Trumppers at the Capitol trying to overthrow our government.

True Dat! But, I have faith that the good guys will mop up the streets with these losers rather quickly!

The Good guys always win in the end!

What countries would tolerate unruly mobs?

Do you think Poland would?

Look at ANTIFA owned by Polish police.

No CHAZ/ CHOP no go zones in Poland like Portland?

Is this Guy for real?????

GOP congressman blames 'ANTIFA fascists in backwards MAGA hats' after Trump supporters storm the Capitol

Republican Congressman Mo Brooks of Alabama falsely claimed that supporters of President Donald Trump who stormed the Capitol building on Wednesday were actually left-wing protesters.
didn't do Portland much good standing around DC......

I live near Portland. Literally 2 square blocks had the same protests every night, with minimal damage. And no attempt to overthrow the government.

Keep trafficking in lies. We see how that's going for you:

Hello Geeko Sportivo,

True Dat! But, I have faith that the good guys will mop up the streets with these losers rather quickly!

The Good guys always win in the end!

When is 'the end?'

Seems to me it just goes on and on.

Political power goes back and forth. Movements come and movements die out.

I have a feeling that in a few years very few people will be admitting they ever supported Trump. And the few who never give up will increasingly be thought of as kooks and extremists.

Trump's legacy is being written as we speak.

He will forever be known as the World's Sorest Loser.
Hello Geeko Sportivo,

When is 'the end?'

Seems to me it just goes on and on.

Political power goes back and forth. Movements come and movements die out.

I have a feeling that in a few years very few people will be admitting they ever supported Trump. And the few who never give up will increasingly be thought of as kooks and extremists.

Trump's legacy is being written as we speak.

He will forever be known as the World's Sorest Loser.

No. Trump is a traitor and his supporters are enemies of the US.
Is this Guy for real?????

GOP congressman blames 'ANTIFA fascists in backwards MAGA hats' after Trump supporters storm the Capitol

Republican Congressman Mo Brooks of Alabama falsely claimed that supporters of President Donald Trump who stormed the Capitol building on Wednesday were actually left-wing protesters.

You oafs fight to the advantage of Russia.

Can you believe these are the people who outsmarted your country below?

Da kurva.
