Trump, the Traitor

maybe a recount without illegitimate ballots, without multiple passes of one ballot through the machine?


While laudable, it's not possible. It is not possible to determine which ballots are fake anymore. The election is faulted. The only way to tell is to hold another election, properly handling the ballots this time according to Georgia law. Of course, in the end, the State legislature are the only ones that can certify the results of such an election, and thereby choose who the State's electors are.

As it is right now, the legislature of GA has not yet chosen, though they are leaning toward the Republican slate of electors.
Yes he did. He attempted to choose the electors for the State of Georgia. He allowed the election fraud to occur under his watch. Both actions are election fraud. He recorded a telephone conversation and published the recording. He is now also guilty of violating federal telecommunications laws.

No, he didn't moron, legislators do that.

He can't. Trump pointed that out. This is what you might call a giving the poor sap a nuclear wedgie.

Then why did Dotard request Raffensperger to find him votes ?

"The ballots are corrupt, and they're brand new and they don't have a seal and there's the whole thing with the ballots. But the ballots are corrupt.
And you are going to find that they are — which is totally illegal, it is more illegal for you than it is for them because, you know what they did and you're not reporting it. That's a criminal, that's a criminal offense. And you can't let that happen. That's a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. And that's a big risk".

"And you can't let it happen and you are letting it happen. You know, I mean, I'm notifying you that you're letting it happen. So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state".
YES, you are post 157

Very disappointing nw. Alarming actually

