Trumppers at the Capitol trying to overthrow our government.

Who's sock do you think he is?

You are just as bad as dukkha because you come on JPP and spread lies under one ID, then come back and spread different lies under another.

You think that this ID, that you've barely used, provides you with plausible deniability. But it doesn't.

What happened in October, when you "rejoined" was that you knew Trump was going to lose, so you wanted to protect yourself from the humiliation you would go through when he eventually did...after carrying his baggage this whole time.

I don't believe a fucking thing you say. I think you are on JPP purely to get attention and accommodation. I don't find you sincere about anything. I think you're just a big, fat phony.
You are just as bad as dukkha because you come on JPP and spread lies under one ID, then come back and spread different lies under another.

You think that this ID, that you've barely used, provides you with plausible deniability. But it doesn't.

What happened in October, when you "rejoined" was that you knew Trump was going to lose, so you wanted to protect yourself from the humiliation you would go through when he eventually did...after carrying his baggage this whole time.

I don't believe a fucking thing you say. I think you are on JPP purely to get attention and accommodation. I don't find you sincere about anything. I think you're just a big, fat phony.

tell you what, I'll bet you 10 grand I have no sock account, or any amount you are comfortable with. we can put the money in escrow with an agreed upon attorney and we can present our cases.


look I prefer to discuss topics logically with some snark and banter. thats who I am. some of you fuckers cant handle this reality and you act out. there is a pendulum with a wild west forum

Personally I think this forum should ban all socks as it seems to have people paranoid.
She was committing treason. You all thought BLM people should be executed, so sit the fuck down.

I marched with BLM, not the commie group but others who thing polce need reform black white, whatever. I'd post pics but this new world order has online people getting very nasty with peoples personal lives.

I am huge on police reform and think most cops should be disarmed.

I also think it should be a felony to shoot as an officer any unarmed person.

She was not committing treason, she was petitioning the government for redress as constitutionally allowed. she was misguided as she needed to petition the state. but she was not committing treason.

John kerry, for example committed treason, I bet you voted for him though.
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Now she was climbing? the last I heard was she was backing up as per the police orders and was the last to do so, so they shot her. that's wrong. period.

she was shot in the chest, would be hard to do if she was actively climbing throught. it would have been more towards head and neck area.

It's not political its comparing two like events.

She was shot in the neck, not the chest. It's on video.
She was shot in the neck, not the chest. It's on video.

Agreed. The nut jobs are all over the place with this. I'm happy to see the Republicans are running from the violence and calling for peace. Not the faux peace Trump asked for (now deleted on his Twitter and Facebook accounts as lying bullshit).

Despite all the crap I give the Millennials, I truly believe they are living the hard times and tragedies to become the Greatest Generation of the 21st. It's been a long 20 years and we still have 80 to go. :)
I do Dutch. Simply saying I am as not as confident as I once was.

My confidence has grown over the past 30 years. Seeing the Cold War end was a good step. The world is changing and the US needs to adapt or die. I have great confidence we will adapt.
shot in chest.

but lets pretend you are right. is that justification in your book?

Let's pretend you didn't read everything in your link, specifically this: "The Washington Examiner shared a graphic video of the chaotic scene inside the Capitol and reported that the woman was shot in the neck."

Now look at the video in this link that has the words "Here's additional angles of the shooting" above it. You will see a full-body view of her lying wounded and clutching her throat, and there is no wound on her torso.
Dutch is alright Bull&Terrier. He was in the service.

I call bullshit, and if he did server he avoided all combat assignments over his tenure.

the guy from the day I logged in a month ago has harrassed me, caused problems for my family, and has been a unrepentant scumbag towards me.

I really doubt he actually serverd, he claims to be a pilot but has clear impulse control issues and has no problem attacking a posters personal life and creating strife for a fellow veterans personal life.

I am a combat veteran and I have never been treated so near criminally disgustungly by anyone online so quickly.

The guy posts his gay porn collection at me, trolls my previous forum asking about me, lies about me and who I am, and has reached out to people who have openly doxxed me and harrased my wife and kids in order to attack me.

He has no military bearing and I highly doubt his story that he served or is serving, pm me if you want the proof.

note he's never posted his rank, where he served, or any operations he's been involved in.

he's a stolen valor most likely dishonorably discharged human trash bag.
Let's pretend you didn't read everything in your link, specifically this: "The Washington Examiner shared a graphic video of the chaotic scene inside the Capitol and reported that the woman was shot in the neck."

Now look at the video in this link that has the words "Here's additional angles of the shooting" above it. You will see a full-body view of her lying wounded and clutching her throat, and there is no wound on her torso.

reported, then confirmed in the chest. so tell me why it matters?
I call bullshit, and if he did server he avoided all combat assignments over his tenure.

the guy from the day I logged in a month ago has harrassed me, caused problems for my family, and has been a unrepentant scumbag towards me.

I really doubt he actually serverd, he claims to be a pilot but has clear impulse control issues and has no problem attacking a posters personal life and creating strife for a fellow veterans personal life.

I am a combat veteran and I have never been treated so near criminally disgustungly by anyone online so quickly.

The guy posts his gay porn collection at me, trolls my previous forum asking about me, lies about me and who I am, and has reached out to people who have openly doxxed me and harrased my wife and kids in order to attack me.

He has no military bearing and I highly doubt his story that he served or is serving, pm me if you want the proof.

I am unsure of his combat status. No doubt about yours though. What caused the strife between you two? I know for a fact (as well as you) when two strong minds get a quick dislike for each other it tends to go places it should not. Was it all politics and
not service related?
I am unsure of his combat status. No doubt about yours though. What caused the strife between you two? I know for a fact (as well as you) when two strong minds get a quick dislike for each other it tends to go places it should not. Was it all politics and
not service related?

I don't know actually, I showed up, he accused me of being a sock or banned from another forum then went south from there, he deep dove into my username found I was banned from ph, when I explained they doxxed me and I was banned for raising hell used that info to attack me. he's been doubling down since. I even pm'd him asking him to leave the doxxing former forum drama out, he told me in other words to go fuck myself, then later when I suggested a truce got the same response.

I can tell, immediately you are a military man. I just want this garbage can to leave me alone, I don't care how much "animosity" I may have for someone, if I knew his wife and kids were being harrassed by people, the last thing I would do would be to reach out to those people.

he now posts gay porn at me and attacks me left and right.

Im a big boy, I like banter and insults when they are funny and well thought out. I dont care if you call me an asshole, etc, but if you start jeopoardizing my family as he is doing, thats another level.

This does not sound like the behavior of a carreer military pilot, does it to you?