Trumpkin III

The reason so many Reds are running is because they figure Trump will not be able to. They have to defeat each other. They are a band of idiots. But even they can see Trump is in serious judicial straights.
The corrupt machinations of the Biden administration, and the rest of the alphabet agencies, in their disgusting and blatant displays of leniency against fellow democrats and biden associates/family members has soured the majority of indpendents against democrats in general. If DeSantis doesn't fuck it up, you'll get him in the white house in 2024 and we can all continue the merry go round of finger pointing, accusations, and other ridiculous witch hunts against political entities around the country.

welcome back to the dark ages again, partisan fuckers

In my opinion, Biden, is now so clearly deranged that the Democrats will have no option but to ditch him relatively soon.

Biden is now saying stuff on camera like "God Save the Queen" and demonstrating other weird behaviours that simply can't be covered up by his handlers. He is now "beyond the pale" - "off somewhere with the pink-pussied Pixies."

The Democrats have no option now but to get rid of Biden as soon as they can. In terms of what the public is prepared to tolerate in terms of frank, mental deterioration in their President, Biden has now crossed the Rubicon into "La-La Land", and everyone is painfully aware of the fact. It cannot be allowed to continue any longer - and that's the end of that.

The radical progressive" wing of the Democrat Party still appears to be calling the shots.

Given this my prediction is that Biden will stood down in the not to distant future and Gavin Newsome will be installed to take on Trump in the 2024 Presidential election.

This, of course would be pure foolishness on the part of the Democrats, but the ruling progressive faction ( of American Marxists, Woke morons, etc) are INDEED that stupid{/B].

I think that in a head-to -head showdown , Trump would turn Gavin Newsome - (a progressive Democrat who has turned his own state of California into a Third-World shit-hole) - into mince - meat.

What do you think ?

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund LivesMatter !!

They are on a rampage today 6/23/23
Biden is no longer CAPABLE of campaigning. He is no longer able to speak live to the public coherently, even with the assistance of teleprompters and written notes, etc. That is the problem for the Democrats. Nor can Biden simply hide in the basement this time around using the excuse of COVID. The people will expect to see him on the stump- but Biden simply cannot do that any long.

As for a (putative) series of election debates with Trump, it would be like watching a lion swallow a mouse. The Dems simply could not put Biden in a situation like that.

I think that the Democrats would be far wiser to put their support behind someone like RFK Jr or maybe, Manchion, (individuals who are at least, SANE) than allow the progressives to run a dickhead like Gavin Newsome who has destroyed his own state of California in a spectacular manner.

I am a big Trump fan; I think he is the ONLY man who can pull America out of the tail-spin it is now in. I'd love to see Newsome run against Trump. Trump would destroy him - totally eat him for breakfast; and America would then have a chance to get its act together again after the phenomenal damage the Biden Junta has inflicted on the US.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
QUOTE=Tinkerpeach;5708616]It won't get to a jury.

There is no standing to sue.[/QUOTE]
