Trump Revealed Highly Classified Secrets to Russia Last Week

McMasters' comment - and the current WH lockdown - have me inclined to give WaPo the benefit of the doubt.

The Post is not a rag. I seriously doubt a reporter there would make this up, or use sources who were unreliable. The idea of Trump boasting about secrets seems much more plausible.
the lockdown is because they have to find out where the leaks are coming from.
I don't think you understand where Macmaster's loyalties lie- he's not some bureaucrat,he's a lieutenant general
trump spent 40 years courting the press and pandering to them. trump loved publicity when he was the big fish in a small pond and nobody called him out on his lies. It's a different ball game now.

Every day he makes the choice to lie to the American people, evidently thinking we're all too stupid to fact check. That's when trump began to hate the press, when he was publicly called out on his dishonesty.
fake news/distorted news to fit a narrative/presupposed perspective is lying. It's protected speech,but it's still lying.

I never hated the press before this campaign. now i'd happily see them all burn to the ground-( disclaimer - hyperbole)
so it ain't just Trump
Because we have zero idea where it came from. Says who?

My unnamed sources tell me WAPO is being fed a bucket of manure. Maybe by The POTUS in order to discredit them as frauds.

If trump is feeding anyone a bucket of manure it's because he's desperate to escape the heat of firing Comey, plus the ongoing Russia investigation.
Newspapers: "Credible sources say Rump Beat a dog."

White House: "Rump loves dogs, he never kicked any dogs."

Rumpers at JPP: "See, the newspaper is fake news, Rump denied it."

The above, for those who can't see it (must be blind) is a direct metaphor for the EVENT that is happening CURRENTLY with regards to Rumps release of Classified intel to the Russians, look at the wording of the White House's "denial".
Washington Post: Rump reveals Classified info.

McMasters: Rump did not reveal any Classified methods or Sources.

Idiot Rumpers: See it was fake news, the a White House denied it.
Newspapers: "Credible sources say Rump Beat a dog."

White House: "Rump loves dogs, he never kicked any dogs."

Rumpers at JPP: "See, the newspaper is fake news, Rump denied it."

The above, for those who can't see it (must be blind) is a direct metaphor for the EVENT that is happening CURRENTLY with regards to Rumps release of Classified intel to the Russians, look at the wording of the White House's "denial".

Who said he kicked a dog?

Anonymous people. Some guy named after a pedophile on a message board and others.
"At no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed and the President did not disclose any military operations that weren't already publicly known," he said. "I was in the room. It didn't happen."


More fake lefty news.
Washington Post: Rump reveals Classified info.

McMasters: Rump did not reveal any Classified methods or Sources.

Idiot Rumpers: See it was fake news, the a White House denied it.

McMasters seemed to be carefully trying to discredit claims that the Post never made.
"At no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed and the President did not disclose any military operations that weren't already publicly known," he said. "I was in the room. It didn't happen."


More fake lefty news.

Read it again, did McMaster deny that Rump revealed classified information? You got duped.
McMasters seemed to be carefully trying to discredit claims that the Post never made.

Obvious to anyone who wants to know the truth.

These Yaya's Who post here however are either so stupid they can't see the truth, or very badly don't want to believe it.
See, it's times like this when having credibility would serve Trump well. Instead of burning his political capital on lies for all of his presidency (not to mention all of his life), he could have been... you know, not habitually lying. Obama? He had credibility to burn. Trump has none, and thus no one believes him except his supporters (who I generally refer to as CHUDs;, a subspecies of humanity that has regressed into an almost troglodyte state).
