Cheeto Jeezus is throwing anything against the wall to declare a "win" via corruption by the Dems even before the debate begins!

He can't BS his way out this ... all the standard, repetitive garbage he and his ilk have been spewing for the last 4 years just isn't cutting it anymore.

Mind you, the ONLY way he could win a debate is if Uncle Joe pulls a Mitch McConnell and zones out mid sentence. Other than that, Cheeto Jeezus is toast.
"Works out five days a week," doesn't equate to bicycling daily. It also says nothing about the workout he is doing. It could be minimal. It could be Biden saying that to the doctor while simply lying. You offer ZERO proof, only a vague statement that is unverified.
You are offering exactly nothing. You make claim after claim with zero backing. I gave you his health report. Now give me Trump's. Biden's physical was done by real doctors.
Trump does zero exercise and eats like a 10-year-old.
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Trump has been demanding that Biden take Drug tests before participating in major debates/speeches since 2020.

This is because in 2020 Biden already had pronounced symptoms of Dementia that rendered him "mentally unfit" (in the words of the 25th Amendment) to discharge the duties and responsibilities of President.

The drugs Biden is taking are called psycho-stimulants and they include such amphetamine-type agents as: Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse and Dexedrine.

These drugs are able to TEMPORARILY mask the symptoms of Dementia-related cognitive decline.

At his SOTU address there is no doubt whatsoever that Biden was highly jacked-up on some form of prescription "speed" - it stood out "like dog's balls."

In any case, if there is concern that Biden has been using psycho-stimulants to mask his Dementia-induced symptoms of severe cognitive impairment, AND , Biden/the Democrat claim he has never used them, you would think Biden would be happy to take a pre or post debate drug test to vindicate himself by proving he was clean (?)

So WHY does Biden refuse to take a drug test before or after the first Presidential debate. Trump has said that he would have no problems in taking one too.

And why does Biden continue to refuse to take a simple psychological test (that Trump has taken and aced twice) that is a very reliable assessment for cognitive function ?

The reason is that Biden knows full-well (or has been advised by the DNC) he would fail both of these tests.

And if he were to attempt debating Trump unmedicated, he would be totally wiped out in the time it takes to crush a cockroach under a boot.

So, it looks like he will get away with cheating and deceiving the American public yet again !

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
You already looking for excuses for why Biden will make Trump look like a juvenile, again?
Or, Biden should double down and take the drug tests in such a way that they are done shortly before the debate and there's no way to allow time for him to be doped up afterwards. Same thing for Trump.

If Biden is capable of delivering an "ass kick(ing)" sober and without drugs, I can accept that. On the other hand, if he's cheating, like any Olympic athlete, he should be disqualified. Same for Trump.

What's really sad is we should even have to be discussing this about who might be the next leader of our country.
The only ones really discussing it are fucking juvenile trump supporters. We have never asked or expected anyone to take a fucking drug test before a debate. Trump is asking now because he knows his shitheads like you will say "yeah, drug test". fuck you and your drug test. Trump is only asking now because he knows Biden will make an ass out of him and he is preparing for an excuse assholes like you will swallow whole.
Biden can barely manage a flight of stairs. That he bicycled in 2021 is no longer true in 2024. By 2023, his bike rides are occasional, slow, not all that long, and usually in Delaware. I doubt that Biden, today, has the physical ability to even play golf, as Trump still does.

There's a reason Jill is by his side most of the time he's in pubic. She's there to keep him from getting disoriented and lost. She's there to help him walk to wherever he needs to be.

Biden has taken no cognitive testing but just observation of him in pubic has both parties questioning his fitness to continue to lead, and certainly his fitness for a second term.
Strange thing, TA...I have not heard Joe Biden comment on anything that in any way sounds as disjointed, incoherent or rambling as EVERY commentary coming from Trump. And I have hear Joe Biden comment on many things lately.

The election is a binary choice. It is either Joe Biden or Trump...and BY FAR, Joe Biden is the MUCH better choice.

