Trumppers at the Capitol trying to overthrow our government.

Okay Rev._HellH0und AKA Reverend HellH0und.

lol, maybe I should start posting your usernames from other forums where you got yourself banned. you are not as anonymous as you think big guy.

you have mental issues and I hope for you and your families sake you seek help before we learn about you on an ID investigation channel show.

you are unstable, and a danger to yourself and others. Godspeed in getting the help you so desperately need. If I prayed, I'd pry for the safety for your family from the monster that lives with them. you.
Sure, it's a bad habit, but I've tried about 20 times to quit.No such luck I always get urges, or get bored or stressed & go right back.
I started when I was 12.

I smoked for 45 years about a pack a day in 2012 I had triple bypass and have not smoked since have not had any desire in the least
Here is what Trump did yesterday:

""When a man unprincipled in private life[,] desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper . . . despotic in his ordinary demeanour — known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty — when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity — to join in the cry of danger to liberty — to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion — to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day — It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may 'ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.'""

(quoted: Alexander Hamilton)
Hello Bull&Terrier,

You are allowed to have your own opinion. I most wholeheartedly disagree.

we sure can. I just find the hysterics over this over the top given there were NONE during the kavanaugh protests. those that broke the law, like in any protest should be held accountable. standing on the steps, however is their first amendment right, and no unarmed person need be shot by police.
You won't of course, you just make snide remarks like you always do and hide under the desk. A woman who served four tours of duty in the Air Force was shot in the chest and died, whilst you were chasing ambulances.

I wish the police officer who shot her had a better alternative, police need better training.

This woman was committing a serious felony, but the police likely had a better choice than killing her.
14 year unarmed USAF service member, shot and killed by capitol police.

Suddenly you all cool with police shooting unarmed people.

No way, the police need better training, this woman should have been apprehended with non-lethal force.
Hello Bull&Terrier,

we sure can. I just find the hysterics over this over the top given there were NONE during the kavanaugh protests. those that broke the law, like in any protest should be held accountable. standing on the steps, however is their first amendment right, and no unarmed person need be shot by police.

I don't know where you are getting these details but I presume everything at this point is unverified. I expect that investigations will reveal more details in time. For this reason, I have abstained in discussing the shooting.
No way, the police need better training, this woman should have been apprehended with non-lethal force.

I appreciate your sanity in these insane times.

I agree 100% and I think this is a missed opportunity for police reform advocates to show this isn't about politics in regards to police reform its about police stop shooting unarmed people.
Hello Bull&Terrier,

I don't know where you are getting these details but I presume everything at this point is unverified. I expect that investigations will reveal more details in time. For this reason, I have abstained in discussing the shooting.

KAvanaugh protestors stormed the capital occupied the rotunda.

She was a 14 year USAF service member, she was unarmed.

These facts are not in question.
KAvanaugh protestors stormed the capital occupied the rotunda.

She was a 14 year USAF service member, she was unarmed.

These facts are not in question.

You should stop making this woman's death political!

Kavanaugh protesters did not destroy anything, and they did not enter illegally, they broke no windows, climbed no balconies, ransacked no offices, did not break into the Senate while it was in session, did not break into the House while it was in session, they did not interrupt a constitutionally required duty of the Congress.
KAvanaugh protestors stormed the capital occupied the rotunda

So? They weren't trying to overthrow the government or a secure election.

She was a 14 year USAF service member, she was unarmed

Oh shit, she was a vet? So where did she serve? When did she see combat? OH SHE NEVER DID? What did she do in the AF? Is this like a SmarterThanYou case where we are going to exaggerate her military service to canonize her...because if it turns out she's just some desk jockey or was never in combat, I'm gonna be super pissed.

These facts are not in question.

She fucked around and found out.
You should stop making this woman's death political!

Kavanaugh protesters did not destroy anything, and they did not enter illegally, they broke no windows, climbed no balconies, ransacked no offices, did not break into the Senate while it was in session, did not break into the House while it was in session, they did not interrupt a constitutionally required duty of the Congress.

I didn't do that at all. I disagree with the protestors think thier protests are misguided, if they want to change what happened this election, aint happening, what they should be doing is petitioning thier state governmnents who violated thier own constitutions and other state issues to change voting laws to better protect the integrity of elections.

They trespassed into the rotunda. nothing you listed deserves lethal force. and I do find it interesting that this is all so offensive to you, but antifa looting and burning minority own businesses is considered Peaceful protesting by some.

right is right, wrong is wrong.
So? They weren't trying to overthrow the government or a secure election.

Oh shit, she was a vet? So where did she serve? When did she see combat? OH SHE NEVER DID? What did she do in the AF? Is this like a SmarterThanYou case where we are going to exaggerate her military service to canonize her...because if it turns out she's just some desk jockey or was never in combat, I'm gonna be super pissed.

She fucked around and found out.

FAFO is such a cheezy antifa slogan.

seems you are suddenly ok with police shooting unarmed people.

how fascist of you.