Trumppers at the Capitol trying to overthrow our government.

No, how does that change my statement?

I think a small percent of them really believe it, most know better.
Many pretend to believe it because there ego requires it.
A small percent are simply intelligent.
What I would do is also not what I believe I will ever see others do.

I was just wondering if you now thought that folks really believe that there were election irregularities. Now do you also believe that we should listen to all those folks that peacefully protested and think we should do something so that folks can believe in our elections again or should their voice be silenced because you disagreed and some few "really believed" and acted out?
I was just wondering if you now thought that folks really believe that there were election irregularities. Now do you also believe that we should listen to all those folks that peacefully protested and think we should do something so that folks can believe in our elections again or should their voice be silenced because you disagreed and some few "really believed" and acted out?

I think those idiots believe the shit Trump has been feeding them for the past year. They lapped it all up and now they will be paying the price for it.

The hundreds that trespassed, attacked 56 officers, destroyed government property and invaded the Capitol will be charged with those crimes and the deaths that resulted from their criminal actions.

Several of those fucking morons will still be in prison long after Trump is dead and buried.
I was just wondering if you now thought that folks really believe that there were election irregularities. Now do you also believe that we should listen to all those folks that peacefully protested and think we should do something so that folks can believe in our elections again or should their voice be silenced because you disagreed and some few "really believed" and acted out?

I believe there are irregularities, as always, they clearly do not add up to enough to change the outcome of this election. I do not think any intelligent person who has looked into it truly believes the election outcome was changed by any irregularities. I do not believe fucking with the peaceful transition of power to a person who actually won, despite the irregularities is the way to get such an effort started.

I have supported the idea of doing something to shore up our election process for a long time. Its funny that now some Republicans agree with me and are finally making an issue about it.

The Peaceful protestors should be listened to and considered. I find their outrage disingenuous as it is attached to a passion for Trump and being unhappy he lost. (Trump legititmately lost) They did not care about irregularity relating to the election Hillary Clinton lost. There were the same complaints about the 2016 election.

In a way, I respect those who acted out based on a true belief that the election was stolen, they were lied to and were not intelligent enough to see the truth, but if they truly believed it their heart was in the right place.

After the transition I would strongly support a commission to investigate election irregularities from previous elections and to make recommendations for improvement.

All 50 state legislatures certified the electoral count of their state and submitted them to Congress as is the only Constitutional requirement of the States. Voting not to count those votes is simply not a Senators duty. If these people have a problem with the certification their state made, they should protest at their state Capitol.
I believe there are irregularities, as always, they clearly do not add up to enough to change the outcome of this election. I do not think any intelligent person who has looked into it truly believes the election outcome was changed by any irregularities. I do not believe fucking with the peaceful transition of power to a person who actually won, despite the irregularities is the way to get such an effort started.

I have supported the idea of doing something to shore up our election process for a long time. Its funny that now some Republicans agree with me and are finally making an issue about it.

The Peaceful protestors should be listened to and considered. I find their outrage disingenuous as it is attached to a passion for Trump and being unhappy he lost. (Trump legititmately lost) They did not care about irregularity relating to the election Hillary Clinton lost. There were the same complaints about the 2016 election.

In a way, I respect those who acted out based on a true belief that the election was stolen, they were lied to and were not intelligent enough to see the truth, but if they truly believed it their heart was in the right place.

After the transition I would strongly support a commission to investigate election irregularities from previous elections and to make recommendations for improvement.

All 50 state legislatures certified the electoral count of their state and submitted them to Congress as is the only Constitutional requirement of the States. Voting not to count those votes is simply not a Senators duty. If these people have a problem with the certification their state made, they should protest at their state Capitol.

Then we are mostly in agreement.
So? The Democrats have always been idiots. How does that justify shredding the Constitution and shitting on our government?

Do you agree Trump now has American blood on his hands?

That is exactly what the Democrats have been doing and will continue to do so now. Even worse.