So there is that to consider.
Biden can't pass a drug test. He'll pop dirty for the cocktail of adderall and whatever other stimulants they are pumping him full of - and we ALL know it. THAT is why he will refuse. You know damn well they pump the senile old crook full of some much dope he's bouncing off the walls.
Yes even if they did pump Biden full of drugs he would make an ass out of trump.
What made him so angry and unfocused yesterday at the speech on gun control? He was all over the place... shouting, using strange voices, and multiple unintelligible passages that could not have possibly been included in the transcript without careful editing...

The debates are a tradition. I remember seeing JFK debate Richard Nixon before the 1960 Presisidential election, so I know that televised debates have been going on between the two contenders for the Presidency in the months leading up to the big election for 64 years to date.

The Presidential debates are for the American people, not for Biden or for Trump. The national electorate deserves an opportunity to watch the two Presidential candidates go head-to-head on :the big issues, like the economy, immigration, foreign policy, etc; and also on why they should be elected US President for the next 4 years.

Biden simply could not debate Trump without dosing up on the same kind of psycho-stimulant drug/s he used at the State of the Union Address. Biden "was just speeding away" during his SOTU speech he displayed "pressure of speech" ( i.e. unusually rapid rate oration) an increased volume of speech as well rising at times to shouting; was constantly moving his arms about - raising them in the air, jabbing fingers to highlight points (excessive movement is often a symptom of psycho-stimulant intoxication.

Compare this to the appearance of the usual Joe Biden: sluggish, speech is slow and interspersed with incomprehensible mumbling (or even extend silences). Sometimes Biden even falls asleep at important international conferences and has to be podded back into the land of the living by his mindersHe Biden walks very slowly and his gait appears to have a fragile, shuffling character. More often than not he will make some kind of embarrassing gaffe due to his faded - out memory. There is also the chance that he will suffer a cognitive derailment and suddenly begin telling some "tall tales" about how he used to drive 18-Wheeler trucks across America ( or how in WW-2 his uncle was in the US military but sadly his plane went down over New Guinea - they never found his uncle's body , Biden said, because it was eaten by cannibals?) SO THE QUESTION IS, HOW CAN BIDEN BIDEN SUDDENLY SNAP OUT OF HIS STANDARD SLOW/ BRAIN-FOGGED/ SLEEPY STATE TO APPEAR "BRIGHT-EYED AND BUSHY TAILED," ENERGISED AND EXTREMELY PASSIONATE AND GUSHING, A STREAM OF UP- TEMPO, SNAPPY/FIESTY RHETORIC (LIKE MUHAMMAD ALI) TO HIS AUDIENCE (WHICH INCLUDES THE MSM, OF COURSE) EVERY TIME HE IS FORCED TO MAKE A BIG SPEECH THAT HE CANNOT DROP OUT OF ??

The answer is his physician, who is an unethical quack, doses him up on Dexedrine or Methedrine, and 20 mins after he swallows the tablets, "SLOW-JOE" become "GO-GO-GO-JOE."

From a medical perspective is is very unwise/unethical to be prescribing hits of prescription "speed" to an 81- year old ( esp one with cardiac issues. From a political perspective, most members of the American electorate are probably not aware of the fact that Biden regularly uses performance-enhancing, amphetamine-type drugs to boost himself before big speeches. This is a very dangerous DECEIT he perpetrates on the public, who think when they watch him deliver, say, the SOTU, "Well Biden looked just fine to me full of passion and zest - I don't know why conservative media like "FOXNEWS" say Joe's got dementia - we need to evoke the 25th Amendment !! I didn't see the slightest sign of him having dementia during the SOTU address when I watched last night. That Sean Hannity's a damn, lying scoundrel !!"

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Strange thing, TA...I have not heard Joe Biden comment on anything that in any way sounds as disjointed, incoherent or rambling as EVERY commentary coming from Trump. And I have hear Joe Biden comment on many things lately.

The election is a binary choice. It is either Joe Biden or Trump...and BY FAR, Joe Biden is the MUCH better choice.

