Trump was unable to understand national security threats

Memory lane

Months into his presidency, Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian officials in an Oval Office meeting, forcing the CIA to extract a key Moscow source developed over years.

One of the officials said the intelligence discussed by Trump in his meeting with Lavrov was classified “Top Secret” and held in a secure “compartment” to which only a handful of intelligence officials have access.

After Trump’s disclosure of the information, which one of the officials described as spontaneous, officials immediately called the CIA and the National Security Agency, both of which have agreements with a number of allied intelligence services around the world, and informed them what had happened.

One official, who requested anonymity to discuss dealing with the president, said last month: “He has no filter; it’s in one ear and out the mouth.”

I wonder what he got in return
As you consider the expert opinion take a look around...the experts drove us here.

Why are you still listening to them, letting them intimidate you?

Dont be Dumb.

Yes the Republican Party has been cheating in elections for decades so they can steal the rights of the people including voting

Now we will stop them from ever doing it again
He did no such thing. China has never been a mystery. It is sad that our manufacturers created them by moving all the manufacturing to China.
If we had a war with them, we would have to buy our weapons from them. Being capitalists, they would sell them to us. China has a fraction of our wealth and a much smaller army.

They do have a huge population

But they won’t make a good loyal army

Like Russia found out

Slaves don’t make loyal fighters willing to die for you
Bolton has long been a dangerous loose cannon in Dirty City. I can remember reading some of his tard stuff all the way back to the late 80's where he advocated starting wars for various reasons. Trump is hardly the first, or last, person that had Bolton around. At least so far, nobody's taken Bolton's warmongering advice seriously.

Yes he’s a typical Republican

And now even he hates trump
Bolton has long been a dangerous loose cannon in Dirty City. I can remember reading some of his tard stuff all the way back to the late 80's where he advocated starting wars for various reasons. Trump is hardly the first, or last, person that had Bolton around. At least so far, nobody's taken Bolton's warmongering advice seriously.

Bush appointed Bolton the ambassador to the UN and trump appointed him the NSA. To say "no one takes Bolton seriously" is refuted by evidence. Let me rephrase for you - "no one with a brain, meaning no Democrat takes Bolton seriously". Republicans love crazy warmongers like Bolton and Flynn.
TA, on his worst day in office, Joe Biden has been a MUCH, MUCH more competent president than Trump was on his best day in office. Joe Biden is FAR from the most incompetent president we've ever had...and honestly, that title will probably remain Trump's from now until the end of our Republic.

I think you accidentally wrote incompetent
No argument, the withdrawal was a disaster, but any exit was sabotaged by Trump’s private deal with the Taliban, why would anyone in the Afghan forces or Gov’t aid the withdraw when Trump cut them out of his secret negotiations with the Taliban

Trump removed nearly all manpower

He forced Bidens hand

He left him a shit show on purpose

Trump should be dead for that evil

He got many humans killed by doing it

Including Americans

It was complete evil
As I watch China prepare to invade Taiwan, which would be a serious national security threat as they are a trusted supplier of some parts of our tech we can get no other place at this time, I wonder which of these two men (Trump or Biden) was worse on foreign policy...

I watched Trump get some folks to sign peace with Israel, Biden, not so much. Instead he's let Russia and Iran take over influence in large portions of the Middle East. Iran is ready to create its first nuclear weapon (12 days away from fissile material in the last report, they can pretty much do it when they want if they haven't already, link below)... and Biden appears to be ready to let it happen. The Afghanistan withdrawal was a disaster where Biden promised things that literally went the opposite almost immediately, he presented us with a false dichotomy, either we follow his "plan" and withdraw haphazardly in a desperate retreat that leaves our resources, citizens, and allies behind or we "stay indefinitely", there were options that did not involve a hasty inept withdrawal with people desperately trying to physically hold onto the plane falling to their death...

Now, we can talk about his (Trump's) "praise" of N. Korea's leader, say what you want, during Trump's years in office there were no "tests" of missiles that flew over Japan, and no matter how many times they desperately want to try to get you to believe there was, there were no spy balloons flying over the continental US only to be shot down once their flight over US territory was completed.

Russia was not invading Ukraine and there was no pipeline being built to Europe from Russia, that was a Biden choice that allowed it (and later apparently bombed it). (links about Biden allowing the pipeline below, and how US "took it out" also below).

Even his (Brandon's) domestic policy makes us less safe. His war on domestic oil has made us less safe as we once again rely on outside nations for our supply of oil, raising the price (the price of gas is inflationary, it is not counted in inflation because of this) of gasoline and oil products making even our dollar less secure with inflation above the targeted 2% since Biden (Brandon) took office, and because of the higher costs even such a simple thing as food security has become more difficult, especially for poorer Americans.

While I would prefer not to have this be our only choice, and believe that it is a false dichotomy: When it comes down to it. Between the last two Presidents, I prefer the stumbling child king Trump to the Demented Basement dweller who cannot seem to get even one thing right and has only made the world more dangerous for those of us in the US.

Promised link about Iran and fissile materials:

Link about the pipeline as promised:
And another one noting how the US took out the same pipeline:
I think you accidentally wrote incompetent

Nope. TA claims Joe Biden is the most incompetent president ever. I am saying he is far from incompetent...and he is "far from incompetent."

He is very competent...which is about as far as you can get from incompetent.

Trump owns the title of most incompetent.
Trump promised to get us out of Afghanistan. He didn't, but Joe Biden actually did. Joe Biden is the clear winner on that issue.

I guess Trump was waiting for Mexico's check to clear for the beautiful wall he built across the entire southern border.

Trump started a withdrawal. Biden turned it into another Vietnam-style debacle. Biden fucked it all up, like he does everything.
Nope. TA claims Joe Biden is the most incompetent president ever. I am saying he is far from incompetent...and he is "far from incompetent."

He is very competent...which is about as far as you can get from incompetent.

Trump owns the title of most incompetent.

What's Biden competent at? Energy policy having doubled the cost and made use dependent on foreign oil again? How about inflation? Foreign policy? Immigration? Cost of living? Defense?
Reacting to a report that Donald Trump was sharing highly sensitive government documents with visitors at his Bedminster resort, a former national security adviser to ex-vice president Mike Pence said she was very concerned but not overly surprised.

Olivia Troye pointed out that in her dealings with the former president who is now facing possible Espionage Act charges, he was very cavalier with sensitive information.

"I think Trump is seriously a very unstable and unfit leader," she said. "He was very trivial when it came to matters of national security, and he did not have the grasp to understand the gravity of certain situations; the strategic understanding of what it meant internationally and regionally when some of these decisions were being discussed, and potentially being made.

"I'll say this, my own direct boss, Pence's national security advisor, General [Keith] Kellogg, played a significant role at times when talking Trump out of things when it comes to Iran," she added. "So when this reporting surfaced, I just said to myself, you know, colleagues of mine and I have been talking to each other about this when this classified doc situation surfaced. We said, 'What do you think it is?' And this was actually one of our bets, was it was related to possibly Iran because of his fixation with this whole scenario.

No one has ever questioned Bidens grasp of national security threats with his long history of government service. You just continue to make up mindless shit.

Biden himself is a national security threat. He has already committed several acts of treason.
Oh...and what about those secret documents that Biden had in his home when he was NEVER authorized to even read them?
Biden himself is a national security threat. He has already committed several acts of treason.
Oh...and what about those secret documents that Biden had in his home when he was NEVER authorized to even read them?

Please tell us why Biden is a national security threat? I love to read all of your fiction, handjob.