Trump Supporter Disrespects American Flag

Hello Dutch Uncle,

Well nobody ever said it took brains to fall into the Trump cult. That would be taking up with a lot of extremely deplorable people.

But it still gets me going every time I see it.

How clueless can someone be?

To somehow NOT GET THIS.

This is what cult thought control does.

Makes people think this is OK. Like they are brainwashed Americans.

Shows you what's important to THEM.

They put the thing they care about the most above all else...

Including their 'great' country.

While you could be completely correct, I think the boat driver was just a fucking moron. There seems to be a lot of them on that side of the room, but Trumpeteers don't have a monopoly on stupidity.

Translation: It's okay to disrespect the flag because the Democrats did it.

I disagree, but that is certainly your and their freedom to do so.

I'm a libertarian bro, you do you, and the first amendment is messy. The speech and acts I most disagree with are the ones that do need protecting and that's what it's for. Would I burn a flag? Never. Do I find it appalling that you will? I do. Will I use force to stop you from doing it? Nope. Now if you go after the flag attached to my house, yup. All I ask is that you afford me the same respect for my flag that I afford you when you are burning yours and we won't have problems. Aside from that, I don't really care how someone displays their pride or lack thereof. And don't go moral high ground on me, 24 year vet, 2 wars, multiple deployments, think I have earned the right to my unusual opinion on the matter.

Trump Flotilla
Some of the boats that were part of a pro-Trump flotilla on the president's birthday pass by Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Sunday, June 14, 2020. (Joe Cavaretta / South Florida Sun Sentinel)



Ridin' with Biden caravan in Hollywood
Karen Zann sits in her decorated car before the Ridin' with Biden caravan event, where participants showed their support for 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden, in Hollywood on Sunday, June 14, 2020. (John McCall/South Florida Sun Sentinel)


Destruction of our flag is different than proudly displaying it.

Disrespect is disrespect. I'm not buying the argument that "it's okay to shit on the flag a little if it's our people, but your side are hate America if you do it".


Trump Flotilla
Some of the boats that were part of a pro-Trump flotilla on the president's birthday pass by Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Sunday, June 14, 2020. (Joe Cavaretta / South Florida Sun Sentinel)


Ridin' with Biden caravan in Hollywood
Karen Zann sits in her decorated car before the Ridin' with Biden caravan event, where participants showed their support for 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden, in Hollywood on Sunday, June 14, 2020. (John McCall/South Florida Sun Sentinel)

Sorry, but I'm not following what you are trying to say by comparing the pictures of people making political statements. It's a First Amendment right and I fully support them doing it.

Hello Dutch Uncle,

While you could be completely correct, I think the boat driver was just a fucking moron. There seems to be a lot of them on that side of the room, but Trumpeteers don't have a monopoly on stupidity.

Well of course he was. It certainly didn't look like he MEANT TO dis America. It just means so little to him that he never thought about it. To him, the American flag is an afterthought. The flag he really wanted to show off the most was on top.

And as he does that, he is giving away his true lack of patriotism.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Well of course he was. It certainly didn't look like he MEANT TO dis America. It just means so little to him that he never thought about it. To him, the American flag is an afterthought. The flag he really wanted to show off the most was on top.

And as he does that, he is giving away his true lack of patriotism.
Agreed. Sad, but true.

Trump Flotilla
Some of the boats that were part of a pro-Trump flotilla on the president's birthday pass by Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Sunday, June 14, 2020. (Joe Cavaretta / South Florida Sun Sentinel)



Ridin' with Biden caravan in Hollywood
Karen Zann sits in her decorated car before the Ridin' with Biden caravan event, where participants showed their support for 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden, in Hollywood on Sunday, June 14, 2020. (John McCall/South Florida Sun Sentinel)



Hello Dutch Uncle,

Well of course he was. It certainly didn't look like he MEANT TO dis America. It just means so little to him that he never thought about it. To him, the American flag is an afterthought. The flag he really wanted to show off the most was on top.

And as he does that, he is giving away his true lack of patriotism.
At least he was not burning it.
Hello Practical,

I'm a libertarian bro, you do you, and the first amendment is messy. The speech and acts I most disagree with are the ones that do need protecting and that's what it's for. Would I burn a flag? Never. Do I find it appalling that you will? I do. Will I use force to stop you from doing it? Nope. Now if you go after the flag attached to my house, yup. All I ask is that you afford me the same respect for my flag that I afford you when you are burning yours and we won't have problems. Aside from that, I don't really care how someone displays their pride or lack thereof. And don't go moral high ground on me, 24 year vet, 2 wars, multiple deployments, think I have earned the right to my unusual opinion on the matter.

I thank you for your service, sir, it is a fine country and I love living in it, my home. I thank you very much for all you have done and been through. Well done. I can certainly tell you it is well appreciated. I cherish my freedom, and with it I cherish showing respect for the flag. Now, in no way does military service grant any special privileges to prevent other views. You are certainly entitled to your view; and so are others. That's the deal. I would never burn an American flag. Just as you are entitled to your view, I am completely free to my view of what is proper respect for the flag and what is disrespectful. The US Flag Code is quite specific about how to fly the American Flag, and if I see somebody not showing the proper respect then I have every right in the world to disapprove. I don't like seeing that. No, I do not. It is an insult to the USA.

No way I'm gonna go up to a stranger and tell him that what he is doing is wrong, so I bring it here. If he doesn't see it, no big. Not like I can correct every fool who doesn't know what he's doing. But if somebody reads this and learns something, then I've taken that foolish mistake I saw and turned it into a positive by making somebody else think twice about what they're doing.

Somebody is out there in his boat and he's got all his flags flyin, he's not gonna listen to a stranger come up and tell him he's doing it wrong. Somebody reading a chat board might be in a more receptive state of mind.

People that don't know how to fly the flag, don't know the proper way, also don't know that what they are doing could be offensive. Or maybe they do and they are just being a jerk and they don't care. But if somebody didn't know; and then they find out? In a way that doesn't spoil their fun? They might think twice about it the next time.

Country would be greater if more people showed proper respect for the flag. People talking about making it great ought to know that. And if they don't care, they should. We see a lot of pretty disrespectful people cheering for Trump. I know there are good people who favor him, so it's hard for me to understand why they want to take up with what are some really deplorable people. I don't see how self-respecting people can justify joining ranks with racists, dividers and haters. A nation can't be great when it is divided. It's fine to disagree, but to disrespect the country and those who feel differently, is just wrong. There is no way the country can be so divided, and hateful, and great. Those qualities are mutually exclusive. A great country recognizes and appreciates everyone's right to be here, be a part of the USA, and have their own views.

And people of all views should properly show their respect for the symbol of our nation. That would be great.
I saw a guy with a Trump flag on his boat. OK, I have no problem with that. While I strongly disagree with his politics, I strongly support his right to free speech and his right to express himself.

I also noticed he had an American flag on his boat.

The disrespectful thing was that he has his Trump flag flying above his American flag.