So there is that to consider.
The question is whether there is a perception he is failing and if that perception is growing. If it is growing and isn't reversed Biden will lose what is now a close election. I don't know how the Party is going to be able to deal with this except by having Biden on the campaign trail making the kind of impression he made in The State of the Union...if he can do it.
Of course it is. Trump has been accused of taking drugs for years. He refused every time to release his physicals. Did you wonder why? Biden released all of his. Can you figure out which of them has something to hide? I kid. Of course, you cannot. Many of the rest of us can find the logical path, the one you abandoned about 8 years ago.
Biden's official physician has never released any PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENTS or NEUROLOGICAL ASSESSMENTS they have been performed on Biden. Biden has been placed under some pressure (not nearly enough pressure, IMO) to take the Minnesota Cognitive Acuity Screen (MCAS) for some time.The "MCAS"t is a simple, 30-question test that has proven very reliable for assessing an individual's level of cognitive functioning since the 1970s, and is now a gold standard screen that is used in the process of diagnosing dementia. Trump has taken it tiwce and "aced" it twice (and allowed his physician to release the results). Biden refuses to take the "MCAS," - which is not surprising, since he has pronounced dementia and should have been removed from office via the 25th Amendment early in 2021. Biden's current personal physician, Kevin O'Connor , defended Biden by saying to the press that Biden's physical and mental health was just, "fine and dandy, and couldn't be better for a man his age, etc", and that there was "no need" for Biden to take a "MCAS.' But Kevin O'Connor is a lying, dirty-dog Democrat, and a profoundly unethical MD who does and says what his boss "Blow-Hole" Joe Biden, Obama and the DNC tell him to do and say (no doubt O'Connor is very well paid for his mendacity !!).

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
The only ones really discussing it are fucking juvenile trump supporters. We have never asked or expected anyone to take a fucking drug test before a debate. Trump is asking now because he knows his shitheads like you will say "yeah, drug test". fuck you and your drug test. Trump is only asking now because he knows Biden will make an ass out of him and he is preparing for an excuse assholes like you will swallow whole.

So, why doesn't Biden kill all of the allegations, rumours and "scuttle-butt" do to with him taking performance-enhancing, amphetamine-type psychostimulants - (whenever he HAS to perform at important, high-profile, political events like the SOTU address - just to give one example) by agreeing to pee into a cup at the end of his debate with Trump.

So my question to Biden is, "What's the BIG DEAL about peeing in a plastic cup after the debate? Trumpie's says he'll do it as well, Joe, so it's not like you'd be getting singled out.

Urine tests for drugs are impossible to beat. That is, if Biden has used any prescription stimulant drug before his debate with Trump, collecting a urine sample and then subjecting to sample to a substance (drug) urinalysis WILL detect it. The only worry would be that Democrat agents could insinuate themselves a some point in the urine testing process and manage to falsify the final result.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Biden's official physician has never released any PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENTS or NEUROLOGICAL ASSESSMENTS they have been performed on Biden. Biden has been placed under some pressure (not nearly enough pressure, IMO) to take the Minnesota Cognitive Acuity Screen (MCAS) for some time.The "MCAS"t is a simple, 30-question test that has proven very reliable for assessing an individual's level of cognitive functioning since the 1970s, and is now a gold standard screen that is used in the process of diagnosing dementia. Trump has taken it tiwce and "aced" it twice (and allowed his physician to release the results). Biden refuses to take the "MCAS," - which is not surprising, since he has pronounced dementia and should have been removed from office via the 25th Amendment early in 2021. Biden's current personal physician, Kevin O'Connor , defended Biden by saying to the press that Biden's physical and mental health was just, "fine and dandy, and couldn't be better for a man his age, etc", and that there was "no need" for Biden to take a "MCAS.' But Kevin O'Connor is a lying, dirty-dog Democrat, and a profoundly unethical MD who does and says what his boss "Blow-Hole" Joe Biden, Obama and the DNC tell him to do and say (no doubt O'Connor is very well paid for his mendacity !!).

