISIS. Now, could Russia run to ISIS and tell them? Possibly.

But, we do know is that thanks to the Washington Post, they DEFINITELY know. Also from the people who leaked the information on the meeting. Of course the left in their quest to take down Trump at all costs are incapable of looking at the big picture.

What we do know is that the President of the United States has broad authority to discuss classified information. That is without dispute.

But, what is going on now is a full throated faux outrage without knowing all of the facts. This actually dovetails into one of my biggest criticisms of Trump early in his administration and that is communication is poor. Trump is used to responding quickly in his former life. That is doing him a disservice now.

The good news is that the lefts breathless attempts to make a mountain out of every molehill are creating a numbness with the American people.

And just another example of the knee jerk impulse control deprive dumbass' inability to learn on the job. He sits at the back of the class and doodles. Trump is the perfect example of that study regarding incompetent people and their inability to self assess.

The only argument that can be made to say it was breaking the law is Treason, if he did it with the intent of harming the United States... but SUCH INTENT would be all but impossible to prove.
The only argument that can be made to say it was breaking the law is Treason, if he did it with the intent of harming the United States... but SUCH INTENT would be all but impossible to prove.

Funny to think Trump's diurea of the mouth is equivalent to a well considered strategic declassification as far as the law is concerned. That idiot can just declassify shit on the fly because he feels he needs to prove his hands aren't tiny.

I think something short of specific intent should fly. Basically we are in the position where this poutus should not be briefed because you can't trust him with the information that cost millions to develop. It's like taking above top secret code level Intel and shoving it in hefty bags and throwing them in the dumpster.

The problem is one of trust. Our intelligence community is on actual notice thrice over that Trump cannot be trusted. It has placed them in a dilemma.
Funny to think Trump's diurea of the mouth is equivalent to a well considered strategic declassification as far as the law is concerned. That idiot can just declassify shit on the fly because he feels he needs to prove his hands aren't tiny.

I think something short of specific intent should fly. Basically we are in the position where this poutus should not be briefed because you can't trust him with the information that cost millions to develop. It's like taking above top secret code level Intel and shoving it in hefty bags and throwing them in the dumpster.

The problem is one of trust. Our intelligence community is on actual notice thrice over that Trump cannot be trusted. It has placed them in a dilemma.

I think he has absolutely lost any last shred of faith the Intel Community had in him. I doubt he will get full briefings after this. They will be hiding info from him. I wonder if he will find anyone willing to take the job of FBI Director.
the intel system has now determined Trump a risk to the countrys safety.

any R who would fill him in also

the republican party is now a security risk to the country