Trump Revealed Highly Classified Secrets to Russia Last Week

For all we know there are no sources and WAPO made it up out of thin air, like Comey demanding more money.

If you had the brains to care about a free press you would demand WAPO starts naming names to give them a leeto credibility.

Is that the newest talking point, that Comey wanting more money for the investigation is a lie? I bet Bannon fed you guys that tripe.
I doubt the founders figured on a permanant disloyal press willfully hyping fake news.

It's not fake news just because trump repeats it constantly to cover his butt.

Maybe American media should have been allowed in the meeting, instead of just Tass. It's pretty sad that we have to get info about our own country from the Russian media.
I doubt the founders figured on a permanant disloyal press willfully hyping fake news.

If this turns out to be 100% true - will you be as dismissive of it?

Sure, Trump has a right to release the info as POTUS...but did the circumstances warrant that? If it turns out he was just boasting - something that would hardly be a surprise - wouldn't you be a bit alarmed about that?
It's not fake news just because trump repeats it constantly to cover his butt.
It's fake news when it's so slanted all context is lost, or purposely not published in an attempt to push a narrative instead of publishing for enlightenment
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If this turns out to be 100% true - will you be as dismissive of it?

Sure, Trump has a right to release the info as POTUS...but did the circumstances warrant that? If it turns out he was just boasting - something that would hardly be a surprise - wouldn't you be a bit alarmed about that?
Thing you need to comprehend the nuances before you bray about the simple.

I'm wondering about this "code worded" claim also...I know 'read outs' of these meetings would never say that.
There is some bad blood from the IC and I'm feeling my way thru this like the rest of us.
It's fake news when it's so slanted all context is lost, or purposely not published in an attempt to push a narrative instead of publishing for elicitation

trump isn't just criticizing them; he's trying to delegitimize them. When trump's attacks against the media include labeling the press as the enemy of the people, and singling out individual reporters present at campaign events for personal criticism, that's beyond the pale.
trump isn't just criticizing them; he's trying to delegitimize them. When trump's attacks against the media include labeling the press as the enemy of the people, and singling out individual reporters present at campaign events for personal criticism, that's beyond the pale.
Oh Lord.
WTF do you think WaPo/NYTimes and the Dems are doing?? Trying to de-legitimize Trump!

why shouldn't he fight back?

I've watched this ALL THRU THE CAMPAIGN, and i've called it out, but now it's out in the open
It's SOOO heavily relian on un-named sources and friends of un-named sources...
it meets the definition of gossip.

Two people who were actually there say it's not true. What kind of source is it that knows more than the people who were there? It's such obvious nonsense, where did you get it?
It's SOOO heavily relian on un-named sources and friends of un-named sources...
it meets the definition of gossip.

McMasters' comment - and the current WH lockdown - have me inclined to give WaPo the benefit of the doubt.

The Post is not a rag. I seriously doubt a reporter there would make this up, or use sources who were unreliable. The idea of Trump boasting about secrets seems much more plausible.
"In his meeting with Lavrov, Trump seemed to be boasting about his inside knowledge of the looming threat. “I get great intel. I have people brief me on great intel every day,” Trump said, according to an official with knowledge of the exchange."

So, where's the big secret in this statement?
Oh Lord.
WTF do you think WaPo and the Dems are doing?? trying to de-legitimize Trump!
why shouldn't he fight back?

I've watched this ALL THRU THE CAMPAIGN, and i've called it out, but now it's out in the open

trump spent 40 years courting the press and pandering to them. trump loved publicity when he was the big fish in a small pond and nobody called him out on his lies. It's a different ball game now.

Every day he makes the choice to lie to the American people, evidently thinking we're all too stupid to fact check. That's when trump began to hate the press, when he was publicly called out on his dishonesty.