Trump Supporter Disrespects American Flag

I saw a guy with a Trump flag on his boat. OK, I have no problem with that. While I strongly disagree with his politics, I strongly support his right to free speech and his right to express himself.

I also noticed he had an American flag on his boat.

The disrespectful thing was that he has his Trump flag flying above his American flag.

Pics or it didn't happen.
PS: Starting an OP like this with no link or pics is retarded.

Well there ya go then! :laugh:
I got no problem with somebody flyin a Trump flag. If that's what they really wanna do they got that right. But if somebody is flying an American flag, that American flag needs to be higher than all other flags.

No loyal American puts another flag above the American flag.

That's disrespecting America.

I don't care who it is, just don't do it. It is totally uncool. Unacceptable. An insult.

It would be better to just not fly the American flag at all, if it's not gonna be on top.

It's not some afterthought. America is something we need to take seriously.

put the American flag on top.
Symbolic Speech

Nonverbal gestures and actions that are meant to communicate a message.

The term symbolic speech is applied to a wide range of nonverbal communication. Many political activities, including marching, wearing armbands, and displaying or mutilating the U.S. flag, are considered forms of symbolic expression. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that this form of communicative behavior is entitled to the protection of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but the scope and nature of that protection have varied...

The Supreme Court's decision in texas v. johnson, 491 U.S. 397, 109 S. Ct. 2533, 105 L. Ed. 2d 342 (1989), striking down a Texas law that made burning the U.S. flag a crime, was endorsed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other groups that seek to preserve freedom of expression under the First Amendment. Other groups and individuals, however, were dismayed that the Court would strike down a law that protected the symbol of the United States. Congress responded by passing the federal Flag Protection Act of 1989, 103 Stat. 777, which made flag burning a federal crime. When the Supreme Court struck down the federal law in United States v. Eichman, 496 U.S. 310, 110 S. Ct. 2404, 110 L. Ed. 2d 287 (1990), opponents of flag burning began to campaign for a constitutional amendment that would make such a law constitutional...
Burning the flag is meant to be disrespectful.

The persons who think they are being patriotic and displaying the flag incorrectly doesn’t mean to be disrespectful, but is through ignorance of flag etiquette.

That’s the difference.
I saw a guy with a Trump flag on his boat. OK, I have no problem with that. While I strongly disagree with his politics, I strongly support his right to free speech and his right to express himself.

I also noticed he had an American flag on his boat.

The disrespectful thing was that he has his Trump flag flying above his American flag.


Hanlon's Razor: Was the Trump supporter intending to disrespect the American flag by vowing total allegiance to TrumpCorp or was he a dumbass too stupid to understand what he'd done? ?
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Hanlon's Razor: Was the Trump supporter intending to disrespect the American flag by vowing total allegiance to TrumpCorp or was he a dumbass too stupid to understand what he'd done? ?

Well nobody ever said it took brains to fall into the Trump cult. That would be taking up with a lot of extremely deplorable people.

But it still gets me going every time I see it.

How clueless can someone be?

To somehow NOT GET THIS.

This is what cult thought control does.

Makes people think this is OK. Like they are brainwashed Americans.

Shows you what's important to THEM.

They put the thing they care about the most above all else...

Including their 'great' country.