Trumppers at the Capitol trying to overthrow our government.

The guys that broke the windows looked like Antifa. They had the shields, helmets, blackout and demeanor.

This might be a scripted play.

But the rest of the “military coup” described by the media looked like a memorial day parade crowd.

The Hypocracy here is Galactic.

Antifa burn police cars, courthouses, loot business, smash elderly citizens but the media, dems, Biden/ Harris all support the peaceful protests whose mobs just feel voiceless and need to be heard and respected. 1st Amendment even, funny considering what they think of the rest of them and the main articles.
You are officially the stupidest person on this forum.
Ummmm.....sorry, but I have to disagree. There are a lot stupider people on JPP than volsrock so giving him the blue ribbon would be inaccurate.

He's just a wheelchair warrior waving a Confederate flag and complaining about progress. Like Rush Limbaugh, this too shall pass. ;)
Where’s the looting, assaults, Molotov cocktails, burning businesses? Conservatives don’t do such things but, boy, are they evil!

Stick around, it's not dark yet- not curfew time yet!

I suspect there will be a shoot-out and people are going to die tonight!
Wow. Dutch Uncle called it. Total popcorn and TV day.

Been too busy watching it to log on and discuss.

But I see I have missed very little. Most of the 'discussion' has simply been personal hatred directed at the opposing side.

As if that is going to accomplish anything....

I heard that the National Association of Manufacturers has called on Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and toss Trump OUT.

I support that idea.

Enough of this.

Trump is clearly mad and unable to accept facts. Trump is delusional. He has no business in office any more, and our nation is in danger as long as he is.

This from the guy who was born in a state hospital, educated in public schools, couldn't find work so you joined the military where you were provided free education, training, room, board, even fucking clothes. You retire on a taxpayer-provided pension, use the VA and/or Medicare and/or Social Security, and when you finally die, your rotten corpse will get a funeral paid by taxpayers because of your low-resistance military service.

Eat all the dicks, you diaper-to-diaper welfare dependent.