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Yep a Trumpy reaction. Biden released his physicals because he had nothing to hide. Trump hid his. Now take time and think about it. Which one makes you think he has something bad in his physicals?
You do not ace the mental test. It is designed to be very simple. If you can't handle it, there might be something wrong. Trump's diatribe about taking that shows how bad off he is.
Biden speaks in public regularly and has never gone crazy in a speech like Trump does. Trump has so many WTF moments in his speeches. He embarrasses the audience.
I think a drug test should be administered to both of them before a debate. Trump is using the drug test to stop the debates from happening. He knows if he is forced to act normal without running over time and shouting down his opponent, he will look bad. Being rude , impolite and crude is his norm. If Trump took a dump on the stage you would congratulate him for providing a stool sample. Then why didn't Joe do it and what is he trying to cover up.
So, why doesn't Biden kill all of the allegations, rumours and "scuttle-butt" do to with him taking performance-enhancing, amphetamine-type psychostimulants - (whenever he HAS to perform at important, high-profile, political events like the SOTU address - just to give one example) by agreeing to pee into a cup at the end of his debate with Trump.

So my question to Biden is, "What's the BIG DEAL about peeing in a plastic cup after the debate? Trumpie's says he'll do it as well, Joe, so it's not like you'd be getting singled out.

Urine tests for drugs are impossible to beat. That is, if Biden has used any prescription stimulant drug before his debate with Trump, collecting a urine sample and then subjecting to sample to a substance (drug) urinalysis WILL detect it. The only worry would be that Democrat agents could insinuate themselves a some point in the urine testing process and manage to falsify the final result.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Already claiming the urine tests will be rigged so if Trump fails, there is an excuse?
Does anyone care what Trump "demands"? Sounds like he is looking for an excuse not to debate.

I don't think the 25th amendment uses the term "mentally unfit."
The 25th Amendment DOES use the term "mentally unit."

But, generally speaking, the 25th Amendment is incapable of removing a President who is mentally unfit for office (except in cases like, for exampl, massive stroke, or severe head trauma that leaves a President CONSPICUOUSLY and severely mentally incompetent)

Otherwise, the 25th Amendment is fatally- flawed instrument. Firstly because even if a certain President is suspected of being mentally unfit to discharge the duties and responsibilities of his office, the decision to invoke the 25th, and ultimately decide whether a President must stand down (if he judged to be, say, "mentally unfit" is not made by an authorised panel/s independent, medical experts; rather, the whole process it is placed in the hands politicians, in particular the Vice President, the Heads of Department in the Executive Branch (i.e. the members of Cabinet) and ultimately the members of Congress . The two relevant sections of the 25th Amendment here are Section (3) and Section (4).


Provides that if the President on his own sends a "written declaration" to the Senate and the House that " he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office," the Vice President remains the "acting President" until the President sends notice to the Senate and the House that he can once again assume his role as President.

Even if we both assume there is a substantive medical issue with Biden (on a personal note I am, absolutely certain that he has all the classic cognitive symptoms of advanced Vascular Dementia; I also believe that Biden has, in fact, he has been made aware of this through discrete, medical advice>. In any case, do you think Biden has the slightest intention of voluntarily ceding control to a nit-wit - and a very unpopular nit-wit at that - KAMALA HARRIS. I DON'T THINK SO FLASH. WHAT ABOUT YOU ?


Section (4) is the provision of the 25th Amendment that applies to a President who is suffering from a mental disability, BUT WHO IS UNWILLING OR UNABLE TO GIVE UP CONTROL OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Section (4) provides that when the "Vice President and a majority of either the Principal Officers of the Executive Departments or other such body as Congress may by law provide'" they may send written notice to the Senate and the House that the President is "unable" to do his job, and the Vice President becomes acting President.

The President can reclaim the duties of his office if he sends written notice that he is capable of being President unless the the group that removed him disagrees within 4 days. If this conflict arises, CONGRESS MUST ASSEMBLE WITHIN 48 HOURS AND HAS 21 DAYS TO DECIDE WHO IS RIGHT. IT TAKES A TWO THIRDS VOTE OF BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS TO OVERRIDE THE PRESIDENT'S ASSERTION THAT HE CAN RESUME HIS OFFICE.

In Frebruary of this year Donald Trump and a number of other prominent Republican politicians called from the 25 Amendment (Section 4) to be invoked in respect of Biden's being mentally unfit to discharge his duties as President. But surely they knew that this was a futile gesture. I mean it is, of course, EXCEEDINGLY UNLIKELY for multitudinous, political reasons that Kamala Harris and a majority of Biden's Cabinet would send Congress that notification. Don't you agree, FLASH.





Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!