Trumppers at the Capitol trying to overthrow our government.

you were warned, many sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labors at dismissing and disrespecting an entire group of people because you lost an election 4 years ago.

I'ma sit back and enjoy the show.

hey, why don't you go and restore the government.
Why aren't you in DC? Are ya skeered?
Well, I'm not a Trump supporter, so I'm not fascist at all.

Why are you?

link to her being a national socialist.

If you think all trump supporters are nazis and nazis are to be shot, why are you not out there shooting them yourself? too much a punk ass coward to do the heavy lifting yourself? psychopath.
I didn't do that at all. I disagree with the protestors think thier protests are misguided, if they want to change what happened this election, aint happening, what they should be doing is petitioning thier state governmnents who violated thier own constitutions and other state issues to change voting laws to better protect the integrity of elections.

They trespassed into the rotunda. nothing you listed deserves lethal force. and I do find it interesting that this is all so offensive to you, but antifa looting and burning minority own businesses is considered Peaceful protesting by some.

right is right, wrong is wrong.

You make it political by comparing it to the Kavanaugh protests. Silly comparison, but this woman's death should not be politicized.

This woman was not just trespassing in the rotunda, she was climbing through a broken window in a door that lead directly to where the VP was being protected. I am not saying that should lead to being shot (necessarily) I am saying its vastly different than "trespassing in the rotunda." She was also a part of a group attempting to stop the peaceful transition of power of the United States Presidency. She was actually trying to assist in overthrowing the United States Government, this is different than "trespassing in the rotunda".

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and many others... including myself, called out the violent protests from the summer much more stringent than Trump or you have done regarding this coup attempt.
Hello Bull&Terrier,

I didn't do that at all. I disagree with the protestors think thier protests are misguided, if they want to change what happened this election, aint happening, what they should be doing is petitioning thier state governmnents who violated thier own constitutions and other state issues to change voting laws to better protect the integrity of elections.

They trespassed into the rotunda. nothing you listed deserves lethal force. and I do find it interesting that this is all so offensive to you, but antifa looting and burning minority own businesses is considered Peaceful protesting by some.

right is right, wrong is wrong.

Some states made it easier to vote in a deadly pandemic. There was no evidence of fraud or voting irregularities which would have changed the election as a result of making voting easier.

Voting should be encouraged and made as easy and simple as possible as long as the integrity of the vote is maintained.

Republicans have sought to restrict voting and make it difficult for poor people to vote. The poor districts have fewer voting machines, longer lines. Nobody wants to wait in a COVID line.

Republicans are trying to suppress voting and it's disgraceful.

A democracy depends on voting.
You make it political by comparing it to the Kavanaugh protests. Silly comparison, but this woman's death should not be politicized.

This woman was not just trespassing in the rotunda, she was climbing through a broken window in a door that lead directly to where the VP was being protected. I am not saying that should lead to being shot (necessarily) I am saying its vastly different than "trespassing in the rotunda." She was also a part of a group attempting to stop the peaceful transition of power of the United States Presidency. She was actually trying to assist in overthrowing the United States Government, this is different than "trespassing in the rotunda".

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and many others... including myself, called out the violent protests from the summer much more stringent than Trump or you have done regarding this coup attempt.

Now she was climbing? the last I heard was she was backing up as per the police orders and was the last to do so, so they shot her. that's wrong. period.

she was shot in the chest, would be hard to do if she was actively climbing throught. it would have been more towards head and neck area.

It's not political its comparing two like events.
Republicans should abandon attempts to restrict the vote and instead give people solid moral reasons to vote for Republicans instead of Democrats.

How about embrace widespread voting and give people a reason to vote for you?

Try winning elections by offering a more popular ticket and better policy proposals.

You can't build a better America on negative politics.

All that does is motivate misguided angry people to vote.

Then what?

Well we've had 4 years of asking that.

Now it is time to roll up the shirt sleeves and get back to the difficult task of running the country - made more difficult by being forced to first undo the damage of the last 4 years.
Now she was climbing? the last I heard was she was backing up as per the police orders and was the last to do so, so they shot her. that's wrong. period.

she was shot in the chest, would be hard to do if she was actively climbing throught. it would have been more towards head and neck area.

It's not political its comparing two like events.

I saw the video, she was half way through the window above the cop. She fell back and onto the ground outside the area. The events are not even close to alike.

He was protecting a secure area directly adjacent to where VP Pence was being protected.
I never thought I would see the day.

Yeah, as noted by the "if you really believed that the election regularities existed you'd go to the capital and do something about it" thread. Did you change your mind on that, or do you still think they really don't believe it?
When is the end? You should ask my 1st wife that question. According to her, she always had the final say! Anything I had to say beyond that she said,- "WAS THE BEGINNING OF A NEW ARGUMENT"! LOL!


She sounds lovely. Congratulations on that divorce. :laugh:
Yeah, as noted by the "if you really believed that the election regularities existed you'd go to the capital and do something about it" thread. Did you change your mind on that, or do you still think they really don't believe it?

No, how does that change my statement?

I think a small percent of them really believe it, most know better.
Many pretend to believe it because there ego requires it.
A small percent are simply intelligent.
What I would do is also not what I believe I will ever see others do.