Trumppers at the Capitol trying to overthrow our government.

Your provocation worked. Surprised?
You can't sow "summer of love" violence allowed everywhere else for YOUR pet causes for a year, and then not expect to reap a "winter of discontent."

Didn't "might makes right" and political revenge go out of fashion in the early 70s? Were you still a sweet young thing then or were you already a poor, abused housewife saddled with a kid or two?
Didn't "might makes right" and political revenge go out of fashion in the early 70s? Were you still a sweet young thing then or were you already a poor, abused housewife saddled with a kid or two?

Apparently not with what Democrats did the last four years. And I am certain they will continue.
Didn't "might makes right" and political revenge go out of fashion in the early 70s? Were you still a sweet young thing then or were you already a poor, abused housewife saddled with a kid or two?

This is way worse than the 60s & 70s.

This might be the start if American Maiden.
